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Analysis of Power Loss Reduction as a Function of Capacitor Bank and Compensation Ratio


Title of PaperAnalysis of Power Loss Reduction as a Function of Capacitor Bank and Compensation Ratio

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET-23)

Author NameAbhinav Bindal, Savankumar Barad, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal

Year , VenueSeptember 2023 , Trivandrum

Indexed INOthers

Modeling of Lane Detection for Autonomous Cars


Title of PaperModeling of Lane Detection for Autonomous Cars

Proceeding NameEighth International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations ICERI – 2023


Author NamePramod Nair, Akhilesh Nimje

OrganizationTerna Engg College, Mumbai

Year , VenueSeptember 2023 , Terna Engg College, Mumbai

Page Number82

Indexed INOthers


Humans make numerous decisions every day based on the information received from the environment, with visual perception playing a major role in driving. Self-driving cars are autonomous vehicles that recognize the surroundings and make quick decisions in response. With the increasing number of road accidents, it is crucial to prioritize road safety. A detailed study of traffic safety found that human error is the sole cause of 57% of accidents and a contributing factor in over 90% of them. In contrast, only 2.4% of crashes were due to mechanical issues and 4.7% were due to environmental factors alone. Autonomous cars help to reduce human errors and driver fatigue. This paper summarizes how computer vision is used in autonomous cars, including the use of deep learning algorithms with LiDAR sensors. However, these sensors can be expensive. The report focuses on using more cost-effective computer vision algorithms, such as color space transformation, canny edge detection, and lough line transformation, to detect lane lines and steer the car within them. These algorithms require less hardware and can be used with cost-effective boards like Raspberry Pi and Nvidia Jetson Nano. The report also discusses the reconstruction of a remotecontrolled car to better understand autonomous cars.

Design & Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Optimum Over-Current Relay Coordination using Voltage Component of Fault Current Limiters


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration

Title of PaperDesign & Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Optimum Over-Current Relay Coordination using Voltage Component of Fault Current Limiters


Volume Number10(102)

Page Number624-640

Published YearMay 2023

Indexed INScopus

Power Flow Control and Power Oscillation Damping in Two Machine System using Static Synchronous Series Compensator During Faults


Journal NameEnergy Harvesting and System

Title of PaperPower Flow Control and Power Oscillation Damping in Two Machine System using Static Synchronous Series Compensator During Faults

PublisherDe Gruyter

Volume Number10 (2)

Page Number291-300

Published YearApril 2023

Indexed INScopus


With the rapidly growing population, energy demand is increasing. The power supply to consumers must be free from distortions. By injecting voltage in quadrature with line current and varying the magnitude, the SSSC offers series compensation to the line. The injected voltage, which offers the effect of inserting an inductive or else capacitive reactance in series with the transmission line, is in quadrature with the line current. Using MATLAB/Simulink software, a phasor model of a 2-machine device with SSSC integration and POD as a subsidiary controller is simulated in this paper to evaluate efficient power flow regulation. The simulation has been used to study the time domain behavior of SSSC under normal and faulty conditions. The SSSC is implemented for correcting the voltage and analyzing power responses during a low voltage fault in the power system, whereas in normal conditions, the power system’s voltage stability for maintaining steady acceptable voltages at every bus is analyzed. It has been revealed that POD controller assists SSSC by supplying the reference voltage signal to damp out the low frequency power oscillations. The objective of this study is to reduce the crest outreach and clearing time during the fault thus improving the transient stability.

Contingency Analysis using Static Security Performance Indices in Future Grids


Title of PaperContingency Analysis using Static Security Performance Indices in Future Grids

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering And Technology for Sustainable Development

Author NameAkhilesh A Nimje, Ravindu Patel

OrganizationGovernment Engineering College, Karad

Year , VenueMay 2022 , Government Engineering College, Karad

Page Number1-6

Indexed INOthers

Contingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security


Title of PaperContingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security

Proceeding NameFirst International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power and Green Energy (STPGE-22), Springer


Author NameRavindu Patel, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal, Sarika Kanojia


Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , KIIT UNIVERSITY, BHUBANESWAR

Indexed INScopus

Particle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System


Title of PaperParticle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System

Proceeding Name2022 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2022)

Author NameSarika Kanojia, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje

Published YearJanuary 2022

Indexed INScopus

Deployment of Wind Turbine in Between Cement Silos for Small Power Generation


Journal NameJournal of Control and Decision

Title of PaperDeployment of Wind Turbine in Between Cement Silos for Small Power Generation


Published YearSeptember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2330-7706

Indexed INScopus


This study provides an overview of Building-Integrated Wind Turbines, focusing on cement silos as wind concentrators, along with determining the amount of power that could be connected without regard to wind direction. The motivation of this research is the intermittency issue of wind stream in an open environment and non-exploration of wind turbines between cement silos. Building-Augmented Wind Turbines provide 717 W of aerodynamic power at 16 m/s, whereas Standalone Wind Turbines produce 562 W. This is due to the wind speed acceleration between buildings, which causes a concentration effect. Meanwhile, using the simulation software ANSYS, the turbine geometry is developed utilising a Computational Fluid Dynamics evaluation.

Role of Interline Power Flow Controller to Facilitate Power Exchange Among Multiple Transmission Lines


Title of PaperRole of Interline Power Flow Controller to Facilitate Power Exchange Among Multiple Transmission Lines

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Modern Approaches in Engineering, Science and Management

Author NameDipesh Gangoda, Akhilesh Nimje, Swapnil Jani

Published YearApril 2021

Indexed INOthers

Effect of Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient in Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve Economic Load Dispatch Problem


Title of PaperEffect of Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient in Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve Economic Load Dispatch Problem

Proceeding NameVirtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization Theory and Applications

Author NameAditya Tiwari, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje

Published YearMarch 2021

Solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique


Title of PaperSolving Economic Load Dispatch Problem using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Analytical and Interdisciplinary Research

Author NameAditya Tiwari, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje

Published YearFebruary 2021

Indexed INOthers

Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relay with Implementation of Soft Computing Technique


Title of PaperCoordination of Directional Overcurrent Relay with Implementation of Soft Computing Technique

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Analytical and Interdisciplinary Research (ICAIR-2021)

Author NameVarshika Jain, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal

Published YearFebruary 2021

Indexed INOthers

Analyzing the Effect of Circuit Parasitic on the Performance of DC DC Buck Converter using Circuit Averaging Technique

Book Chapter



Author NameAnnima Gupta, Akhilesh Panwar, Akhilesh Nimje

Page Number207-215

Chapter TitleAnalyzing the Effect of Circuit Parasitic on the Performance of DC DC Buck Converter using Circuit Averaging Technique

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No9780367337377

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of Small Wind Turbine for Power Generation through High Velocity Exhaust Air



Title of PaperDesign and Development of Small Wind Turbine for Power Generation through High Velocity Exhaust Air


Volume Number145

Page Number1487-1493

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0960-1481

Indexed INScopus

Capacity Estimation of Electric Vehicle Aggregator for Ancillary Services to the Grid

Book Chapter

Book NameEnergy Conservation for IOT Devices

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameAkhilesh Nimje, Akhilesh Panwar, Annima Gupta, Sudeep Tanwar

Page Number235-257

Chapter TitleCapacity Estimation of Electric Vehicle Aggregator for Ancillary Services to the Grid

Published YearMay 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-13-7399-2

Indexed INScopus


Electric vehicle is regarded as the backbone of future transport system. The key inputs to electric vehicle technology are climate change, emission-free zones, growing mobility, higher efficiency, rising prices of fossil fuels, etc. The batteries of plug-in electric vehicles may be treated as an energy source capable of drawing excess energy and delivering the same to fulfill the load demand. Ancillary service in the form of frequency regulation is an important aspect of grid and is continuously exercised in order to maintain balance between generation and the load demand. The power from conventional and renewable sources determine the generation capacity. The gap between generation and load demand can be fulfilled using batteries of electric vehicles parked with the aggregator. The chapter describes the capacity estimation by the aggregator and energy management strategies well in advance for bidding price and the commercial value of electric vehicle for executing bidirectional power transfer between vehicle and the grid. The various approaches of capacity estimation by the aggregator listed in this chapter contribute to the grid in the process of frequency regulation, thus relieving the conventional generation thereby increasing their useable life.

Analysis of Multiple Combinations of Series–Parallel Connections of Super Capacitors for Maximum Energy Transfer to Load in Minimum Time

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NamePankaj Sawarkar, Akhilesh Nimje, Praful Kumbhare

Page Number21-34

Chapter TitleAnalysis of Multiple Combinations of Series–Parallel Connections of Super Capacitors for Maximum Energy Transfer to Load in Minimum Time

Published YearMay 2018

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-10-8533-8

Indexed INScopus


High farad values of ultra capacitors (UCs) are associated with very large current during charging. This paper proposes numerous switching configurations within ultra capacitor units supplying energy to load in efficient way. This reconfiguration dealt with series–parallel connections with reference of load voltage maximum and minimum limit. By using proper switching, 99% of stored energy can be delivered to load in minimum time. In normal case, only 73% stored energy could be utilized by load. Proposed scheme shows that operation will become faster, i.e., 57.67–75.68%.

Application of Distributed Static Series Compensator for Improvement of Power System Stability

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NamePraful Kumbhare, Akhilesh Nimje, Pankaj Sawarkar

Page Number27-34

Chapter TitleApplication of Distributed Static Series Compensator for Improvement of Power System Stability

Published YearDecember 2017

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-10-7656-5

Indexed INScopus


This paper is based on the basic performance analysis of Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) required for the improvement of power system stability. The DSSC has small size and weight with cylindrical structure that is put on the line conductor without grounding. It has the capability of changing the impedance and altering the power flow through the lines. The fundamental behavior of DSSC and Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is similar. However, a DSSC costs less and higher reliability. In this paper, single machine infinite bus system (SMIB) has been simulated in PSCAD for various operating conditions of power system such as steady state and during fault conditions.

Voltage Stability Analysis for Planning and Operation of Power System

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameAkhilesh Nimje, Pankaj Sawarkar, Praful KUmbhare

Page Number17-25

Chapter TitleVoltage Stability Analysis for Planning and Operation of Power System

Published YearDecember 2017

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-10-7656-5

Indexed INScopus


Voltage control is an important phenomenon in the ever-escalating power system. It is presumed that the voltages at various buses are within their tolerable limits. The elements of transmission line absorb the reactive power. The loads are mostly inductive which influence the voltage profile at buses. The paper examines the voltage profile at various loading conditions and suggests the ways to improve it. The paper studies the requirement of reactive power in a power system.

Installation and Commissioning of a 100 kW Rooftop Solar Power Plant in Educational Institute


Journal NameIndian Journal of Science and Technology

Title of PaperInstallation and Commissioning of a 100 kW Rooftop Solar Power Plant in Educational Institute

PublisherIndian Journal of Science and Technology

Volume NumberVolume 10, Issue 27

Page Number1-5

Published YearJuly 2017

ISSN/ISBN No09745645, 09746846



The grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic system is gaining momentum. The feasibility study of its installation, testing, commissioning and grid connectivity issues is a must. The analysis of economic benefits in comparison with electricity charges as per utility and the payback period is prime requirement. The objective is to integrate solar power with grid and share a greater portion of sola

A Novel Method of AC Power Generation from Solar Cells: Prototype Design


Journal NameInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Title of PaperA Novel Method of AC Power Generation from Solar Cells: Prototype Design

PublisherInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Volume NumberVolume 7, Issue 6

Page Number240-244

Published YearJune 2017

ISSN/ISBN No2250–2459

Indexed INUGC List


Fossil fuels have been the source of energy for a long time as it serves major energy demand. Electrical energy is used by residential consumers, industries and other sectors because of its reliability. The electrical energy extracted from fossil fuels has deleterious effect on environment. Moreover the fossil fuels are on the verge of extinction and hence there is a need to explore alternate ener

Electrical Circuit Analysis and Synthesis


PublisherNew Age International Private Limited

Published YearMay 2017

ISSN/ISBN No978-93-86418-08-1

Indexed INOthers


The book Electrical Circuit Analysis and Synthesis presents a reasonably complete treatment of all kinds of circuits and networks including its analysis and synthesis as per engineering curricula in various universities and technical institutions. The course assumes basic knowledge of Mathematics and Physics. The salient features of this book are multiple choice objective questions, review questions, objective and summary of each chapter solved and unsolved numerical examples supplemented by MATLAB programs and appendices to enhance the utility of this book. It has illustrative figures and examples that have been included from various universities and competitive examinations such as IAS, IES, GATE, AMIE etc. All these features contribute towards making this book an ideal text for undergraduate students of electrical and electronics engineering group.

Pedal Powered Generator for Remote Villages


Journal NameInternational Journal of Control Theory and Applications

Title of PaperPedal Powered Generator for Remote Villages

PublisherInternational Science Press

Volume Number9(18)

Page Number9019-9025

Published YearSeptember 2016

ISSN/ISBN No09745572

Indexed INScopus


Access to power has been a major concern in the remote areas even after few decades of independence. It needsattention of researchers to find an economically viable alternative for harnessing energy with the help of availableresources to improve the quality of life in such remote areas. This paper proposes a pedal powered generator withenergy storage that can be utilized to light a bulb and a smal

A Proposal for Rural Electrification through Captive Power Generation in Remote Areas where Transmission of Power Proves Uneconomical


Title of PaperA Proposal for Rural Electrification through Captive Power Generation in Remote Areas where Transmission of Power Proves Uneconomical

Proceeding NameProceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Up-gradation in Engineering, Science & Technology

Author NameAkhilesh Nimje, Pankaj Sawarkar

OrganizationBapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra

Page Number1-6

Indexed INOthers

Stabilization and Control of Electromagnetic Suspension System using Full State Feedback


Title of PaperStabilization and Control of Electromagnetic Suspension System using Full State Feedback

Proceeding NameProceedings of 9th INDIACOM – 2015

Publisher2nd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development

Author NameAkhilesh A. Nimje

OrganizationBharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, INDIA

Year , VenueMarch 2015 , Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, INDIA

Indexed INOthers

A Study of Critical Comparative Analysis of Ancient Indian Education and Present Education System


Title of PaperA Study of Critical Comparative Analysis of Ancient Indian Education and Present Education System

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Management (ICRTESM-15)

PublisherInternational Journal of Advance Research In Science And Engineering

Author NameKalyani Tripathy Dubey,

OrganizationJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Year , VenueMarch 2015 , Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2319-8354

Indexed INOthers

Energy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor


Title of PaperEnergy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor

Proceeding NameProceedings of 9th INDIACOM – 2015

Author NameAkhilesh Nimje, Chinmoy Panigrahi, D. P. Kothari

OrganizationBharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, INDIA

Year , VenueMarch 2015 , Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, INDIA

Page Number1-6

Indexed INOthers

Pico Hydro Plant for Small Scale Power generation in Remote Villages


Journal NameIOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food technology

Title of PaperPico Hydro Plant for Small Scale Power generation in Remote Villages


Volume Number9(1)

Page Number59-67

Published YearJanuary 2015

Indexed INOthers

Energy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor


Journal NameInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Title of PaperEnergy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor

Volume Number4(12)

Page Number461-467

Published YearDecember 2014

ISSN/ISBN No2250 – 2459

Indexed INOthers

Wireless Power Transmission using Satellite Based Solar Power System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management

Title of PaperWireless Power Transmission using Satellite Based Solar Power System

Volume Number2(10)

Published YearOctober 2013

ISSN/ISBN No2319 – 4847

The Socratic Lecture Model: An Effective Teaching Pedagogy in Changing Educational Scenario


Journal NameIOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science

Title of PaperThe Socratic Lecture Model: An Effective Teaching Pedagogy in Changing Educational Scenario


Volume Number14(6)

Page Number117-121

Published YearOctober 2013

Indexed INOthers

Reduction in Unauthorized Power Theft


Journal NameInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management

Title of PaperReduction in Unauthorized Power Theft

Published YearMarch 2013

ISSN/ISBN No2319 – 4847

Indexed INOthers

Subsynchronous Resonance Control using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor


Journal NameInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management

Title of PaperSubsynchronous Resonance Control using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor

Published YearMarch 2013

ISSN/ISBN No2319 – 4847

Indexed INOthers

Simulation of Tie Lines in an Interconnected Power Systems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management

Title of PaperSimulation of Tie Lines in an Interconnected Power Systems

Published YearMarch 2013

ISSN/ISBN No2319 – 4847

Indexed INOthers

Distributed Generation : Impacts and Cost Analysis


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management

Title of PaperDistributed Generation : Impacts and Cost Analysis


Volume Number1(3)

Page Number91-96

Published YearApril 2012

ISSN/ISBN No2231 – 4407

Indexed INOthers

Distributed Generation: An Overview


Journal NameInternational Electrical Engineering Journal

Title of PaperDistributed Generation: An Overview


Volume Number3

Page Number607-611

Published YearApril 2012

ISSN/ISBN No2078 – 2365

Indexed INOthers

Distributed Generation System Using Power Electronic Interface


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management

Title of PaperDistributed Generation System Using Power Electronic Interface


Volume Number1(3)

Page Number86-90

Published YearMarch 2012

ISSN/ISBN No2231 – 4407

Indexed INOthers

Steady State Analysis of Interline Power Flow Controller using Control Strategies


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research and Development

Title of PaperSteady State Analysis of Interline Power Flow Controller using Control Strategies

Volume Number1 (2)

Published YearOctober 2011

ISSN/ISBN No2248 – 9290

Indexed INOthers

Enhancing Power Quality and Reliability in Deregulated Environment


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET)

Title of PaperEnhancing Power Quality and Reliability in Deregulated Environment


Volume Number2(2)

Page Number1-11

Published YearJuly 2011

ISSN/ISBN No0976 – 6553

Indexed INOthers

Steady State Analysis of Interline Power Flow Controller


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management

Title of PaperSteady State Analysis of Interline Power Flow Controller


Volume Number1

Page Number12-18

Published YearJune 2011

ISSN/ISBN No2231 – 4407

Indexed INOthers

Issues and Challenges in Captive Power Plants Under Deregulated Environment


Journal NameGlobal Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Title of PaperIssues and Challenges in Captive Power Plants Under Deregulated Environment

Published YearMay 2011

Indexed INOthers

Solar Power Tower: The Future of Utility Scale Power Generation


Title of PaperSolar Power Tower: The Future of Utility Scale Power Generation

Proceeding NameSecond International Conference on National Solar Mission: Issue and Solutions,

Author NameAkhilesh A. Nimje, S. M. Ali

Year , VenueApril 2011 , Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India

Indexed INOthers

Energy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of SSSC and IPFC


Journal NameInternational Electrical Engineering Journal

Title of PaperEnergy Function Based Transient Stability Assessment of SSSC and IPFC

Volume Number2(11)

Published YearApril 2011

ISSN/ISBN No2078 – 2365

Indexed INOthers

Interline Power Flow Controller: Review Paper


Journal NameInternational Electrical Engineering Journal

Title of PaperInterline Power Flow Controller: Review Paper

Volume Number2(3)

Page Number550 – 554

Published YearFebruary 2011

ISSN/ISBN No2078 – 2365

Indexed INOthers

Transient Stability Analysis using Modified Euler’s Iterative Technique


Title of PaperTransient Stability Analysis using Modified Euler’s Iterative Technique

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Power Systems 2009


Author NameAkhilesh Nimje, Chinmoy Panigrahi

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Year , VenueDecember 2009 , Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No11227122

Indexed INScopus

Voltage and frequency containment in an isolated hybrid microgrid considering impact of Communication delays



Title of PaperVoltage and frequency containment in an isolated hybrid microgrid considering impact of Communication delays

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number46

Page Number1-19

Published YearFebruary 2025

ISSN/ISBN No2162-8246

Indexed INScopus

Efficient active power allocation in microgrid-integrated virtual power plants using Salp swarm algorithm


Journal NameSuranaree Journal of Science and Technology

Title of PaperEfficient active power allocation in microgrid-integrated virtual power plants using Salp swarm algorithm

PublisherSuranaree University of Technology, Thailand

Volume Number31

Page Number010344(1-10).

Published YearDecember 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0858-849X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Maximum solar power point tracking using Artificial hummingbird algorithm


Title of PaperMaximum solar power point tracking using Artificial hummingbird algorithm

Proceeding Name2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference(PIICON)


Author NameChintan R. Mehta, Amar Kumar Barik

OrganizationMNIT Jaipur

Year , VenueDecember 2024 , Jaipur

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Feedforward Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System Using Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm


Title of PaperFeedforward Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System Using Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm

Proceeding Name2024 3rd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON)


Author NameDebasis Tripathy, Amar Kumar Barik, Binod Kumar Sahu

OrganizationSOA University, Bhubaneswar

Year , VenueNovember 2024 , Bhubaneswar

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No 10.1109/ODICON62106.2024

Indexed INScopus

Performance assessment of interconnected power system with AHA based feedforward control


Title of PaperPerformance assessment of interconnected power system with AHA based feedforward control

Proceeding Name2024 3rd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON)


Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Debasis Tripathy, Binod Kumar Sahu

OrganizationSOA University, Bhubaneswar

Year , VenueNovember 2024 , Bhubaneswar

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No 10.1109/ODICON62106.2024

Indexed INScopus

Performance assessment of novel solar thermal based dual hybrid microgrid system using CBOA optimized cascaded PI-TID controller


Journal NameIETE Journal of Research

Title of PaperPerformance assessment of novel solar thermal based dual hybrid microgrid system using CBOA optimized cascaded PI-TID controller

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Volume Number69

Page Number9076-9093

Published YearDecember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0377-2063

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Chaotic Butterfly Optimization Algorithm based Cascaded PI-TID Controller for Frequency Control in Three Area Hybrid Microgrid system


Journal NameOptimal Control Applications and Methods

Title of PaperChaotic Butterfly Optimization Algorithm based Cascaded PI-TID Controller for Frequency Control in Three Area Hybrid Microgrid system

PublisherWiley Online Library

Volume Number44

Page Number2595-2619

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1099-1514

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Combined voltage and frequency response in a solar thermal system with thermostatically control load in an isolated hybrid microgrid scheme.


Journal NameInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy

Title of PaperCombined voltage and frequency response in a solar thermal system with thermostatically control load in an isolated hybrid microgrid scheme.

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Volume Number41

Page Number2020-2043

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1478-6451

Indexed INScopus

Synchronized voltage-frequency regulation in sustainable microgrid using novel Green Leaf-hopper Flame optimization


Journal NameSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments

Title of PaperSynchronized voltage-frequency regulation in sustainable microgrid using novel Green Leaf-hopper Flame optimization


Volume Number52

Page Number102349

Published YearAugust 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2213-1388

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Proficient power control strategy for combined solar gas turbine-wind turbine generator-biodiesel generator based two area interconnected microgrid employed with DC link using Harris's hawk optimization optimised tilt-integral-derivative controller


Journal NameInternational Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields

Title of PaperProficient power control strategy for combined solar gas turbine-wind turbine generator-biodiesel generator based two area interconnected microgrid employed with DC link using Harris's hawk optimization optimised tilt-integral-derivative controller


Volume Number35

Page Numbere2991

Published YearJuly 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1099-1204

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A novel Green Leaf-hopper Flame optimization algorithm for competent frequency regulation in hybrid microgrids


Journal NameInternational Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields

Title of PaperA novel Green Leaf-hopper Flame optimization algorithm for competent frequency regulation in hybrid microgrids


Volume Number35

Page Numbere2982

Published YearMay 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1099-1204

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Integrated resource planning in sustainable energy-based distributed microgrids


Journal NameSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments

Title of PaperIntegrated resource planning in sustainable energy-based distributed microgrids


Volume Number48

Page Number101622

Published YearDecember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2213-1388

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Optimal Voltage–Frequency Regulation in Distributed Sustainable Energy-Based Hybrid Microgrids with Integrated Resource Planning. Energies


Journal NameEnergies

Title of PaperOptimal Voltage–Frequency Regulation in Distributed Sustainable Energy-Based Hybrid Microgrids with Integrated Resource Planning. Energies


Volume Number14

Page Number2735

Published YearMay 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1996-1073

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Recent trends and development in hybrid microgrid: A Review on energy resource planning and control


Journal NameInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy

Title of PaperRecent trends and development in hybrid microgrid: A Review on energy resource planning and control

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number41

Page Number308-332

Published YearMarch 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1478-6451

Indexed INScopus

GOA optimized frequency control of Solar-Thermal/Sea-Wave/Biodiesel Generator based interconnected hybrid microgrids with DC link


Journal NameInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy

Title of PaperGOA optimized frequency control of Solar-Thermal/Sea-Wave/Biodiesel Generator based interconnected hybrid microgrids with DC link

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number39

Page Number615-633

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1478-6451, 1478-646X

Indexed INScopus

Selfish-herd optimisation based frequency regulation in combined solar-thermal and biogas generator based hybrid microgrid


Title of PaperSelfish-herd optimisation based frequency regulation in combined solar-thermal and biogas generator based hybrid microgrid

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Applications (ICCCA-2020)


Author NameSubash Chandra Sahoo, Amar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das


Year , VenueMarch 2020 , Lucknow

Indexed INScopus

A storage based Virtual Synchronous System for Load-frequency regulation of interconnected Hybrid Microgrids using Selfish-herd optimiser


Title of PaperA storage based Virtual Synchronous System for Load-frequency regulation of interconnected Hybrid Microgrids using Selfish-herd optimiser

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Integration into Smart Grids (ICREISG -2020)


Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das

OrganizationC. V. Raman Global University, Bubaneswar

Year , VenueFebruary 2020 , Bhubaneswar

Indexed INScopus

Optimal Load-frequency regulation of Demand response supported Isolated Hybrid Microgrid using Fuzzy PD+I Controller

Book Chapter

Book NameIntelligent Techniques and Applications in Science and Technology, Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems

PublisherSpringer International Publishing

Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Debasis Tripathy, Dulal Chandra Das, Subash Chandra Sahoo

Page Number798-806

Chapter TitleOptimal Load-frequency regulation of Demand response supported Isolated Hybrid Microgrid using Fuzzy PD+I Controller

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No10.1007/978-3-030-42363-6_93

Indexed INScopus

Coordinated regulation of Voltage and Load-Frequency in Demand response supported Bio-renewable cogeneration based Isolated hybrid Microgrid with Quasi-oppositional Selfish Herd Optimisation


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperCoordinated regulation of Voltage and Load-Frequency in Demand response supported Bio-renewable cogeneration based Isolated hybrid Microgrid with Quasi-oppositional Selfish Herd Optimisation


Volume Number30

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2050 7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Illustration of demand response supported co-ordinated system performance evaluation of YSGA optimized dual stage PIFOD-(1+ PI) controller employed with wind-tidal-biodiesel based independent two-area interconnected microgrid system


Journal NameIET Renewable Power Generation

Title of PaperIllustration of demand response supported co-ordinated system performance evaluation of YSGA optimized dual stage PIFOD-(1+ PI) controller employed with wind-tidal-biodiesel based independent two-area interconnected microgrid system


Volume Number14

Page Number1074-1086

Published YearDecember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No17521416, 17521424

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Maiden co-ordinated load frequency control strategy for ST-AWEC-GEC-BDDG based independent three-area interconnected microgrid system with combined effect of diverse energy storage and DC link using BOA optimized PFOID controller


Journal NameIET Renewable Power Generation

Title of PaperMaiden co-ordinated load frequency control strategy for ST-AWEC-GEC-BDDG based independent three-area interconnected microgrid system with combined effect of diverse energy storage and DC link using BOA optimized PFOID controller


Volume Number13

Page Number2634-2646

Published YearAugust 2019

ISSN/ISBN No17521416, 17521424

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A Comparative Analysis of DSM Based Autonomous Hybrid Micro grid using PSO and SCA


Title of PaperA Comparative Analysis of DSM Based Autonomous Hybrid Micro grid using PSO and SCA

Proceeding NameThe IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP-2019)


Author NameMausri Bhuyan, Amar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das

OrganizationIEEE Kolkata Chapter

Year , VenueJune 2019 , Kolkata

Indexed INScopus

Proficient Load-frequency regulation of demand response supported Bio-renewable cogeneration based hybrid Microgrids with Quasi-oppositional Selfish-herd Optimisation


Journal NameIET Generation Transmission & Distribution

Title of PaperProficient Load-frequency regulation of demand response supported Bio-renewable cogeneration based hybrid Microgrids with Quasi-oppositional Selfish-herd Optimisation


Volume Number13

Page Number2889-2898

Published YearMay 2019

ISSN/ISBN No17518687, 17518695

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Demand Response Supported Optimal Load-Frequency Regulation of Sustainable Energy based Four-Interconnected Unequal Hybrid Microgrids


Title of PaperDemand Response Supported Optimal Load-Frequency Regulation of Sustainable Energy based Four-Interconnected Unequal Hybrid Microgrids

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (ICSETS-2019)


Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das, R. Muduli

OrganizationKIIT University

Year , VenueFebruary 2019 , Bhubaneswar

Indexed INScopus

Performance Comparison of SMO-Based Fuzzy PID Controller for Load Frequency Control

Book Chapter

Book NameSoft Computing for Problem Solving. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

PublisherSpringer: Singapore

Author NameDebasis Tripathy, Amar Kumar Barik, N.B. Dev Choudhiry, B. K. Sahoo

Page Number879-892

Chapter TitlePerformance Comparison of SMO-Based Fuzzy PID Controller for Load Frequency Control

Published YearJanuary 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-13-1595-4

Indexed INScopus

Optimal Load-frequency Regulation of Bio-Renewable Cogeneration based Interconnected Hybrid Microgrids with Demand Response Support


Title of PaperOptimal Load-frequency Regulation of Bio-Renewable Cogeneration based Interconnected Hybrid Microgrids with Demand Response Support

Proceeding Name15th IEEE India Council International Conferences (INDICON-2018)


Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das

OrganizationAmrita Vishwavidhyapitham

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , Coimbatore

Indexed INScopus

Comparative Performance Evaluation of WCA-Optimized Non-integer Controller Employed with WPG-DSPG-PHEV based Isolated 2-Area interconnected Microgrid System


Journal NameIET Renewable Power Generation

Title of PaperComparative Performance Evaluation of WCA-Optimized Non-integer Controller Employed with WPG-DSPG-PHEV based Isolated 2-Area interconnected Microgrid System


Volume Number13

Page Number725-736

Published YearNovember 2018

ISSN/ISBN No17521416, 17521424

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Expeditious frequency control of solar photovoltaic/biogas/biodiesel generator based isolated renewable microgrid using grasshopper optimisation algorithm


Journal NameIET Renewable Power Generation

Title of PaperExpeditious frequency control of solar photovoltaic/biogas/biodiesel generator based isolated renewable microgrid using grasshopper optimisation algorithm


Volume Number12

Page Number1659-1667

Published YearOctober 2018

ISSN/ISBN No17521416, 17521424

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Active power management of isolated renewable microgrid generating power from Rooftop solar arrays, sewage waters and solid urban wastes of a smart city using Salp swarm algorithm.


Title of PaperActive power management of isolated renewable microgrid generating power from Rooftop solar arrays, sewage waters and solid urban wastes of a smart city using Salp swarm algorithm.

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Technologies for Smart-City Energy Security and Power (ICSESP-2018)


Author NameAmar Kumar Barik, Dulal Chandra Das

OrganizationC. V. Raman Global University

Year , VenueMarch 2018 , Bhubaneswar

Indexed INScopus

Sizing and Analysis of Dual Air-Gap Axial Flux Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electric Vehicle Application


Title of PaperSizing and Analysis of Dual Air-Gap Axial Flux Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electric Vehicle Application

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy System


Author NameAmit N Patel, Tejas H Panchal

OrganizationDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University , Delhi

Year , VenueOctober 2024 , Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi Technological University , Delhi

Page Number324-328

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of Cogging Torque in Radial Flux Brushless DC Motor Using a Novel Stator Side Approach


Title of PaperOptimization of Cogging Torque in Radial Flux Brushless DC Motor Using a Novel Stator Side Approach

Proceeding NameIEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems


Author NameTanuj Jhankal, Amit N Patel

OrganizationDepartment of Electrical Engineering, MANIT, Bhopal

Year , VenueJune 2024 , MNIT Bhopal

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus





PublisherEngiScience Publisher

Volume Number4

Page Number1-15

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2789-634X

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of cogging torque in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor using optimum magnet v-angle



Title of PaperOptimization of cogging torque in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor using optimum magnet v-angle

PublisherNational Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volume Number6

Page Number16-20

Published YearOctober 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2074-272X

Indexed INWeb of Science



Journal NameTransactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications


Publisher Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar

Volume Number4

Page Number2

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2745-0120

Indexed INScopus

Cogging Torque Minimization of High-Speed Spoke-Type Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Using Core Bridge Width Variation Technique


Title of PaperCogging Torque Minimization of High-Speed Spoke-Type Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Using Core Bridge Width Variation Technique

Proceeding Name2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics & Digital Healthcare Technologies (REEDCON)


Author NameTanuj Jhankal, Amit N Patel

OrganizationElectrical Engineering Department, JMI, Delhi

Page Number750-755

Published YearSeptember 2023

Indexed INScopus

Performance Enhancement of High Speed Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Superior Magnetic Material


Journal NameTransactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications

Title of PaperPerformance Enhancement of High Speed Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Superior Magnetic Material

Publisher Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar

Volume Number4

Page Number19-34

Published YearMay 2023

Indexed INScopus

Slot opening displacement technique for cogging torque reduction of axial flux brushless DC motor for electric two-wheeler application


Journal NameElectrical Engineering & Electromechanics

Title of PaperSlot opening displacement technique for cogging torque reduction of axial flux brushless DC motor for electric two-wheeler application

PublisherNational Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volume Number1

Page Number7-13

Published YearMay 2023

Indexed INWeb of Science

Design and Analysis of Spoke Type Radial Flux Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for High-Speed Application


Title of PaperDesign and Analysis of Spoke Type Radial Flux Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for High-Speed Application

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON)


Author NameTanuj Jhankal, Amit N Patel

OrganizationSiksha 'O' Anusandhan (SOA), Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Institute of Technical Education and Research

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a detailed computer-aided design (CAD) method of a spoke-type radial flux interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) aiming for high-speed applications. Various design variables such as stacking factor, flux density in back iron and air-gap, slot space factor, number of magnet poles, electric and magnetic loading, air gap length, stator current density, winding factor, etc., are assumed. Simplified design equations are used for the CAD algorithm. The output of the developed CAD algorithm gives design data and the calculated performance of the motor. Using the developed CAD algorithm three different motors of 2, 5, and 120 kW ratings are designed. Finite-element analyses for all three obtained designs are carried out for design validation.

Reduction of cogging torque of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor by magnet shifting technique


Journal Name Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics

Title of PaperReduction of cogging torque of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor by magnet shifting technique

PublisherNational Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volume Number2

Page Number15-22

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No 2074-272X

Indexed INScopus


In spite of many advantages of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motors it suffers from the distinct disadvantage of high cogging torque. The designer must emphasize to reduce the cogging torque during the design stage. This paper introduces magnet shifting technique to mitigate cogging torque of surface mounted radial flux brushless DC motor. Methodology. Initially 200 W, 1000 rpm surface mounted radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor is designed with symmetrical placement of permanent magnets with respect to each other on rotor core. Cogging torque profile of this initial motor is obtained by performing finite element modelling and analysis. Originality. This design has been improved by shifting the position of permanent magnets with respect to adjacent permanent magnets. The effect of magnet shifting on cogging torque has been analyzed by performing finite element analysis. Results. It has been examined that the peak to peak cogging torque is decreased from 1.1 Nm to 0.6 Nm with shifting of permanent magnets respectively.

Optimization of Power Density of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electric Two-Wheeler


Journal Name Trends in Sciences

Title of Paper Optimization of Power Density of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electric Two-Wheeler

PublisherWalailak University

Volume Number18

Page Number1-12

Published YearNovember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2774-0226

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of Specific Power of Surface Mounted Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electrical Vehicle Application


Journal NameIranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Title of PaperOptimization of Specific Power of Surface Mounted Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electrical Vehicle Application

PublisherIranian University of Science and Technology

Volume Number16

Page Number363-370

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1735-2827

Indexed INScopus

Double Layer Magnet Design Technique for Cogging Torque Reduction of Dual Rotor Single Stator Axial Flux Brushless DC Motor


Journal Name Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Title of PaperDouble Layer Magnet Design Technique for Cogging Torque Reduction of Dual Rotor Single Stator Axial Flux Brushless DC Motor

PublisherIran University of Science and Technology

Volume Number16

Page Number58-65

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2383-3890

Indexed INScopus


Cogging torque is the major limitation of axial flux permanent magnet motors. The reduction of cogging torque during the design process is highly desirable to enhance the overall performance of axial flux permanent magnet motors. This paper presents a double-layer magnet design technique for cogging torque reduction of axial flux permanent magnet motor. Initially, 250 W, 150 rpm axial flux brushless dc (BLDC) motor is designed for electric vehicle application. Initially designed reference axial flux BLDC motor is designed considering 48 stator slots and 16 rotor poles of NdFeb type single layer permanent magnet. Three-dimensional finite element modeling and analysis have been performed to obtain cogging torque profile of reference motor. Additional layer of the permanent magnet is created keeping usage of permanent magnet same with an objective of cogging torque reduction. Three-dimensional finite element modeling and analysis have been performed to obtain cogging torque profile of improved axial flux BLDC motor with double layer permanent magnet design. It is analyzed that double-layer magnet design is an effective technique to reduce the cogging torque of axial flux BLDC motor.

Cogging Torque Reduction of Sandwiched Stator Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor using Magnet Notching Technique


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering Transaction A

Title of PaperCogging Torque Reduction of Sandwiched Stator Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor using Magnet Notching Technique

PublisherMaterials and Energy Research Center

Volume Number32

Page Number940-946

Published YearJuly 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1025-2495

Indexed INScopus


Cogging torque reduction of axial flux permanent magnet brushless dc (PMBLDC) motor is an important issue which demands attention of machine designers during design process. This paper presents magnet notching technique to reduce cogging torque of axial flux PMBLDC motor designed for electric vehicle application. Reference axial flux PMBLDC motor of 250 W, 150 rpm is designed with 48 stator slots and 16 rotor poles of NdFeb type permanent magnet without notching. Three dimensional finite element modeling and analysis is performed to obtain cogging torque profile of initially designed reference machine. Notches are created on permanent magnets and its influence on cogging torque is analyzed with 3-D finite element modeling and analysis. It is analyzed that magnet notching is an effective technique to reduce cogging torque of axial flux PMBLDC motor.

Design Optimization of Axial Flux Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor For Electrical Vehicle Based on Genetic Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering Transaction A:Basics

Title of Paper Design Optimization of Axial Flux Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor For Electrical Vehicle Based on Genetic Algorithm

PublisherMaterials and Energy Research Center

Volume Number31

Page Number1050-1055

Published YearJuly 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1025-2495

Indexed INScopus

Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Radial Flux PMBLDC Motor

Book Chapter

Book NameArtificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameAmit N.Patel

Page Number551-559

Chapter Title Genetic Algorithm Based Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Radial Flux PMBLDC Motor

Published YearMarch 2018

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-10-7867-5

Indexed INScopus

Design and FE Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) Brushless DC Motor


Journal NameInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Title of Paper Design and FE Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) Brushless DC Motor

PublisherAcademic Publications

Volume Number118

Page Number915-924

Published YearFebruary 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1314-3395

Indexed INScopus

Torque ripple reduction in flux reversal motor by rotor pole shaping and stator excitation


Title of PaperTorque ripple reduction in flux reversal motor by rotor pole shaping and stator excitation

Proceeding NameInternational conference on electrical machines and systems 2008


Author NameAmit N.Patel

OrganizationHuazhong University of Science and Technology

Year , VenueOctober 2008 , 1

Page Number2980-2985

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4244-3826-6

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents the result of the two-dimensional finite element analysis on the effects of rotor pole arc variation and number of teeth per rotor pole with different teeth depths and stator excitation pattern on various performance parameters like cogging torque, developed torque, harmonic torques, torque ripple and phase inductance for an 6/8, three phase flux reversal motor. A novel excitation pattern of exciting each phase for one step with positive and negative excitation in one rotor pole pitch resulting into higher torque per ampere is presented. Three teeth per rotor pole with the teeth height of 2.5% of the pole height reduces the torque ripple by 37.31% with the average torque reduction of just 5.36%.

A Novel Hybrid MPPT Technique for PSC using Weighted Average Approach


Title of PaperA Novel Hybrid MPPT Technique for PSC using Weighted Average Approach

Proceeding NameIEEE Conference Proceedings

PublisherIEEE Xplore

Author NameKushal Buch, Chanakya Bhatt, Uday Patel and P. N. Tekwani


Year , VenueFebruary 2023 , Texas

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a Novel Hybrid Maximum Power Point extraction algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic Systems under practical environmental conditions. Two Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithms, Perturb & Observe and Incremental Conductance are used to obtain Maximum Power Tracking. These algorithms are combined using actuator scheduling theory. The proposed hybridization technique utilizes the theory of the Fibonacci series and the Golden ratio. The proposed algorithm performs better in Partial Shading Conditions and other environmental disturbances than conventional Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithms. The simulation results are included to verify the performance of the algorithm.

Human Arm Motion Capture Using IMU Sensors

Book Chapter

Book NameSmart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies


Author NameAniruddha Bhattacharjee and Chanakya Bhatt

Page Number805-817

Chapter TitleHuman Arm Motion Capture Using IMU Sensors

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No 978-981-19-4974-6

Indexed INScopus, Others


The human arm is a system which is constrained and yet can produce an orientation of each of its segments in order for the end effector, in this case, the hand, to be moved to any coordinate inside its sphere of operation. Different segments or parts of the arm (upper arm, forearm and hand) can enable a fixed set of rotational motions about certain axis with a constrained space for movement to achieve movement in three dimensions. This behaviour falls somewhere between a parallel robot and a six degrees of freedom robotic manipulator. Thus, determining the orientation of the individual segments can help determine the position of the hand due to the rigid coupling witnessed between the different segments in the form of joints as well as the fact concerning the cascaded movement of segments in response to change in orientation of one of the segments. This paper lays down a concept which uses quaternions representing rotation to calculate the orientation and determine the three-dimensional position of the hand. The kinematic quantities required to calculate orientation is obtained from Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) deployed on each segment of the arm to fetch the relevant kinematic data associated with the respective arm segment.

Development of Prototype HVDC Transmission System


Title of PaperDevelopment of Prototype HVDC Transmission System

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems

PublisherPEDES 2014

Author NameUmang Patel, Ronak Thakkar, Chanakya Bhatt

OrganizationIIT Bombay

Year , VenueDecember 2014 , IIT Bombay

ISSN/ISBN No 978-1-4799-6373-7

Indexed INOthers


In this paper, a prototype model of high voltage direct current transmission system is developed using six pulse converter. This consists of two six pulse converters connected through transmission line resistance and smoothing reactor. One converter operates as a rectifier and other as line commutated inverter. The simulation study is carried out using simulation package of PSIM to predict the performance of system under various triggering angle conditions. Different types of triggering schemes are also simulated to see the performance of system. Simulations related with power reversal mode, impact of fault on system are also simulated. A laboratory prototype is developed to validate the simulation results. Thyristor trigger logic is developed and implemented for both converters. The control scheme is implemented using Arduino Uno development board. The system behaviour is validated under normal operating conditions. The converter circuits are developed in such manner that both converters can be used as a twelve pulse converter.

Design and Simulation of Prototype HVDC Transmission System


Title of PaperDesign and Simulation of Prototype HVDC Transmission System

Proceeding NameNPEC-2013


Author NameMohammed Irfan Siddiqui, Chanakya Bhatt

OrganizationIIT Kanpur

Year , VenueDecember 2013 , IIT Kanpur

Indexed INOthers


The paper entails simulation of prototype model of HVDC transmission system. This involves the design of converter circuitry, gate firing units, rectifier and inverter control systems and gamma detection circuits. The complete model converts AC power into DC power by controlled rectifier and then converts this DC power into AC power by line commutated inverter, after transmitting DC power through the line. There are three basic controls namely Constant current, Constant extinction angle and Constant ignition angle control required for prevention of large fluctuation in DC current due to variation in AC system voltage, maintaining DC voltage near rated value and prevention of commutation failure in inverter. This paper aims for Conversion of power, Bi-directional power flow on HVDC link and behavior of HVDC link during fault occurrence and fault clearance are main objectives of this paper. Simulation of complete HVDC transmission system for 3 kW, 415 V, 50 Hz system is done in PSIM (9.0.3) software. Thus, complete simulation model of prototype HVDC system is developed using the basic concepts and appropriate circuitry.

Comparative study of the effect of different gate firing schemes on the operation of a prototype HVDC transmission system


Title of PaperComparative study of the effect of different gate firing schemes on the operation of a prototype HVDC transmission system

Proceeding NameNUiCONE-2013

PublisherNirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)

Author NameMohammed Irfan Siddiqui, Chanakya Bhatt

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2013 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

ISSN/ISBN No2375-1282

Indexed INOthers


Two high voltage direct current transmission line circuits have been simulated in the PSIM software, one employing the Individual Phase Control scheme and the other, Equidistant Pulse Control scheme. This paper presents the circuitry employed in the two simulations and the results obtained from both. It is shown that the circuit employing the former scheme suffers from an excess of non-characteristic harmonics when operating with a weak AC system whereas the latter can work on weak AC systems without problems of harmonic instability because it generates firing pulses independent of the AC source. The implementation of the two schemes clearly demonstrates how one is dependent on the feedback from the source whilst the other utilizes a Phase Locked Loop to circumvent this problem.

Design and simulation of windturbine integration with grid using converter topology


Title of PaperDesign and simulation of windturbine integration with grid using converter topology

Proceeding NameNUiCONE-2013

PublisherNirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)

Author NameParth Pandya, Chanakya Bhatt

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2013 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

ISSN/ISBN No2375-1282

Indexed INOthers


The electrical power generated by using wind energy to drive wind turbine. This mechanical power can be converted into electrical power by using induction generator. Induction motor is operated as an induction generator and generates variable voltage variable frequency output. AC output of an induction generator will be fed to converter consist of uncontrolled rectifier and single phase inverter. But in this paper variable voltage source is considered as the AC output of Induction generator. So simulation was carried out considering varying source voltage with open loop control. Buck converter with SG3525 PWM Controller is used to stabilize the DC link constant. Arduino Microcontroller Programme is developed for SPWM method to trigger the gate pulses of Single Phase Inverter. These entire system is simulated on simulation software package. Hardware prototype model will be developed and integrated to the grid or feed to the load.

High Voltage Battery Charger


Title of PaperHigh Voltage Battery Charger

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems

Author NameChanakya Bhatt, Vinod Patel, Nimit K. Sheth

Year , VenueOctober 2007 , Seoul, Korea

Indexed INOthers






Volume Number5

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No27726711

Indexed INScopus

Analysis and Thermal Performance Implementation of MCCB With Aluminium Busbar And Enclosure


Title of PaperAnalysis and Thermal Performance Implementation of MCCB With Aluminium Busbar And Enclosure



Author NameSmit Dalal, Mahavir Sinh Gohel, Chintan R Mehta

OrganizationIIT, Delhi

Year , VenueJuly 2023 , IIT, Delhi

Indexed INScopus

“Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation


Title of Paper“Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation

Author NameShanker Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Santosh C. Vora, Chintan R. Mehta and Vipul N. Rajput,

OrganizationSVNIT, Surat

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , EE Department, SVNIT, Surat

Indexed INScopus

An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperAn approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Published YearJanuary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2162-8246

Indexed INScopus

LVRT Performance Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System with High Penetration of Wind Energy Sources Considering Fault Current Limiters.


Title of PaperLVRT Performance Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System with High Penetration of Wind Energy Sources Considering Fault Current Limiters.


Author NameChintan R. Mehta, Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationSVNIT Surat

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , SVNIT, Surat

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of Fault Current Limiters for Low Voltage Ride Through Improvement of DFIG based Wind Farms


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Fault Current Limiters for Low Voltage Ride Through Improvement of DFIG based Wind Farms


Author NameChintan R. Mehta, Yash S. Shah and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationIIT, Gandhinagar

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , IIT, Gandhinagar

Indexed INScopus

Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Hybrid Power System Employing Modified Series Resonance type Fault Current Limiter


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperTransient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Hybrid Power System Employing Modified Series Resonance type Fault Current Limiter

PublisherResearch Trends

Volume Number11 (3)

Page Number858-866

Published YearJune 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus

Effects of Fault Current Limiters in Transient Stability Performance of Hybrid Wind Farm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology

Title of PaperEffects of Fault Current Limiters in Transient Stability Performance of Hybrid Wind Farm

PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication

Volume NumberVolume 9, issue 2

Page Number2768-2775

Published YearDecember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No22498958

Indexed INScopus

Effect of Synthetic Inertia Controller on Frequency Response in a Multi-machine Power System with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources


Title of PaperEffect of Synthetic Inertia Controller on Frequency Response in a Multi-machine Power System with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Proceeding Name7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2019)

Author NameChintan R Mehta, Prasad D. Deshpande, Bhavik D. Nathani, Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

Indexed INOthers

Performance Evaluation of Wind Turbine Generators Under System Fault Conditions In a Multi-Machine Power System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance Evaluation of Wind Turbine Generators Under System Fault Conditions In a Multi-Machine Power System

PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication

Volume NumberVolume 8, Issue 6-S

Page Number474-482

Published YearApril 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2278-3075

Indexed INScopus

Small Signal Stability Analysis of DFIG Penetrated Multi-Machine Power System with Synthetic Inertia Control


Title of PaperSmall Signal Stability Analysis of DFIG Penetrated Multi-Machine Power System with Synthetic Inertia Control

Proceeding NameNational Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2018)

OrganizationNIT, Trichy

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , National Institute of Technology, Trichy

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Short Circuit Current Comparison of DFIG during Symmetrical Faults with Different Wind Speeds


Title of PaperShort Circuit Current Comparison of DFIG during Symmetrical Faults with Different Wind Speeds

Proceeding NameIEEE conference on “Power Electronics, Intelligent control and Energy Systems

OrganizationDelhi Technological University

Year , VenueJuly 2016 , Delhi

Indexed INScopus

A Comparative Analysis of Lighning Rod and Early Streamer Emission Equipment for Direct Stroke Lighning Protection on 765/400 kV AIS


Title of PaperA Comparative Analysis of Lighning Rod and Early Streamer Emission Equipment for Direct Stroke Lighning Protection on 765/400 kV AIS

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Innovative Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering

OrganizationShri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering and Technology

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Rajkot

Indexed INOthers

Transient Stability Analysis of Gas Turbine Power Plant


Title of PaperTransient Stability Analysis of Gas Turbine Power Plant

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Innovative Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering

OrganizationShri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering and Technology

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Rajkot

Comparative Analysis of Energization of 765kV Shunt Compensated Transmission Line With and Without Control Switching


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Energization of 765kV Shunt Compensated Transmission Line With and Without Control Switching

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Power Systems, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, Communication, Control and Instrumentation- PEPCCI-2013

Author NameRachana V. Parikh, Nagaraj Neradhala, Chintan R. Mehta

OrganizationSVIT, Vasad

Year , VenueJanuary 2013 , Vasad

Indexed INOthers

Comparative Analysis of Energization of 765kV Shunt Compensated Transmission Line With and Without Control Switching


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Energization of 765kV Shunt Compensated Transmission Line With and Without Control Switching

Proceeding NameNational Conference on “Power systems, Embedded systems, Power electronics, Communication, Control and Instrumentation”- PEPCCI

OrganizationSVIT, Vasad

Year , VenueJanuary 2013 , Vasad

Indexed INOthers

Optimization of Solar-Wind Hybrid System for Distributed Generation


Title of PaperOptimization of Solar-Wind Hybrid System for Distributed Generation

Proceeding NameNUiCONE 2011

OrganizationNirma University

Published YearDecember 2011

Indexed INScopus

Microcontroller Based Multi-Storey Parking


Title of PaperMicrocontroller Based Multi-Storey Parking

Proceeding NameNUiCONE-2011

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Ahmedabad

Indexed INScopus

Assessment of Converter Performance in Hybrid AC-DC Power System under Optimal Power Flow with Minimum Number of DC Link Control Variables


Journal NameEnergies

Title of PaperAssessment of Converter Performance in Hybrid AC-DC Power System under Optimal Power Flow with Minimum Number of DC Link Control Variables


Volume Number16

Page Number5800

Published YearAugust 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1996-1073

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


This paper presents a strategy to evaluate the performances of converter stations under the optimized operating points of hybrid AC-DC power systems with a reduced number of DC link variables. Compared to previous works reported with five DC-side control variables (CVs), the uniqueness of the presented optimal power flow (OPF) formulation lies within the selection of only two DC-side control variables (CVs), such as the inverter voltage and current in the DC link, apart from the conventional AC-side variables. Previous research has mainly been focused on optimizing hybrid power system performance through OPF-based formulations, but has mostly ignored the associated converter performances. Hence, in this study, converter performance, in terms of ripple and harmonics in DC voltage and AC current and the utilization of the converter infrastructure, is evaluated. The minimization of active power loss is taken as an objective function, and the problem is solved for a modified IEEE 30 bus system using a recently developed and very efficient Archimedes optimization algorithm (AOA). Case studies are performed to assess the efficacy of the presented OPF model in power systems, as well as converter performance. Furthermore, the results are extended to assess the applicability of the proposed model to the allocation of photovoltaic (PV)-type distributed generations (DGs) in hybrid AC-DC systems. The average improvement in power loss is found to be around 7.5% compared to the reported results. Furthermore, an approximate 10% improvement in converter power factor and an approximate 50% reduction in ripple factor are achieved.

A Combined S-transform and Ensemble of DT based Protection scheme for six-phase transmission line


Title of PaperA Combined S-transform and Ensemble of DT based Protection scheme for six-phase transmission line

Proceeding Name2023 International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE)


Author NameSunil Kumar Shukla, Murli Manohar, Chintan Patel, Tarun Tailor, Arun Rathore

OrganizationSchool of Electrical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


The current transmission infrastructure must be able to transmit more electricity due to the alarming increase in energy consumption. Instead of relying on the constraints of three-phase double-circuit lines to meet the growing power needs, a new generation of six-phase transmission systems has emerged as a potential solution. The protection challenges with six-phase transmission systems are exceptionally challenging, however, because of the enormous number of probable flaws. Given the advantages of six-phase systems over three-phase systems in meeting rising power demands and the dearth of existing protection schemes for six-phase lines, there is room for the development of a consistent protection scheme for a six-phase system that can satisfactorily perform the proposed protection tasks under a wide range of operating contingencies. To that end, this research proposes a novel protection strategy based on an ensemble of decision trees and the S-transform. To train the fault detector/classifier, the estimated frequency and phase of the current signals in real time have been utilised as input characteristics, and the S-transform has been used to do so. With a one-cycle moving window, it is feasible to estimate the input characteristics in a recursive fashion. To ensure the anticipated scheme is applicable to a six-phase system, it has been subjected to extensive simulations of a variety of fault conditions with a broad range of fault characteristics. The proposed relaying approach can reliably detect and classify issues in a single cycle across all test cases.

Optimal Placement of Distributed Energy Resources and Shunt Capacitors with Consideration of Existing On-line tap changer using Honey Badger Optimization


Title of PaperOptimal Placement of Distributed Energy Resources and Shunt Capacitors with Consideration of Existing On-line tap changer using Honey Badger Optimization

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies


Author NameA. A. Iyer and C. D. Patel

OrganizationShri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSTC), Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

Indexed INScopus


In this study, the optimal allocation of distributed energy resources (DERs) and shunt capacitors (SCs) in the distribution network (DN) is presented. Furthermore, the effect of existing voltage regulator (VR) device such as on-line tap changer (OLTC) on the optimal deployment of DERs is examined. In this study, the objective functions considered are the cost of annual energy loss (CAEL) and deviation of node voltage. To solve the considered allocation problem, newly published heuristic optimization technique, Honey Badger Optimization (HBO), is applied. The results are obtained for the real-life India 108 bus radial distribution system. These results clearly show that more payback in terms of reduced CAEL is obtained upon the utilization of existing VR devices. The obtained results are also compared with the results presented by other optimization methods in the literature. The comparitive analysis indicates the superiority of the HBO algorithm over others, especially in terms of the reduced CAEL.

Steiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperSteiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Volume Number71

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9662

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In the smart grid, the monitoring and estimation of the power grid states are essential factors for real-time operation and control. In this regard, a wide area measurement system (WAMS) needs to be developed, wherein the phasor measurement units (PMUs) and communication infrastructure (CI) are the essential components. To achieve the economical design of WAMS, PMUs need to be placed optimally, so that with minimal cost, the complete system observability is ensured. In addition, the cost of CI, to connect all the PMUs, needs to be considered during the economical design of WAMS. Hence, in this work, the simultaneous optimization of PMUs and CI cost has been considered as the objective, whereas the complete system observability has been considered as the constraint. The consequence of zero injection buses (ZIBs) on the economic design of WAMS has also been considered. In addition, the effect of N−1 contingency, pre-installed fiber optic, and pre-installed PMUs have also been simulated. In this work, a new Steiner tree-based approach has been proposed for securing economical design of CI. The swarm intelligence-based binary dragonfly algorithm (BDA) has been adopted for optimization of considered problem. To showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approach, it has been simulated on the IEEE 14, 30, and 118 bus standard test systems. The comparative analysis has also been presented, and it clearly indicates the effectiveness of the proposed approach compared with other reported methods.

Multi-agent based sine–cosine algorithm for optimal integration of DERs with consideration of existing OLTC in distribution networks


Journal NameApplied Soft Computing

Title of PaperMulti-agent based sine–cosine algorithm for optimal integration of DERs with consideration of existing OLTC in distribution networks


Volume Number117

Page Number108387

Published YearMarch 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1568-4946

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In this work, a modified version of the sine–cosine algorithm (SCA) has been developed to solve complex optimization problems. This proposed modified algorithm integrates the multi-agent system and sine–cosine algorithm and is termed as multi-agent sine–cosine algorithm (MA-SCA). This work also proposes a simplified strategy for the self-learning operator and modification in inversion operator. These proposed modifications have been validated by implementing the proposed MA-SCA algorithm on standard functions and comparing results with other reported optimization methods. Furthermore, in this work, MA-SCA algorithm has also been applied to optimally deploy the distributed energy resources (DERs) and shunt capacitors (SCs) in the distribution network with and without consideration of the existing on-load tap changing transformer (OLTC). The considered objectives in this optimization problem are reduction of cost of annual energy loss (CAEL) and minimization of voltage deviation under different loading conditions. To demonstrate the efficacy of the MA-SCA algorithm, it has been implemented on IEEE 33 bus radial distribution network (DN) and real-life Indian 108 bus radial DN. The comparison of obtained results with the results obtained by using other optimization methods has been carried out, and it indicates that MA-SCA algorithm provides the improved solution.

An approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperAn approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Volume Number31

Page Number1-19

Published YearJune 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2050-7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Wide area monitoring system has been implemented in power systems to improve control and protection aspects by carrying out the continuous synchronous measurement. It consists of phasor measurement units (PMUs) along with communication infrastructure (CI) to connect all PMUs to the phasor data concentrator (PDC). In this work, simultaneous optimization of PMU count thereby its cost and CI cost has been taken as the objective while ensuring entire system observability. To incorporate the effect of zero injection bus, an improved model has been adopted. A modified objective function has been proposed which enhances maximum observability and further improves the reliability of system monitoring. Dijkstra's algorithm has been utilized for designing optimal CI as well as to identify the location of PDC. Practical operating scenarios such as N-1 contingency and the presence of pre-installed PMU or fiber optic have also been simulated. Binary dragonfly algorithm has been applied to solve the considered optimization problem. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method it has been implemented on different IEEE standard test cases. A comparison of obtained results has been presented which indicates the superiority of the proposed method over other methods reported in the literature.

Multi-objective Optimal PMU Placement using Binary Dragonfly Algorithm


Title of PaperMulti-objective Optimal PMU Placement using Binary Dragonfly Algorithm

Proceeding Name2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies


Author NameC. D. Patel, Parth Bhayani, Bhargav Wankawala

OrganizationShri Shankaracharya Technical Campus Chhattisgarh, INDIA

Year , VenueFebruary 2021 , Bhilai, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-5791-7

Indexed INScopus


Multi-objective optimal placement of PMU problem has been investigated. Conflicting objective functions such as minimization of count of PMUs and maximization of redundancy have been considered. Fuzzy membership based two different approaches such as maximum fuzzy satisfaction and maximum degree of satisfaction have been utilized to convert multi-objective problem into single objective. Binary dragonfly algorithm has been employed to solve optimal PMU placement problem. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated by implementing it on various standard IEEE systems.

Optimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperOptimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number247-252

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus


Load shedding as control action plays vital role in preventing the system from cascaded outages and then blackout. Thereby, this approach helps in maintaining secure and reliable functioning of power network. In case contingency arises or predicted loading in forthcoming interval threatens system security, then in such a situation load shedding scheme ought to be planned in anticipation. Load shedding is to be carried out at some suitable buses as it would not be appropriate to perform load shedding at all the buses because it causes inconvenience to the consumer. Therefore, this work presents a model for determining optimum shedding of load at preferred locations to mitigate line overloading. In order to select the buses where the load shed is to be performed, sensitivity analysis is carried out. Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) has been applied to determine the optimum load shed as this algorithm possesses the ability to reach the global minimum and requires tuning of only one algorithm-specific parameter. The scheme has been implemented over the IEEE-14 and IEEE-39 bus system. For demonstrating the efficacy, the comparison of results has been carried out. It has been presented that the proposed technique offers superior results pertaining to amount of load shed and successfully alleviates line overloading.



Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)


PublisherIAEME Publication

Volume Number11

Page Number34-43

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6499

Indexed INScopus


With the advent of PMUs, measuring technology has progressed extensively. Despite this advancement, electrical power network entities have not widely installed PMUs due to requirement of large investment. This motivates the researchers to determine the feasible location where installation of optimal count of PMU assure entire network observability. This proposed work also considers the same objective. In this regard, binary dragonfly algorithm (BDA) has been applied for deciding optimal PMU count and their likely locations such that entire power network is observable. Other considerations such as inclusion of zero injection buses (ZIBs) and network contingencies have been incorporated in the formulation as well. The considered optimization method (BDA) is applied to different (9, 14, 30, 39, 57) bus test systems. The results attained using proposed technique have been compared with the other published results in the literature to validate the usefulness of the proposed algorithm.

Contingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperContingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number231-236

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus


In recent electrical power systems, phasor measurement units (PMUs) are playing a crucial role with regard to power system monitoring, control and protection. This presented work mainly aims to attain entire network observability with the incorporation of lesser number of PMUs. In this regard, the binary sine cosine algorithm (BSCA) has been employed to decide on optimal PMU number and their feasible location such that the entire power network is observable. Impacts of consideration of network contingencies (single line/PMU outage) with and without zero injection buses (ZIBs) have also been considered while solving the considered optimization problem. The viability of the considered method has been investigated by implementing it onto the various standard (IEEE-14 and IEEE-30 bus) systems. In order to confirm the efficacy of the employed algorithm the obtained results have been compared with other approaches employed in the literature. Obtained results indicate that BSCA offers similar or improved results.

Model Reference Adaptive System Based Precise Online Inertia Identification of Induction Motor with Error Utilization Technique


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power Electronics (Inder-Science Journal and Scopus Indexed Journal

Title of PaperModel Reference Adaptive System Based Precise Online Inertia Identification of Induction Motor with Error Utilization Technique

PublisherInderscience Publishers

Volume NumberVolume 16, Issue 3

Page Number371-384

Published YearAugust 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1756-6398

Indexed INScopus


Time varying parameters can be estimated using either adaptive control or robust control. Robust control can be used only when the control law is fixed and varying parameters are bounded. Adaptive control is concerned with control law changing itself. Model reference adaptive system (MRAS) is an adaptive control method that can be used to identify initially unknown parameters. Variation in load and machine vibrations affect the control system performance of any motor drive system when it is in operating condition. Estimation of moment of inertia becomes essential to improve the dynamic response characteristics of any high-performance asynchronous machine (ASM) drive system. A novel method using model reference adaptive system (MRAS) with error utilisation technique (EUT) for precise identification of online varying inertia is presented in this article. The proposed method uses an interesting relation between the estimation error and actual inertia, to compensate for the error and provide high precision online inertia identification. Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Five Level Boost Switched - Capacitor Multilevel Module Multilevel Inverter Topology


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology

Title of PaperFive Level Boost Switched - Capacitor Multilevel Module Multilevel Inverter Topology

PublisherIAEME Publication

Volume NumberVolume 11, Issue 9

Page Number764-776

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6499

Indexed INScopus


In this paper five level boost switched-capacitor multilevel module multilevel inverter topology is presented (BSCMLM MLI). The proposed topology is consisting of two capacitors and single source for generation of five inverter output voltage. The switched-capacitor circuit boost up the voltage and balancing the capacitor voltages. This five level topology offers less switching device count with capacitor voltage balancing, it lead to reducing the conduction and switching losses of converter and increase the efficiency of converter. The analyses of switching and conduction losses of suggested topology are presented. This topology is tested with variable frequency multi carrier pulse width modulation (VFMCPWM) technique with different loading conditions are carried out in MATLAB environment.

Speed Control of an Induction Motor by V/F Method using an Improved Multilevel Module Multilevel Converter Topology


Title of PaperSpeed Control of an Induction Motor by V/F Method using an Improved Multilevel Module Multilevel Converter Topology

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Research Developments in Emerging & Technology, Management and Science (ICRDETMS - 2019)

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , Chennai Gateway, Koyambedu, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Reduced Switch Count Nine-Level Cascaded - Transformer Multilevel Inverter


Title of Paper Reduced Switch Count Nine-Level Cascaded - Transformer Multilevel Inverter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2019)

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-2119-2


The main drawback of multilevel inverters based on cascaded H-bridge (CHB) are usage of large number of switching components and dc-sources. This lead to high switching losses and reduction in efficiency. Thus minimization of switching components and dc sources gain significant importance in multilevel inverters. Cascaded-transformer based multilevel inverters (CTMIs) have absolutely reduced the need of several dc-sources and switching components for CHBs. This paper primarily focuses on nine level cascaded transformer based multilevel inverter and proposed topology significantly reduces the number of dc voltage sources and IGBT switching components. Thus switching power losses and requirement of gate driver circuitry are minimized. Comparison between existing nine level CTMI and proposed nine level CTMI has been presented. The operation and performance of proposed topology has been tested with variable frequency multi carrier PWM technique and the results have been discussed with the help of MATLAB/Simulink environment.

Controller design for buck-boost converter using state space analysis

Book Chapter

Book NameSmart innovation, systems and technologies

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameDhrumil Daftary, Chirag H. Raval

Page Number129-140

Chapter TitleController design for buck-boost converter using state space analysis

Published YearSeptember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-32-9578-0


In this paper, the small-signal model of buck–boost DC–DC Converter is presented. The final model is obtained in terms of state matrix (A), input matrix (B), output matrix (C) and feedforward matrix (D). The small-signal modelling for buck–boost converter is done in order to construct a robust controller for it by using state-space analysis and root-locus technique. The entire system is analyzed by giving a step-input to the system, which is modelled in Laplace domain. This paper primarily focuses on reduction of steady-state error for the dynamic model of buck–boost converter. The controller, comprising of lag compensator, is designed with the help of root-locus technique according to the need of the designed parameters such as settling time, peak overshoot, steady-state error, relative stability, etc. By taking various values of zeros and poles of compensator, the unit step response is analyzed in detail. The presented system also has an inherent characteristic of inverse time response generally exhibited by non-minimum phase system.

Smart Farming Using Leaf Detection Technique


Title of PaperSmart Farming Using Leaf Detection Technique

Proceeding NameIEEE, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2018)


Year , VenueDecember 2018 , GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru

Simulation and Analysis of PMBLDC Motor fed by Seven Level Inverter with K-map logic


Title of PaperSimulation and Analysis of PMBLDC Motor fed by Seven Level Inverter with K-map logic

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies 2018


Author NameDhaval D. Julasana, Sagar B. Dabhi, Chirag H. Raval

Year , VenueSeptember 2018 , Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Page Number743-747

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-4491-1


PM brushless dc motor now a days most useful as well as efficient motor, so need to feed it by more efficient inverter configuration. In this paper seven level inverter has been used with Karnaugh map logic. Seven level inverter has lesser THD than five level and two level inverter. The simulations had been done in MATLAB / Simulink. Here PI control feedback and Hall sensor feedback loop used for control of motor speed dynamically. So, dynamic speed control of BLDC motor has been simulated. PI controller is also used to control the dynamic dc voltage input in to seven level inverter. Here in this paper logic gate control with voltage control is used for seven level inverter. This control is more efficient than five or two level control strategy of inverter.

Voltage disturbances and mitigation techniques by DVR


Title of PaperVoltage disturbances and mitigation techniques by DVR

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Electrical Engineering (ETCEE 2014)

Author NameChirag Raval

Year , VenueMarch 2014 , Rajkot, Gujarat, India

An overview of various control techniques of DVR


Title of PaperAn overview of various control techniques of DVR

Proceeding Name2014 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2014]


Author NameChirag Raval

Year , VenueMarch 2014 , Nagercoil, India

Page Number53-57

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-2397-7

An Overview of Techniques for Detecting Mechanical Anomalies in Induction Motors


Journal NameTransactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering

Title of PaperAn Overview of Techniques for Detecting Mechanical Anomalies in Induction Motors

PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media LLC

Volume Numberonline

Published YearJanuary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2662-5423

Indexed INIndian citation Index


A well-maintained induction motor will make the operations of various industrial processes less daunting. Because of their ease of use, robust structure, and spark-free operation (due to the absence of a brush-slip ring arrangement), these machines are a natural fit for many industrial applications. For critical and expensive machines, condition-based maintenance is recommended to limit operational downtime and provide a secure haven for operations. A reliable operation of the machine requires coherent operation of the mechanical and electrical components of the machine, like the stator windings, the rotor components, the air gap, and the bearings. The failure of these components creates a variety of effects, like vibrations, current variations, air gap flux variations, etc. Monitoring these effects provides information regarding the presence of a fault and the type of fault in the machine, and in some cases, the fault severity can also be gauged. Also, the changes in machine parameters may result in variations in equivalent circuit parameters like resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Frequency response studies help identify the variation in circuit parameters, which are used for fault detection in the machine. The article discusses various mechanical defects and their influence on machines. It elaborates on the various fault diagnosis methods available in the literature and their role in different fault detections. Also, the authors have tried to convey information regarding the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to increase the reliability and efficacy of the diagnosis system.

Understanding Frequency Response of Induction Motor Winding through Electromagnetic Wave Equations


Journal NameAdvances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Title of PaperUnderstanding Frequency Response of Induction Motor Winding through Electromagnetic Wave Equations

PublisherVSB - Technical University of Ostrava

Volume Number21

Page Number216-225

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1804-3119 (online)

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Frequency response analysis offers an insight about the integrity of machine windings, when employed as a tool for condition monitoring. To ensure that, an electromagnetic wave is injected from one terminal of winding, and the power of the wave at the receiving terminal is measured. The power at the terminals is measured in terms of either voltage or current. This difference in power at the two terminals can be attributed to the medium's permittivity, permeability and conductivity, through which the signal is being transmitted. This paper offers an explanation for the behavior of the voltage gain frequency response of induction motor winding and propagating medium parameters by employing the fundamental electromagnetic wave equations. Their explanation illustrates how these parameters can affect the response. The correlation established using Maxwell's equation and these parameters with frequency response analysis is evident while identifying open winding fault and issue with machine core inductance. The results are analyzed and interpreted with the new correlation.

Influence of Rotor Position on Frequency Response of Induction Motor


Title of PaperInfluence of Rotor Position on Frequency Response of Induction Motor

Proceeding NameTwelfth international conference on Recent trends in Power, Control and Instrumentation Engineering - PCIE 2022

Author NameSagar Shah, Hormaz Amrolia, Santosh C Vora, K P Badgujar, Ajit Kumar

Year , VenueSeptember 2022 , Online

Indexed INScopus


The Frequency response analysis is a widely used tool to diagnose mechanical fault(s) in power transformers. The induction motor operates based on the same principle as the transformers, especially windings are inductively coupled. Except for a few constructional differences between transformers and induction motors, there is a high possibility to consider the frequency response analysis on induction motor for the mechanical fault detection. Here, variation in frequency response of induction motor due to rotor position is studied by employing various terminal connections. These connections are compared with among themselves in terms percentage impedance deviation and the best is suggested for frequency response analysis of induction motor to avoid rotor position dependency. A connection arrangement is proposed which makes the deviation in frequency response for different position ≤ 2%.

Estimation of Optimal Value of Synchronous Impedance Using Genetic Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Engineering

Title of PaperEstimation of Optimal Value of Synchronous Impedance Using Genetic Algorithm

Publisher International Research Publication House

Volume Number10

Page Number171-179

Published YearJuly 2017

ISSN/ISBN No 0974-2158

Indexed INOthers


The paper presents an estimation method to determine the synchronous impedance of the synchronous generator. The synchronous impedance of cylindrical rotor alternator is estimated based on the equivalent circuit model and voltage regulation. Genetic algorithm based impedance estimation technique is adopted, where only machine rating is used. Conventional methods viz., synchronous impedance method uses rated voltage and rated current obtained from more than one operating condition to determine synchronous impedance value. However, Genetic Algorithm based method uses the rated voltage and current, i.e. without isolation or disturbing the normal operating condition of the machine to estimate the value. The test results of the GA-based estimation method are found to be closer to test results of conventional methods.

Importance Of DC - DC converter For PMBLDC Motor Drive Of An Electric Vehicle


Title of PaperImportance Of DC - DC converter For PMBLDC Motor Drive Of An Electric Vehicle

Proceeding NameAdvanced Researches in Electrical and ELectronic Engineering

Published YearMay 2016

A New Approach Of Offline Parameters Estimation For Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive


Title of PaperA New Approach Of Offline Parameters Estimation For Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive

Proceeding NameSeventh International Conference on Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , Infantry Hotel, Bengaluru, India.

Page Number67 - 77


For efficient performance of any vector controlled drive, motor parameters are to be estimated with utmost accuracy. Offline and online parameter estimation techniques are generally used for estimating parameters. In this paper, the offline technique is adopted due to its advantage over latter technique. Under offline parameter estimation, the new strategy is simulated for estimating the machine parameters. Inverter test and single phase test are used for estimating parameters. Only three switches of the inverter are used for estimating parameters in inverter test and four switches in single phase test. These tests are easy to implement with no extra hardware, no mechanical job is required and equations are easy to understand and implement. These tests are simulated in MATLAB Simulink and parameters obtained are compared with actual parameters of machine model available in MATLAB Simulink.

A Comparative Study Of Switching Strategy For Single Phase Matrix Converter


Title of PaperA Comparative Study Of Switching Strategy For Single Phase Matrix Converter

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , The Infantry Hotel, 66,Infantry Road, Bangalore, Karnataka 560001

Page Number78 - 87


AC-AC power conversion particularly for speed control of AC drives is done with single phase cyclo-converters. In this work the single-phase matrix converter (SPMC) topology is used as a cyclo-converter. IGBT are used as power switches. The sinusoidal pulse width modulation has been used for generation of pulses. This paper presents three different switching strategies for SPMC. A comparison is made between these three strategies based on parameters such as type of load to which the strategy is restricted, number of switches kept ON during single time interval, output voltage waveform of SPMC and its THD.

Unified control of high gain DC-DC converter for PV-battery hybrid system in a standalone and DC-microgrid applications


Journal NameJournal of Energy Storage

Title of PaperUnified control of high gain DC-DC converter for PV-battery hybrid system in a standalone and DC-microgrid applications

PublisherElsevier Ltd

Volume Number88

Page Number1-12

Published YearApril 2024

ISSN/ISBN No 2352-152X

Indexed INWeb of Science


This paper presents power management and control of standalone PV and battery integrated hybrid system using high gain converter suitable for the DC Microgrid applications. The necessity of high gain DC-DC converter is raised due to generation of low output voltage of PV system. The attractive features of high gain converter are high voltage gain, continuous input current and suitability for integration of multiple input sources. The perturb and observe algorithm is used for tracing the maximum power point from solar and intermittency of solar is compensated by energy storage element battery. In the suggested hybrid system, the battery charging is carried out from DC bus voltage through buck converter and discharging to the load through high gain DC-DC converter. In the proposed work, Simulink model of proposed system rated for 1.2 kW PV module, 120 V, 42 Ah battery is developed using Simulink of MATLAB software and results are obtained under different operating conditions. Scaled experimental model of proposed hybrid system is implemented in laboratory environment using STM32F407VGT6 microcontroller and results are validated.

Single switch high voltage gain DC-DC converter for renewable energy applications


Journal NameInt. J. Power Electronics

Title of PaperSingle switch high voltage gain DC-DC converter for renewable energy applications

PublisherInderscience Enterprises Ltd

Volume Number19

Page Number1-23

Published YearJanuary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1756-6398

Indexed INScopus


In a DC microgrid, the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) is necessary to meet the regular load demands of electricity. The generating voltage of RES are at low level. So, the requirement of high voltage gain converters is essential for the function of grid-forming or grid-feeding converters. This paper presents a non-isolated DC-DC converter with features of high voltage gain and high efficiency. This converter functioning with single switch and passive components in which two inductors and one capacitor are connected in parallel/series during ON state/OFF state of switch respectively. The detailed operation of this converter under CCM and DCM modes with necessary voltage and current waveforms are discussed. The efficiency analysis and state space average modelling of proposed converter is presented. The comparative analysis of single switch topologies is also presented with few selected converters. The theoretical analysis of proposed converter is validated through prototype model designed in laboratory environment and obtained results are presented.

Power Converters for Integration of Electrical Sources to DC Microgrid


Title of PaperPower Converters for Integration of Electrical Sources to DC Microgrid

Proceeding Name2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES)


Author NameKarri V V Satyanarayana, Dr. Rakesh Maurya

OrganizationMalaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur

Published YearDecember 2022


This paper presents new topology for integration of electrical sources to dc microgrid. The new topology consists of three legs and each leg consist of two switches. First leg switches are acting as boost converter for photovoltaic system. Second leg switches are acting as bidirectional dc-dc converter for charging or discharging energy storage unit (battery). Third leg switches are acting as bidirectional ac-dc half bridge PWM rectifier for 1-Ø utility grid. The proposed topology with power electronic converters are control the dc microgrid operation in both islanding mode and grid connected mode. Photovoltaic system with boost converter is controlled by Perturb and Observe (P&O) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm. Battery with bidirectional dc-dc converter is controlled by constant current control mode with PI controller. 1-Ø utility grid with bidirectional ac-dc half bridge PWM rectifier is controlled by constant voltage control mode with PI controller. These power electronic converters with control strategies are maintaining power management among integrated electrical sources in both islanding mode and grid connected mode operations. In islanding mode, the energy storage unit is utilized to compensate the load power and intermittence of solar power. The suggested converter with integration of electrical sources are simulated in MATLAB environment.

Speed Control of Multicarrier PWM Based 11-Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive


Title of PaperSpeed Control of Multicarrier PWM Based 11-Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)


Author NameKarri V V Satyanarayana

OrganizationGSSSIETW - Mysuru Karnataka, India

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , GSSSIETW - Mysuru Karnataka, India


In this paper, a II-level inverter fed induction motor (IM) speed control is presented. A Scalar speed control method is used to control speed of IM. The suggested inverter topology significantly reduces the switching device count. The presented work uses a II-level inverter to control the speed of motor. This topology required eight switches for the II-level inverter output voltage generation. Variable frequency multicarrier PWM is utilized for controlling the output voltage of inverter. The IM speed control is performed in both open loop and closed loop scalar control methods. In both speed control methods, v/f ratio and ripples in the torque of the IM are maintained constant. PI controller controls speed regulation of induction motor. The suggested converter topology fed induction motor drive has been simulated in a MATLAB environment.



Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)


PublisherIAEME Publication

Volume Number11

Page Number764-776

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6480

Indexed INScopus


In this paper five level boost switched-capacitor multilevel module multilevel inverter topology is presented (BSCMLM MLI). The proposed topology is consisting of two capacitors and single dc source for generation of five inverter output voltage. The switched-capacitor circuit boost up the voltage and balancing the capacitor voltages. This five level topology offers less switching device count with capacitor voltage balancing, it lead to reducing the conduction and switching losses of converter and increase the efficiency of converter. The analyses of switching and conduction losses of suggested topology are presented. This topology is tested with variable frequency multi carrier pulse width modulation (VFMCPWM) technique with different loading conditions are carried out in MATLAB environment

A Reduced Switch Count Nine-Level Cascaded-Transformer Multilevel Inverter


Title of PaperA Reduced Switch Count Nine-Level Cascaded-Transformer Multilevel Inverter

Proceeding Name2019 International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT)


Author NameKarri V V Satyanarayana

OrganizationGSSSIETW - Mysuru Karnataka, India.

Year , VenueFebruary 2020 , Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, India


The main drawback of multilevel inverters based on cascaded H-bridge (CHB) are usage of large number of switching components and dc-sources. This lead to high switching losses and reduction in efficiency. Thus minimization of switching components and dc sources gain significant importance in multilevel inverters. Cascaded-transformer based multilevel inverters (CTMIs) have absolutely reduced the need of several dc-sources and switching components for CHBs. This paper primarily focuses on nine level cascaded transformer based multilevel inverter and proposed topology significantly reduces the number of dc voltage sources and IGBT switching components. Thus switching power losses and requirement of gate driver circuitry are minimized. Comparison between existing nine level CTMI and proposed nine level CTMI has been presented. The operation and performance of proposed topology has been tested with variable frequency multi carrier PWM technique and the results have been discussed with the help of MATLAB/Simulink environment.

A reduced switch count multilevel module multilevel converter topology


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperA reduced switch count multilevel module multilevel converter topology

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number10(3)

Page Number148–159

Published YearSeptember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No0975-8364

Indexed INScopus


In this paper a new multilevel module multilevel converter (MLM-MLI) topology with reduced switch count is proposed. The proposed topology significantly reduces number of dc voltage sources, IGBT switches, switching power losses and gate driver circuitry. A comparative analysis of existing topology and proposed topology has been carried out for eleven level multilevel converter. The analytical analysis and optimization structure of proposed new MLM-MLI and its submultilevel converter is also presented. Operation and performance of proposed eleven level converter topology tested with dissimilar types of multicarrier pulse width modulation (MCPWM) techniques, precisely in-phase disposition (IPD), anti-phase opposition disposition (APOD), carrier overlap (CO) and variable frequency PWM techniques. The results have been confirmed in MATLAB/Simulink in mandate to outstanding the superlative MCPWM technique that gives lowest THD in converter output voltage.

Equilibrium optimizer for multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch integration with plug-in electric vehicles and renewable sources


Journal NameMultiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design

Title of PaperEquilibrium optimizer for multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch integration with plug-in electric vehicles and renewable sources


Volume Number-

Page Number-

Published YearFebruary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2520-8179

Indexed INScopus


The renewable energy sources (RES) like wind and solar energy have received much attention in incorporating with thermal generating units. The Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) have been integrated with the Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch (DEELD) model to further reduce fuel cost and emission levels. However, there are new challenges in the power grid after integrating RES and PEVs.Therefore, the novel new framework of DEELD model with wind, solar and PEVs , called WSPEV DEELD model, has been proposed first time to smooth charging and discharging of PEVs and penalty cost for wind and solar energy in underestimation and overestimation. In this manuscript, an effective technique called Equilibrium Optimization (EO) has been proposed to solve the highly complex WSPEV DEELD problems with considering various operating constraints. The EO algorithm has been tested on different system of 10 units to verify the performance and validity of proposed model and algorithm.

Integrating renewable energy sources and electric vehicles in dynamic economic emission dispatch: an oppositional-based equilibrium optimizer approach


Journal NameEngineering Optimization

Title of PaperIntegrating renewable energy sources and electric vehicles in dynamic economic emission dispatch: an oppositional-based equilibrium optimizer approach

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number-

Page Number-

Published YearJanuary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0305-215X

Indexed INScopus


This article proposes a solution to the Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch (DEED) problem, which incorporates wind, solar and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) into the optimization challenge. The new model, called Wind-Solar-Plug in Electric Vehicle (WSPEV) DEED, utilizes an optimization technique called the Oppositional-based Equilibrium Optimizer (OEO) method with the Weibull and Beta distributions to model wind and solar resources. The charging and discharging patterns of PEVs are also considered in the model. The proposed approach is evaluated through several scenarios involving Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and PEVs, and the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in achieving a sustainable and cost-effective power system. The WSPEV DEED model provides a valuable solution to the DEED problem, which is crucial for successfully integrating RESs and PEVs into the power system for a sustainable future.

Efficient Economic Load Dispatch Optimization with Arithmetic Optimization Algorithms for Large-Scale Power Systems


Title of PaperEfficient Economic Load Dispatch Optimization with Arithmetic Optimization Algorithms for Large-Scale Power Systems

Proceeding NameInternational Springer Conference on Computational Intelligence and Smart Technologies in Electrical Engineering (CISTEE 2023)


Author NameJaydeep Dodiya, Jatin Soni, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationNIT Durgapur

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , -

Page Number-


Indexed INScopus



Equilibrium Optimizer for the Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Multiple Fuel Option and Renewable Sources


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperEquilibrium Optimizer for the Economic Load Dispatch Problem with Multiple Fuel Option and Renewable Sources

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number-

Page Number-

Published YearJuly 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2386–2397

Indexed INScopus


The integration of thermal units with renewable sources leads to a highly nonlinear and difficult Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem. However, dependency of wind speed and solar irradiance, renewable sources like wind-solar plants cannot guarantee their output. It has been possible to anticipate the wind speed and solar irradiation by Weibull and beta probability density functions. Wind and solar energy output powers have been estimated using the 2-m point estimation method. The renewable-based ELD problem has a solution thanks to the equilibrium optimizer (EO) technique. Finding the answer in a relatively short amount of computing time is made possible by the method's exploration and exploitation stages. The suggested technique has been validated in three, five, six, fifteen, and huge 160 thermal units linked to renewable energy sources by meeting restrictions such generator operating restrictions, valve point loading impact, and numerous fuel possibilities.

Multi‑objective dynamic economic emission dispatch integration with renewable energy sources and plug‑in electrical vehicle using equilibrium optimizer


Journal NameEnvironment, Development and Sustainability

Title of PaperMulti‑objective dynamic economic emission dispatch integration with renewable energy sources and plug‑in electrical vehicle using equilibrium optimizer


Volume Number-

Page Number-

Published YearFebruary 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1573-2975

Indexed INScopus


The thermal power plants, electrical industries, and transportation are the major source of emission of pollutant gases. Renewable energy sources (RES) such as wind plants and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) have been integrated in multi-objective dynamic economic emission dispatch (DEED) for a day to reduce wind–thermal energy cost and emission of pollutant gases. The several practical and nonlinear constraints have been considered to make system more realistic. The equilibrium optimizer (EO) has been proposed to solve the DEED model with RES and PEVs from different aspects. The four cases of ten and twenty thermal generating units have been considered to validate and analyze the efficacy of different types of integration in the proposed model. The results obtained by proposed technique have been compared with other recently developed techniques to show accuracy, efciency, and speed of this technique in solving the proposed problem.

Sine-Cosine Algorithm for the Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem With the Valve-Point Loading Effect


Journal NameInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

Title of PaperSine-Cosine Algorithm for the Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem With the Valve-Point Loading Effect


Volume Number14

Page Number1-15

Published YearJanuary 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1947-9263

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Dynamic economic dispatch (DED) deals with the allocation of predicted load demand over a certain period of time among the thermal generating units at minimum fuel cost. The objective function of DED becomes highly complex and nonlinear after considering various operating constraints like valve point loading, ramp rate limit, transmission loss, and generation limits. In this study, the sine-cosine algorithm has been presented to solve the DED problem with various constraints. The randomly placed swarm finds an optimum solution according to their fitness values and keeps the path towards the best solution attained by each swarm. The swarm avoid local optima in the exploration stage and move towards the solution exploitation stage using sine and cosine functions. The proposed technique has been tested in several test systems. The results obtained by the proposed technique have been compared with those obtained by other published methods employing the same test systems. The results validate the superiority and the effectiveness of the proposed technique over other well-known techniques.

Artificial Electric Field Algorithm Applied to the Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Valve Point Loading Effect


Journal NameInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

Title of PaperArtificial Electric Field Algorithm Applied to the Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Valve Point Loading Effect


Volume Number14

Page Number1-23

Published YearJanuary 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1947-9263

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Economic load dispatch is to operate thermal generators economically with fulfilling load demand. This economic dispatch problem becomes highly complex and non-linear after considering various operating constraints like valve-point loading effect, generator operating constraints, and prohibited operating zone. The recently developed physics law-based artificial electric field algorithm has been applied to solve highly complex and non-linear ELD problems. The exploration and exploitation strategy of the algorithm helps to avoid local optimum value, and to get global optimum value in less computation time. The AEFA method has been applied to 10, 13, 15, 40, and large 110 thermal generators to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results obtained by the proposed algorithm have been compared with other recently developed algorithms.

Optimization of Overall Generation Cost for Economic Load Dispatch using Ant-Lion Optimization Technique


Title of PaperOptimization of Overall Generation Cost for Economic Load Dispatch using Ant-Lion Optimization Technique

Proceeding Name2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON)


Author NameU. Patel, T. Jhankal, P. N. Tekwani, A. N. Patel and K. Bhattacharjee

OrganizationCATCON, Durgapur, India

Year , VenueDecember 2022 , NIT DURGAPUR

Page Number-


Indexed INScopus


Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is one of the essential operation of the power system, used to save the fuel cost and efficiently meet the load demand. The issues of ELD have solved using several techniques. This work offers the resilient and efficient Ant-Lion Optimization Technique (ALOT) to solve ELD problem. The ALOT is a population-based probabilistic approach that uses the fitness function of its search agents are distributed arbitrarily throughout the search space, to direct them toward an optimal location. It also maintains note of the best outcome each search agent has been able to accomplish. The ELD problems on standard test cases under a range of constraints have been solved using ALOT technique. The proposed approach surpassed optimization strategies listed in the literature in simulations in terms of the effectiveness of the solution carried out and computational efficiency. The final results also prove the reliability of the proposed technique for the ELD problem.

A Novel Oppositional Approach for Solving Different Economic Emission Dispatch Problems


Journal NameElectrical Power Components and Systems

Title of PaperA Novel Oppositional Approach for Solving Different Economic Emission Dispatch Problems

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number50

Page Number480–497

Published YearNovember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1532-5008

Indexed INScopus


An oppositional-based learning approach with a real coded chemical reaction algorithm (ORCCRO) has been considered in this manuscript. The ORCCRO algorithm has been used here to find the near-global optimum solution for multi-objective economic-emission load dispatch problem with having nonlinear constraints. Emission extract from thermal power plants like NOx, inequality constraints like power generation operating limit and equality constraints like power balance consideration are considered here. ORCCRO follows the process to reach a stable state in lower energy with different molecular chemical collision. Oppositional-based learning mechanism has also hybrid here with RCCRO to find out more effective solution. Three different test systems are considered for simulation studies revealed that the ORCCRO method is much superior in comparison with other effective algorithms. The results obtained in these three test systems prove the robustness and the efficiency of ORCCRO.

A High Speed Method for Loss of Excitation Detection


Title of PaperA High Speed Method for Loss of Excitation Detection

Proceeding Name2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing

PublisherPower and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT). India Habitat Centre

Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Dhrubajyoti Das, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationPower and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT). India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India. Sep 23-25, 2022

Year , VenueSeptember 2022 , India Habitat Centre

Page Number1-6


Indexed INScopus


In case of generator protection, accurate detection of loss of excitation (LOE) of generator is a major concern for power system operation. The conventional approach based on impedance trajectory is prone to maloperate during stable power swing (SPS) and any large disturbance near the generator bus. Any mal-operation of generator relays threatens both the generator and power system stability. This paper presents a new approach only by investigating the armature current and active power at the generator terminal. This method doesn’t consider any intentional time delay. Robustness of method is assured considering different types of loadings. In this work, both the total loss of excitation (TLOE) and partial loss of excitation (PLOE) have been considered. The proposed method is independent of the generator size. The verification of the proposed method and all the required simulations have been done in PSCAD platform.

Solution of the Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem Using Oppositional-Based Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

Title of PaperSolution of the Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem Using Oppositional-Based Algorithm


Volume Number13

Page Number1-25

Published YearAugust 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1947-9263

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


An efficient optimal power flow (OPF) algorithm allows the finest setting of the plant by solving multi-objective optimization problem to minimise the overall operating cost. This paper proposes the quasi oppositional backtrack search algorithm (QOBSA) for optimal setting of OPF control variables. The QOBSA is stochastic algorithm which gives committed and robust results compared to the traditional methods. Thistechnique has been implemented to test the control parameters for the IEEE 30-bus with single and multi-objective functions like the minimization of fuel cost, minimization of total voltage deviation (TVD), voltage stability enhancement, emission reduction, and multi-fuel cost minimization. The result provides better voltage profile at every bus based on L-index which in turn greatly reduces the burden on load buses. The QOBSA code has been developed in the MATLAB platform and tested with the help of IEEE 30-bus and the outcomes have been compared with ongoing literature.

Sooty Tern Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Multi-Objective Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Problem


Journal NameInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

Title of PaperSooty Tern Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Multi-Objective Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Problem


Volume Number13

Page Number-

Published YearJuly 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1947-9263

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Sooty tern optimization algorithm for economic emission dispatch problem integration with wind energy


Title of PaperSooty tern optimization algorithm for economic emission dispatch problem integration with wind energy

Proceeding Name3rd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2022), 27 May- 29 may 2022, NIT Jamshedpur.


Author NameJatin Soni, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationNIT Jamshedpur

Year , VenueMay 2022 , NIT Jamshedpur

Page Number-


Indexed INScopus



An Industrial Perspective on Restructured Power System using Soft Computing Techniques

Book Chapter

Book Name Internet of Things (IIoT): Intelligent Analytics for Predictive Maintenance

PublisherWiley Press Publishing

Author NameKuntal Bhattacharjee, Akhilesh Arvind Nimje*, Shanker D. Godwal and Sudeep Tanwar

Page Number-

Chapter TitleAn Industrial Perspective on Restructured Power System using Soft Computing Techniques

Published YearMay 2022

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1119768772, ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1119768777

Indexed INScopus


The application of computational approaches in the past has yielded appreciable results. The increased system complexity causes difficulty in system modeling. Analytical tools were vastly employed, including areas such as biology, medicine, humanities, management, and engineering. Soft computing techniques evolved as a result of inspiration from biological process occurring in nature; hence, performance is based on a probabilistic approach. As a result, global optimum solutions cannot be always expected for all the optimization problems, especially for multimodal objective function. The solution determined by applying soft computing technique can be global optimum or local optimum. The ability of soft computing techniques to reach global optimum solution for maximum number of times out of certain number of trials depends on their ability “to explore search space” and “to exploit good solutions”, during optimization process. Not all soft computing techniques have the same ability “to explore” and “exploit”. Since early 20th century, many soft computing referred as classical soft computing techniques have been developed so far for solving the issues concerned with deregulated power system. The introduction of nonlinear devices such as thermal units with multi-valve steam turbines, Heat-Recovery combined cycle Steam Generators (HRSG), contributed in uplifting the energy efficiency of the power system. Therefore, it furthers the complexity in the mathematical model of the system. To account for increased mathematical complexity, certain approximations needed to be considered while applying classical soft computing techniques. Due to approximations, the results determined by these methods turned out to be sub-optimal. The implementation of such sub-optimal results could have resulted into a huge annual revenue loss. Therefore, the primary purpose of implementing the techniques was not fulfilled. Technological advancements led to increased storage capability and improved performance of the digital computers. This helped to combat the limitations of the classical soft computing techniques and encouraged researchers to develop more soft computing techniques. The precise system modeling along with appropriate objective function can offer optimal solutions along with financial implications. The current trend is to focus on improving the operational efficiency of the system, thereby slowing down the rate of depletion of fossil fuel and saving huge amount of money.

Sine cosine algorithm for solving economic load dispatch problem with penetration of renewables.


Journal NameInternational Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

Title of PaperSine cosine algorithm for solving economic load dispatch problem with penetration of renewables.


Volume Number13

Page Number1-21

Published YearMarch 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1947-9263

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Economic load dispatch is used to allocate power demand economically among connected generators by considering various constraints. The thermal generating units are incorporated with renewable sources like wind and solar units to reduce pollution and dependency on fuel cost. The uncertainty of output power from wind and solar plants is considered here. The 2-m point estimation method is used to get generated power from wind and solar units. The population-based Sine Cosine Algorithm is proposed to get the optimum solution of the presented complex ELD problem. The randomly placed search agents find an optimum solution according to their fitness values and keep path towards best solution attained by each search agent. The search agents avoid local optima in exploration stage and move towards the solution exploitation stage using sine and cosine functions. The proposed algorithm has been tested in various four test systems. The results proved that the proposed algorithm gives quite an effective, efficient, and promising solution compared to other techniques.

Solving Economic Dispatch using Artificial Eco System-based Optimization


Journal NameElectric Power Components and Systems

Title of PaperSolving Economic Dispatch using Artificial Eco System-based Optimization

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number49

Page Number1034-1051

Published YearJanuary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No15325016

Indexed INScopus


Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is the most inherent necessity in power system operation to minimize the cost as well as the accomplishment of load demand abundantly. The main purpose of ELD is to satisfy load demand with the minimization of cost. Distinct techniques have been used for resolving the ELD problem. This paper introduces a robust and effective technique named Artificial Eco System Optimization (AEO) Algorithm to solve ELD. AEO is a population-based optimizer stimulated by the flow of energy into the Earth’s ecosystem. This algorithm shows three distinct functions of living organisms, including production, consumption, and decomposition. By accomplishing three operator producer, consumer, and decomposer whole algorithm works and balances between the exploitation and the exploration phases of the technique. For solving the ELD problem, AEO has been implemented on multiple test systems with an account of different restrictions and AEO has given better results than different several novels, previous and hybrid optimization techniques. The outcomes confirm the robustness, expediency, effectiveness, and efficacy of AEO in terms of computational time and vicinity to the global optimum solution.

Backtracking search optimization applied to solve short-term electrical real power generation of hydrothermal plant


Journal NameEngineering Optimization

Title of PaperBacktracking search optimization applied to solve short-term electrical real power generation of hydrothermal plant

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number54(9)

Page Number1525-1543

Published YearAugust 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1029-0273

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


This article aims to determine the feasible optimal solution for the short-term hydrothermal scheduling (STHS) problem using the efficient backtracking search optimization technique. The problem formulation for hydrothermal systems is highly complex owing to its nonlinear nature. Hydrothermal scheduling is considered with two decision variables simultaneously: thermal states and water discharge. These two variables are instrumental in determining the optimal hourly schedule of power generation in hydrothermal power plants. The optimum solution is obtained using the backtracking search algorithm (BSA) with two primary operations, namely, mutation and crossover. The BSA is an optimization technique free from high-sensitivity control parameters, because it has only one control parameter for finding the optimal solution. It also has powerful exploration and exploitation capabilities. The simulation results corroborate that BSA is highly efficient compared to existing optimization techniques (e.g. oppositional real coded chemical reaction-based optimization, differential evolution) in terms of overall efficiency and the quality of the solutions.

An experimental study regarding Economic Load Dispatch using Search Group Optimization


Journal NameInternational Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia Iranica

Title of PaperAn experimental study regarding Economic Load Dispatch using Search Group Optimization

PublisherScientia Iranica

Volume Number27(6)

Page Number3175-3189

Published YearDecember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2345-3605

Indexed INScopus


Power System network is formed mainly to generate power from all the generators to fulfil total load demand and transmission line losses. The Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem is considered to be one of the most important problems of cost minimization in power system operations. Various approaches have been taken to solve the ELD problem. In this paper a powerful Search Group Optimization (SGO) technique is implemented to solve the ELD problem. SGO maintains a good balance between the exploitation and the exploration phases of the technique. This optimization technique tends to find the promising regions of the search space from the first iteration onwards. The algorithm uses five important steps to reach the optimal solution of the ELD problem. Namely, initial population, initial selection of search group, search group mutation, family generation and new search group selection. Using these five steps, the SGO tends to make a smooth transition towards the optimized solution. The SGO is applied to five test systems and the final results obtained have been compared to various other recently developed optimization techniques. The results prove the robustness, feasibility, effectiveness and efficiency of SGO in terms of computational time and proximity to the global optimum solution.

A comparative study of Economic Load Dispatch with complex non-linear constraints using Salp Swarm Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia Iranica

Title of PaperA comparative study of Economic Load Dispatch with complex non-linear constraints using Salp Swarm Algorithm

PublisherScientia Iranica

Volume Number29(2)

Page Number676-692

Published YearMay 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2345-3605

Indexed INScopus


Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is an important part of cost minimization procedure in power system operation. Different derivative and probabilistic methods are used to solve ELD problems. This paper proposes a powerful Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) to explain the ELD issue including equality and inequality restrictions. The main aim of ELD is to satisfy the entire electric load at minimum cost. The SSA is a population based probabilistic method which guides its search agents that are randomly placed in the search space, towards an optimal point using their fitness function and also keeps a track of the best solution achieved by each search agent. SSA is being used to solve the ELD problem with their high exploration and local optima escaping technique. This algorithm confirms that the promising areas of the search space are exploited to have a smooth transition from exploration to exploitation using the movement of Salps in the sea. Simulation results prove that the proposed algorithm surpasses other existing optimization techniques in terms quality of solution obtained and computational efficiency. The final results also prove the robustness of the SSA.

A comparative study of Economic Load Dispatch using Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia Iranica

Title of PaperA comparative study of Economic Load Dispatch using Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherScientia Iranica

Volume Number27(3)

Page Number1467-1480

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2345-3605

Indexed INScopus


Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) is an important part of cost minimization procedure in power system operation. Different derivative and probabilistic methods are used to solve ELD problems. This paper proposes a powerful Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) to explain the ELD issue including equality and inequality restrictions. The main aim of ELD is to satisfy the entire electric load at minimum cost. The SCA is a population based probabilistic method which guides its search agents that are randomly placed in the search space, towards an optimal point using their fitness function and also keeps a track of the best solution achieved by each search agent. SCA is being used to solve the ELD problem with their high exploration and local optima escaping technique. This algorithm confirms that the promising areas of the search space are exploited to have a smooth transition from exploration to exploitation using sine and cosine functions. Simulation results prove that the proposed algorithm surpasses other existing optimization techniques in terms quality of solution obtained and computational efficiency. The final results also prove the robustness of the SCA.

Economic Dispatch Problems using Backtracking Search Optimization


Journal NameInternational Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering

Title of PaperEconomic Dispatch Problems using Backtracking Search Optimization


Volume Number7

Page Number39-60

Published YearApril 2018

ISSN/ISBN No2160-9500

Indexed INWeb of Science


The purpose of this article is to present a backtracking search optimization technique (BSA) to determine the feasible optimum solution of the economic load dispatch (ELD) problems involving different realistic equality and inequality constraints, such as power balance, ramp rate limits, and prohibited operating zone constraints. Effects of valve-point loading, multi-fuel option of large-scale the

The use of Krill Herd Based Optimization to solve complex Economic Load Dispatch Problems


Title of PaperThe use of Krill Herd Based Optimization to solve complex Economic Load Dispatch Problems

Proceeding NameConference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), Mahendra Engineering College

Author NameSubhajit Roy, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationMahendra Engineering College, mahendhirapuri, mallasamudram, tiruchengode, namakkal dt., Tamilnadu, India

Year , VenueMarch 2017 , Mahendra Engineering College, mahendhirapuri, mallasamudram, tiruchengode, namakkal dt., Tamilnadu, India

Page Number72 - 78

Indexed INScopus

Chemical Reaction Based Optimization implemented to Solve Short-Term Hydrothermal Generation Scheduling Problems


Title of PaperChemical Reaction Based Optimization implemented to Solve Short-Term Hydrothermal Generation Scheduling Problems

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES 2016), SSN College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India,

Author NameSubhajit Roy, Sneha Rani, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationSSN College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India,

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , SSN College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India,

Page Number79-84

Indexed INScopus

Teaching Learning Based Optimization to solve Economic and Emission Scheduling Problems


Title of PaperTeaching Learning Based Optimization to solve Economic and Emission Scheduling Problems

Proceeding Name2nd International conference on control, instrumentation, energy & communication, IEEE CIEC-16, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, india

Author NameSneha Rani, Subhajit Roy, Kuntal Bhattacharjee, Aniruddha Bhattacharya

OrganizationUniversity of Calcutta, Kolkata, india

Year , VenueJanuary 2016 , University of Calcutta, Kolkata, india

Page Number546 - 550

Indexed INScopus

A Modern Approach to Solve of Economic Load Dispatch using Group Leader Optimization Technique


Journal NameInternational Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering

Title of PaperA Modern Approach to Solve of Economic Load Dispatch using Group Leader Optimization Technique


Volume Number6

Page Number66-85

Published YearJanuary 2016

ISSN/ISBN No2160-9500

Indexed INWeb of Science


Economic load dispatch plays an important role of power system operation & control by using different soft techniques that have been used to solve convex and non-convex economic load dispatch (ELD) problems. This paper presents a new global optimization algorithm to the economic load dispatch problems for minimization of fuel cost of generations with different constraints such as ramp rate limits,

Backtracking Search Optimization based Economic Environmental Power Dispatch Problems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System

Title of PaperBacktracking Search Optimization based Economic Environmental Power Dispatch Problems


Volume Number73

Page Number830-842

Published YearJanuary 2015

ISSN/ISBN No0142-0615

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents the solution for a nonlinear constrained multi objective of the economic and emission load dispatch (EELD) problem of thermal generators of power systems by means of the backtracking search optimization technique. Emission substance like NOX, power demand equality constraint and operating limit constraint are considered here. The aim of backtracking search optimization (BSA) is

A Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm applied in Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problems


Title of PaperA Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm applied in Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problems

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering Science and Applications (IESA 14), NIT, Durgapur, India

Author NamePartha Pratim Das, Kuntal Bhattacharjee, Aniruddha Bhattacharya

OrganizationNIT, Durgapur, India

Year , VenueApril 2014 , NIT, Durgapur, India

Indexed INScopus

Chemical Reaction Optimization applied in Economic Dispatch Problems


Title of PaperChemical Reaction Optimization applied in Economic Dispatch Problems

Proceeding Name1st international conference on automation, control, energy and systems (ACES 14), Academic of technology, Hooghly, India

Author NameK.Bhattacharjee, A. Bhattacharya, SunitaHalder nee Dey

OrganizationAcademic of technology, Hooghly, India

Year , VenueFebruary 2014 , Academic of technology, Hooghly, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Teaching Learning Based Optimization for Different Economic Dispatch Problems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Science and Technology

Title of PaperTeaching Learning Based Optimization for Different Economic Dispatch Problems

PublisherScientia Iranica

Volume Number21

Page Number870-884

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No2345-3605

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a teaching learning based algorithm (TLBO) to solve economic load dispatch (ELD) problems involving different linear, non-linear constraints. The problem formulation also considered the non-convex objective functions including the effect of valve-point loading, multi-fuel option of large-scale thermal plants.Many difficulties such as multimodality, dimensionality and differenti

Oppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction Based Optimization to solve Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Problems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System

Title of PaperOppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction Based Optimization to solve Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Problems


Volume Number63

Page Number145-157

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No0142-0615

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents an Oppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction based (ORCCRO) algorithm to solve the short-term hydrothermal scheduling (STHS) problem. Being complex, the hydrothermal system relates with every problem variables in a non-linear way. The objective of the STHS is to determine the optimal hourly schedule of power generation for different hydrothermal power system for certain interva

Chemical Reaction Optimisation for Different Economic Dispatch Problems


Journal NameIET Transaction on Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Title of PaperChemical Reaction Optimisation for Different Economic Dispatch Problems


Volume Number8

Page Number530 – 541

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No1751-8687

Indexed INScopus


This study presents a real coded chemical reaction algorithm to solve economic load dispatch (ELD) problems involving different constraints such as power balance, ramp rate limits and prohibited operating zone constraints. Effects of valve-point loading and multi-fuel options of large-scale thermal plants are also studied. System transmission loss has also been considered in a few cases. Chemical

Solution of Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problems of Power Systems by Real Coded Chemical Reaction algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

Title of PaperSolution of Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problems of Power Systems by Real Coded Chemical Reaction algorithm


Volume Number59

Page Number176-187

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No0142-0615

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a Real Coded Chemical Reaction algorithm (RCCRO) approach to solve the Economic Emission Load Dispatch (EELD) problem of thermal generators of power systems. Emission substance like NOX, power demand equality constraint and operating limit constraint are considered here. EELD problem has been originated as a multi-objective problem by considering both economy and emission simul

Oppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction Optimization for Different Economic Dispatch Problems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System

Title of PaperOppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction Optimization for Different Economic Dispatch Problems


Volume Number55

Page Number378-391

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No0142-0615

Indexed INScopus


This paper proposes an effective oppositional Real Coded Chemical Reaction algorithm (ORCCRO) to solve Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problems involving different equality and inequality constraints. Effects of valve-point loading, multi-fuel options of large-scale thermal plants are also studied. System transmission loss has also been considered in few cases. Chemical Reaction Optimization (CRO) im

Real Coded Chemical Reaction Based Optimization for Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling


Journal NameApplied Soft Computing

Title of PaperReal Coded Chemical Reaction Based Optimization for Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling


Volume Number24

Page Number962-976

Published YearJanuary 2014

ISSN/ISBN No1568-4946

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a real coded chemical reaction based (RCCRO) algorithm to solve the short-termhydrothermal scheduling (STHS) problem. Hydrothermal system is highly complex and related withevery problem variables in a nonlinear way. The objective of the hydro thermal scheduling is to determinethe optimal hourly schedule of power generation for different hydrothermal power system for certaininte

Discussion on “A GA-API Solution for the Economic Dispatch of Generation in Power System Operation"


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Title of PaperDiscussion on “A GA-API Solution for the Economic Dispatch of Generation in Power System Operation"


Volume Number28

Page Number570-571

Published YearJanuary 2013

ISSN/ISBN No0885-8950

Indexed INScopus


The authors are being commended for presenting an interesting idea to solve economic load dispatch problems through a combination of a special class of ant colony optimization called API and real coded genetic algorithm which they named as GA-API [1] approach. In this paper, the authors have considered four test cases, out of which the second one is a 6-generator system having smooth and nonconvex

Power System State Estimation using Biogeography-Based Optimization


Title of PaperPower System State Estimation using Biogeography-Based Optimization

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012, IEEE Conference), Kanyakumari, India

Author NameR Sarkar, T.K. Chattopadhyay, K. Bhattacharjee, A. Bhattacharya, P. K. Roy, S.Dutta

OrganizationKanyakumari, India

Year , VenueApril 2012 , Kanyakumari, India

Page Number235-239

Indexed INScopus

Transient Stability Constraint Optimal Power Flow Using Gravitational Search Algorithm


Title of PaperTransient Stability Constraint Optimal Power Flow Using Gravitational Search Algorithm

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012, IEEE Conference), Kanyakumari, India

Author NameKuntal Bhattacharjee, Susanta Dutta ,Sneha Sultana, Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Provas Kr. Roy

OrganizationKanyakumari, India

Year , VenueApril 2012 , Kanyakumari, India

Page Number270-274

Indexed INScopus

Biogeography Based Optimization for Automatic Generation Control of a Multi Area Hydro-Thermal System


Title of PaperBiogeography Based Optimization for Automatic Generation Control of a Multi Area Hydro-Thermal System

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012, IEEE Conference), Kanyakumari, India

Author NameSusanta Dutta, Sourav Paul, Provas Kr. Roy, Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationKanyakumari, India

Year , VenueApril 2012 , Kanyakumari, India

Page Number265-269

Indexed INScopus

Automatic Generation Control of an Interconnected Hydro-Thermal System with Thyristor Control Phase Shifter using Gravitational Search Algorithm


Title of PaperAutomatic Generation Control of an Interconnected Hydro-Thermal System with Thyristor Control Phase Shifter using Gravitational Search Algorithm

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management (IEEE-ICAESM 2012), Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India

Author NameSusanta Dutta, Sourav Paul, Kuntal Bhattacharjee, Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Provas Kumar Roy

OrganizationNagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India

Year , VenueMarch 2012 , Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India

Page Number269 - 274

Indexed INScopus

Neural Network Approach for the Assessment of Reactive Power Margin of an Interconnected Power System


Title of PaperNeural Network Approach for the Assessment of Reactive Power Margin of an Interconnected Power System

Proceeding NameInternational conference on Convergence of Science & Engineering in Education and Research A Global Perspective in the New Millenium (ICSE-2010), Dayananda Sagar Institution, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore, India

Author NameKuntal Bhattacharjee

OrganizationDayananda Sagar Institution, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore, India

Year , VenueApril 2010 , Dayananda Sagar Institution, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore, India

Indexed INScopus

Analyzing the Impact of Skewing Techniques for Cogging Torque Reduction in PM Synchronous Motor Design for Electric Vehicles


Journal NameNirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology

Title of PaperAnalyzing the Impact of Skewing Techniques for Cogging Torque Reduction in PM Synchronous Motor Design for Electric Vehicles

PublisherNirma University

Volume Number2

Page Number5-10

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2231-2870

Indexed INOthers


The paper aims to explore and analyze various skewing techniques used for reducing cogging torque and torque ripple in the design of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) for electric vehicles. Cogging torque, a phenomenon resulting from the interaction between permanent magnets on the rotor and teeth on the stator, causes higher torque ripple and affects the overall performance and efficiency of PMSMs. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of different skewing techniques, including linear and V-skewing, in mitigating cogging torque and reducing torque ripple. The proposed methods are investigated through static and time- stepping finite element analysis (FEA) simulations. The results show a significant reduction in cogging torque and torque ripple, leading to improved performance of the PMSM motor. This study highlights the effectiveness of the linear skewing technique in comparison with the V-skew technique for cogging torque reduction in PMSMs, leading to better motor efficiency and performance.

Analytical Performance Estimation of a Fall-Back Inner-Rotor Transverse-Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Magnetic Equivalent Reluctance Circuit


Journal NameElectric Power Components and Systems

Title of PaperAnalytical Performance Estimation of a Fall-Back Inner-Rotor Transverse-Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Magnetic Equivalent Reluctance Circuit

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Page Number1-13

Published YearMarch 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1532-5008

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A magneto-hydrodynamic analysis of liquid metal flows in the conducting and insulating wall ducts using a finite element tool


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperA magneto-hydrodynamic analysis of liquid metal flows in the conducting and insulating wall ducts using a finite element tool

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Page Number1-8

Published YearFebruary 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0143-0750

Indexed INScopus


In various fusion reactors, a liquid conducting metal has been considered an ideal breeder and a coolant. The magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) analysis of liquid metal flow in a typical square duct plays a major role in designing reactor components. Conducting fluid flow induces an eddy current in a magnetic field, which, produces electromagnetic force leading to high MHD pressure drop. The electrical conductivity of the walls substantially affects the number of liquid metal flows and forces produced due to eddy current, producing severe pressure drop in it. To reduce the effect of eddy current and MHD pressure drop, the time varying electromagnetic FE analysis has been carried out for electromagnetic forces and computational fluid dynamic analysis in the coupled field environment with conducting wall ducts and with insulated walls. FEA results are compared with analytically calculated parameters and validated.

Design and optimisation of slotted stator tooth switched reluctance motor for torque enhancement for electric vehicle applications


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperDesign and optimisation of slotted stator tooth switched reluctance motor for torque enhancement for electric vehicle applications

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0143-0750

Indexed INScopus


The switch reluctance motor (SRM) drive receives growing attention from different researchers and from the vehicle industry. The SRMs are widely used in the electric vehicle applications due to its tailor-made characteristics. This paper introduces a novel topology of the slotted stator tooth switched reluctance motor (SST-SRM). In the proposed topology, the stator of the conventional SRM is modified with slotted stator tooth, aiming for better performance of the machine. The stator tooth is slotted with different depths from the inner periphery and the parameters of the SRM are optimised for acquiring the Maximum torque output. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been carried out for the modified topology. The parameters are calculated analytically and results are compared with FEA results.

Analysis of a transverse flux permanent magnet generator with fall-back outer rotor design for wind power generation


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperAnalysis of a transverse flux permanent magnet generator with fall-back outer rotor design for wind power generation

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number41

Page Number1308–1313

Published YearAugust 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1532-5008

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of a Novel Fall-Back Transverse- Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator with Outer Rotor Design Suitable for Direct- Coupling Wind Turbine


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of a Novel Fall-Back Transverse- Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator with Outer Rotor Design Suitable for Direct- Coupling Wind Turbine

Proceeding Name2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2018)


Author NameMahesh A. Patel

Year , VenueApril 2018 , Singapore

ISSN/ISBN No0018-9464

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Analysis of a Fall-Back Transverse-Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Title of PaperAnalysis of a Fall-Back Transverse-Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator


Volume Number53

Page Number1-5

Published YearNovember 2017

ISSN/ISBN No0018-9464

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Variational Analysis and Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach for Robotics


Journal NameProcedia Technology

Title of PaperVariational Analysis and Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach for Robotics


Volume Number4

Page Number636-640

Published YearJune 2012

ISSN/ISBN No2212-0173

Modeling and analysis of quadrotor using sliding mode control


Title of PaperModeling and analysis of quadrotor using sliding mode control

Proceeding NameProceedings of the 2012 44th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST)


Author NameAnkit R. Patel, Mahesh A. Patel and Dhaval R. Vyas,

OrganizationJacksonville, FL, USA

Year , VenueMay 2012 , Jacksonville, FL, USA

Page Number111-114

ISSN/ISBN No0094-2898

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Variational Analysis Approach and its Applications to Robotics


Title of PaperVariational Analysis Approach and its Applications to Robotics

Proceeding Name2011 IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems


Author NameAnkit R. Patel, Ankit A. Patel, Mahesh A. Patel, Dhaval R. Vyas

Year , VenueNovember 2011 , Trivandrum, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4244-9478-1

Indexed INScopus

Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Based LED Lighting System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Title of PaperModeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Based LED Lighting System

PublisherWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Volume Number5

Page Number75-79

Published YearJanuary 2011

Use of PWM Techniques for Power Quality Improvement


Journal NameInternational Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering

Title of PaperUse of PWM Techniques for Power Quality Improvement


Volume Number1

Page Number99-102

Published YearMay 2009

ISSN/ISBN No1797-9617

Design, simulation and analysis of solar electric vehicle charging station


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power Electronics

Title of PaperDesign, simulation and analysis of solar electric vehicle charging station


Volume Number19

Page Number302-338

Published YearMarch 2024

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of Bioelectrochemical Systems with Power of Artificial Intelligence


Title of PaperOptimization of Bioelectrochemical Systems with Power of Artificial Intelligence

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)


Author NameJ. Mehta and M. T. Shah

Organization2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)

Year , VenueOctober 2023 , Rajkot, India

Page Number494-499

ISSN/ISBN Nodoi: 10.1109/R10-HTC57504.2023.10461898.

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of IoT-Based Solar Photo-Voltaic System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of IoT-Based Solar Photo-Voltaic System

Proceeding NameIEEE Xplore


Author NameR. Jain and M. T. Shah

Organization2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)

Year , VenueOctober 2023 , Rajkot, India

Page Number213-218

Indexed INScopus

Assessment and optimization of output filter for microsecond transient in PSM-based megawatt HVPS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Title of PaperAssessment and optimization of output filter for microsecond transient in PSM-based megawatt HVPS


Volume Number51

Page Number1988-1995

Published YearJuly 2023

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Effective power management systems in stacked microbial fuel cells for onsite applications


Journal NameJournal of Power Sources

Title of PaperEffective power management systems in stacked microbial fuel cells for onsite applications


Volume Number517

Published YearJanuary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0378-7753

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Application of power management system (PMS) in microbial fuel cell (MFC) for potential energy harvesting is coming up as an emerging trend for field level applications. Though the energy recovery and environment benefits of MFC are well recognized, still scaling-up challenges are confronted during onsite applications for sufficient power generation. Increasing number of research on PMS in MFC studies reveals incorporation of various power electronic components and different maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm models to boost electricity generation. From the point of stacking-up of MFCs, present review focuses on use of different electronic circuits i.e. DC-DC booster, supercapacitor, Metal- Oxide Semiconductor Field- Effect Transistor (MOSFET), amplifier, transistor, etc. incorporated in PMS. Tracking of maximum power point in MFC has been described using different MPPT algorithms. Some recent field trials are described which emphasize the importance of incorporation of PMS for boosting and storage of electricity generated from MFC. A suitable electrical and hydraulic series parallel connection establishment during stack mode operation of MFC is inevitable to generate desired voltage output. Present review aims towards applications of PMS in MFC for making power output useable in realistic applications. Valuable studies providing useful information, challenges and their probable solutions regarding PMS for stacking of MFC are discussed

Microbial fuel cell performance for aromatic hydrocarbon bioremediation and common effluent treatment plant wastewater treatment with bioelectricity generation through series-parallel connection


Journal NameLetters in Applied Microbiology

Title of PaperMicrobial fuel cell performance for aromatic hydrocarbon bioremediation and common effluent treatment plant wastewater treatment with bioelectricity generation through series-parallel connection


Published YearNovember 2021

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of microbial fuel cell process using a novel consortium for aromatic hydrocarbon bioremediation and bioelectricity generation


Journal NameJournal of Environmental Management,

Title of PaperOptimization of microbial fuel cell process using a novel consortium for aromatic hydrocarbon bioremediation and bioelectricity generation

Volume Number298

Page Number1-14

Published YearAugust 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0301-4797

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Investigation on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation along with bioelectricity generation through a microbial fuel cell


Title of PaperInvestigation on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation along with bioelectricity generation through a microbial fuel cell

Proceeding NameAnwesha Mukherjee, Nasreen S. Munshi


Author NameAnwesha Mukherjee, Nasreen S. Munshi


Page Number1-6

Published YearApril 2021

Indexed INScopus

Novel MPPT Algorithm for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System


Title of PaperNovel MPPT Algorithm for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System

Proceeding NameS. Prajapati

PublisherAdvance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

Author NameS. Prajapati

OrganizationAdvance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)

Page Number354-359

Published YearMarch 2021

Indexed INScopus

Variable Step Perturb and Observe Algorithm for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System


Title of PaperVariable Step Perturb and Observe Algorithm for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System

Proceeding NameJ. Yadav, S. Yadav

PublisherIEEE 4th International Conference

Author NameJ. Yadav, S. Yadav

OrganizationIEEE 4th International Conference

Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus

Improved Quality of Compensation in Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter Using Fractal Approach Based Current Hysteresis Controller


Title of PaperImproved Quality of Compensation in Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter Using Fractal Approach Based Current Hysteresis Controller

Proceeding Name47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Author NameS. K. Chauhan. P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationIEEE Industrial Electronics Society

Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus

Analysis of multi-axis current controller for power system friendly front-end converter employing two-level and three-level topologies


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Title of PaperAnalysis of multi-axis current controller for power system friendly front-end converter employing two-level and three-level topologies


Volume Number68

Page Number586-597

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, EBSCO

Fractal Approach Based Simplified and Generalized Sector Detection in Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multilevel Front-End Converters


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Title of PaperFractal Approach Based Simplified and Generalized Sector Detection in Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multilevel Front-End Converters


Volume Number35

Page Number11082-11095

Published YearOctober 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0885-8993

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO

Design and Analysis of Hybrid Active Power Filter for Current Harmonics Mitigation


Title of PaperDesign and Analysis of Hybrid Active Power Filter for Current Harmonics Mitigation

Proceeding NameProc.IEEE Int. Conf. INDICON


Author NameDhrumil Daftary


Page Number1-4

Published YearDecember 2019

Indexed INScopus

Performance of microbial fuel cell for bioelectricity generation and removal of organic load of spiked aromatic hydrocarbon using consortia


Title of PaperPerformance of microbial fuel cell for bioelectricity generation and removal of organic load of spiked aromatic hydrocarbon using consortia

Proceeding NameThe Biotech Research Society

PublisherThe Biotech Research Society

Author NameMukherjee A., Patel R., Patel, P., and Munshi N. S

OrganizationThe Biotech Research Society

Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2019

Indexed INScopus

Generalized Sector Detection Scheme for Space Vector Modulation based Modular Multi-Level Inverter


Title of PaperGeneralized Sector Detection Scheme for Space Vector Modulation based Modular Multi-Level Inverter

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering NUiCONE


Author NameEkansh Dadheech, Abhishek Singh

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-5

Published YearNovember 2019

Indexed INScopus

Performance investigations of adaptive ANN-SVPWM controlled active shunt power filter


Title of PaperPerformance investigations of adaptive ANN-SVPWM controlled active shunt power filter

Proceeding NameIEEE Int. Conf. on Power Electron., Drives and Energy Systems


Author Name Karan Arora, Hind Bhatt, P. N. Tekwani, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2018

Indexed INScopus

Analysis and implememntation of three-level neurtral point clmaped inverter fed induction motor drive


Title of PaperAnalysis and implememntation of three-level neurtral point clmaped inverter fed induction motor drive

Proceeding NameIEEE Int. Conf. on Power Electron., Drives and Energy Systems


Author NameJayrajsinhRajput, SiddharthsinghK. Chauhan, P. N. Tekwani


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2018

Indexed INScopus

Generalized sector detection technique for current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to multi-level front-end converter


Title of PaperGeneralized sector detection technique for current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to multi-level front-end converter

Proceeding NameIEEE Int. Conf. on Power Electron., Drives and Energy Systems


Author NameSiddharthsingh Chauhan, P. N. Tekwani


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2018

Indexed INScopus

Electricity generation and wastewater treatment through a mediator-less microbial fuel cell and optimization of various operational parameters


Title of PaperElectricity generation and wastewater treatment through a mediator-less microbial fuel cell and optimization of various operational parameters

Proceeding NameBiotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development & XV BRSI Convention


Author NameAnwesha Mukherjee, Rushika Patel, Nasreen S. Munshi


Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2018

Indexed INScopus

Simulation Analysis of Voltage Balancing Scheme Using Multicarrier Techniques For Three Phase Three-Level Flying-Capacitor (FC) Front-End Converter


Title of PaperSimulation Analysis of Voltage Balancing Scheme Using Multicarrier Techniques For Three Phase Three-Level Flying-Capacitor (FC) Front-End Converter

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering NUiCONE 2017

PublisherT & S

Author NamePooja Shah

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2017

Indexed INScopus

Simulation analysis of two-level and three-level (NPC) converter based SAPF for different current control schemes


Title of PaperSimulation analysis of two-level and three-level (NPC) converter based SAPF for different current control schemes

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering


Author NameKawal Preet Kaur Kalra


Page Number1-8

Published YearOctober 2017

Indexed INScopus

Current Controller for Multi-Level Front-End Converter and its Digital Implementation Considerations on Three-Level Flying Capacitor Topology


Journal NameJournal of Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Electrical, Electronics and Telecomunication and computer engineering

Title of PaperCurrent Controller for Multi-Level Front-End Converter and its Digital Implementation Considerations on Three-Level Flying Capacitor Topology


Volume Number98

Page Number449-459

Published YearJuly 2017

ISSN/ISBN No2250-2106

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents behavior analysis and digital implementation of current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to three-phase three-level flying capacitor converter as front-end topology. The a controller is self-adaptive in nature and takes the converter from three-level to a two-level mode of operation and vice-versa, following various trajectories of sector change with the change in reference dc-link voltage demanded by the load. It keeps current error space phasor within the prescribed hexagonal boundary. During the contingencies, the the proposed controller takes the converter in overmodulation mode to meet the load demand, and once the need is satisfied, controller brings back the converter in normal operating range. Simulation results are presented to validate the behavior of the controller to meet the said contingencies. Unity power factor is assured by the proposed controller with low current harmonic distortion satisfying limits prescribed in IEEE 519-2014. Proposed controller is implemented using TMS320LF2407 16-bit fixed-point digital signal processor. Detailed analysis of numerical format to avoid overflow of sensed variables in processor, and per-unit model implementation in software are discussed and hardware results are presented at various stages of signal conditioning to validate the experimental setup. Control logic for the generation of reference currents is implemented in TMS320LF2407A using assembly language and experimental results are also presented for the same.

Power Quality Improved Front-End Converter Employing Space Phasor based Current Control Technique


Journal NameInderscience International Journal of Power Electronics, Genève, Switzerland

Title of PaperPower Quality Improved Front-End Converter Employing Space Phasor based Current Control Technique

PublisherInderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Volume Number8

Page Number124-147

Published YearMarch 2017

ISSN/ISBN No1756-638X

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents analysis of two-level front-end converter employing current error space phasor-based hysteresis controller. In general, for such current controllers with inner and outer bands, the current error space phasor moves out of inner boundary six times in fundamental cycle for sector change detection. This deteriorates shape of line current waveform. In the proposed work, sector change detection logic is developed and implemented, which uses information of instantaneous values of three line voltages. It does not demand outer hysteresis band and lookup table to detect sector changeovers. This results in improvement in waveshape of line current. Proposed controller is also tested with different dynamic conditions like load variation, overmodulation, reverse power flow and line side variations, and the results of unity power factor and low total harmonic distortion in supply side current are presented. Conventional hysteresis controller is implemented using TMS320LF2407A DSP processor, and the results are discussed for unity power factor.

Performance Analysis of Three Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Three Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on. Research and Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology


Author NameJayrajsinh Rajput, Siddharthsingh Chauhan, Divyesh Vaghela


Page Number1-7

Published YearFebruary 2017

Indexed INScopus

Close Loop Control of Three Phase Active Front End Converter using SVPWM Technique


Title of PaperClose Loop Control of Three Phase Active Front End Converter using SVPWM Technique

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on “Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ICEPES 2016


Author NameVirajSelarka, Prem Shah, Divyesh Vaghela


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2016

Indexed INScopus

Design, Analysis and Realization of SVPWM using Embedded Code Generation Technique for a Three Phase, Two Level Inverter


Title of PaperDesign, Analysis and Realization of SVPWM using Embedded Code Generation Technique for a Three Phase, Two Level Inverter

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on “Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ICEPES 2016


Author NameKriti Agrawal, Abhay Gandhi, M. V. Gojiya


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2016

Indexed INScopus

Design and Simulation of Solar PV System


Title of PaperDesign and Simulation of Solar PV System

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization (ICACDOT2016)


Author NameKartika Dubey


Page Number1-6

Published YearSeptember 2016

Indexed INScopus

Hybrid Shunt Active Filter Offering Unity Power Factor and Low THD at Line Side with Reduced Power Rating


Title of PaperHybrid Shunt Active Filter Offering Unity Power Factor and Low THD at Line Side with Reduced Power Rating

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


Author NameDinesh Nagotha


Page Number1-6

Published YearJuly 2016

Indexed INScopus

Bi-directional three-phase three-level Neutral Point Clamped converter with capacitor voltage balancing scheme for Unity Power Factor and low %THD


Title of PaperBi-directional three-phase three-level Neutral Point Clamped converter with capacitor voltage balancing scheme for Unity Power Factor and low %THD

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


Author NameSurabhi Kushwaha


Page Number1-6

Published YearJuly 2016

Indexed INScopus

Generalized Current Control Scheme for Unity Power Factor Two-Level and Three-Level Bi-Directional Front-End Power Converters: An Approach for Multi-Level Front-End Converters


Title of PaperGeneralized Current Control Scheme for Unity Power Factor Two-Level and Three-Level Bi-Directional Front-End Power Converters: An Approach for Multi-Level Front-End Converters

Proceeding Name8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD - 2016)


Author NameP. N. Tekwani


Page Number1-7

Published YearApril 2016

Indexed INScopus

Versatile Current Controller Employed in Three-Level Active Front-End Converter Based Power Supply for Unity Power Factor and Low Harmonic Distortion in Grid Current


Title of PaperVersatile Current Controller Employed in Three-Level Active Front-End Converter Based Power Supply for Unity Power Factor and Low Harmonic Distortion in Grid Current

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences


Author NameP. N. Tekwani


Page Number1-5

Published YearMarch 2016

Indexed INScopus

Modelling and Simulation of Front End Converter for power quality improvement


Title of PaperModelling and Simulation of Front End Converter for power quality improvement

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016


Author NameD. K. Rathod


Page Number1397 –1403

Published YearMarch 2016

Indexed INScopus

Response Analysis of Shunt Active Power Filter Under Various Line and Load Side Conditions

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems Research

PublisherAtlantis Press

Author NameManisha Shah, Dinesh Nagoth

Page Number395-403

Chapter TitleResponse Analysis of Shunt Active Power Filter Under Various Line and Load Side Conditions

Published YearJanuary 2016

ISSN/ISBN No978-94-6252-305-0

Indexed INOthers


Solid state rectification of ac power using diodes and thyristors are drawing harmonic current and reactive power from ac supply and behave as non-linear load. During unbalancing of the three-phase supply voltage causes excessive neutral current, which results in to low power factor, derating of equipment, poor efficiency and initiate triplen order harmonics. These all will raise serious issues related to power quality of the supply sys-tem. With the aim of mitigation of the same, the shunt active power filter is selected and analyzed with a synchronous reference frame control algorithm. This paper mainly focuses on the performance analysis and simulation of a shunt active power filter. The performance analysis of the filter in terms of reduction in %THD as per IEEE-519-1992 standard and unity power factor at the line side for various dynamic conditions. The proposed scheme is simulated and validated in MATLAB/Simulink environment for various steady state and dynamic condition.

Design and Implementation of Isolated 30 V, 30 A DC Power Supply using Synchronous Rectifier


Title of PaperDesign and Implementation of Isolated 30 V, 30 A DC Power Supply using Synchronous Rectifier

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameAnand Sheth, Vinod Patel, Vijendra Kharbikar

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2015

Indexed INScopus

Design, Simulation and Implementation of two phase interleaved bi-directional DC-DC converter


Title of PaperDesign, Simulation and Implementation of two phase interleaved bi-directional DC-DC converter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO)


Author NameJil Sutaria, Chirag Chauhan


Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2015

Indexed INScopus

Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Bi-Directional Front-End Boost-Converter for Unity Power Factor and Low THD


Title of PaperCurrent Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Bi-Directional Front-End Boost-Converter for Unity Power Factor and Low THD

Proceeding NameIEEE international conference on" Power, Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems" (PEDES)


Author NameP. N. Tekwani


Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2014

Indexed INScopus

Lower Switching Losses with Series Loaded Resonant Converter in High Power DC-DC Conversion


Title of PaperLower Switching Losses with Series Loaded Resonant Converter in High Power DC-DC Conversion

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Signals, System and Automation (ICSSA)


Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel


Page Number1-5

Published YearJanuary 2014

Indexed INScopus

Comparative Analysis of Single Phase and Multiphase Bi-Directional DC - DC Converter


Journal NameInternational Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE)

Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Single Phase and Multiphase Bi-Directional DC - DC Converter

PublisherIRET Group

Volume Number2

Page Number41-46

Published YearApril 2013

ISSN/ISBN No2320-9569

Indexed INIndian citation Index


A dc-dc converter has its applications, such as in hybrid vehicles, solar inverters, in power supplies for microprocessors etc. A bidirectional dc-dc converter can be alternately operated as a step-down converter in one direction of energy flow and as a step-up converter in reverse direction of energy flow, in places where both the sides have voltage sources. A high voltage supply using a single converter is not preferred as it leads to high ripple in output voltage and current, thus requiring a large value of inductor and filter capacitor. To overcome these limitations multiphase interleaving technique is used in bidirectional dc-dc converters i.e. connecting the converters in parallel with the switching instants equally distributed among them. This paper presents a comparative study of the single phase and multiphase bi-directional dc-dc converter and the optimization of inductor and filter capacitor. The open loop simulation is done using Simulink tool and conclusions are drawn.

Design, Simulation and Implementation of Two Phase Interleaved Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter


Journal NameInternational Journal of Network Security

Title of PaperDesign, Simulation and Implementation of Two Phase Interleaved Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter

PublisherNational Chung Hsing University

Volume Number1

Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2013

ISSN/ISBN No1816-353X

Indexed INScopus


The bi-directional DC-DC converter has many applications, such as in hybrid vehicles, solar inverters, in power supplies for microprocessors etc. A bi-directional dc-dc converter can be alternately operated as a step down converter in one direction of energy flow and as step up converter in reverse direction of energy flow, in places where both the sides have voltage sources. A high power supply using a single converter is not preferred as it leads to high ripple in output voltage and current, thus requiring large value of inductor and filter capacitor. To overcome these limitations multiphase interleaving technique is used in bi-directional DC-DC converters i.e. connecting the converters in parallel with the switching instants equally distributed among them. This paper presents the simulation and implementation of two phase bi-directional dc-dc converter.

Three-phase front end converters and current control techniques for unity power factor


Title of PaperThree-phase front end converters and current control techniques for unity power factor

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering, (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameSneha V. Patel

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2012

Indexed INScopus

Design, Modelling and Simulation of Three-Phase Front-End Converter for Unity Power Factor and Reduced Harmonics in Line Current


Title of PaperDesign, Modelling and Simulation of Three-Phase Front-End Converter for Unity Power Factor and Reduced Harmonics in Line Current

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering, (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameRenju Mathew, Neha Agarwal, P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2012

Indexed INScopus

Simulation & Analysis of Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM)


Title of PaperSimulation & Analysis of Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM)

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameHirak K. Shah, P. N. Kapil

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2010

Indexed INScopus

Effect of leakage inductance in bidirectional DC to DC converter


Title of PaperEffect of leakage inductance in bidirectional DC to DC converter

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameKunalkumar Bhatt, Vinod Patel, Vijendra Kharbikar,

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-5

Published YearDecember 2010

DC/DC Buck Converter using Synchronous Rectification Technique: A Review


Title of PaperDC/DC Buck Converter using Synchronous Rectification Technique: A Review

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameKrunalsinh.H. Dattesh

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-5

Published YearDecember 2010

Indexed INScopus

Analysis of Series Loaded Resonant Converter for Different Conduction Modes


Title of PaperAnalysis of Series Loaded Resonant Converter for Different Conduction Modes

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference (NUiCONE)

PublisherT & S

Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-5

Published YearDecember 2010

Indexed INScopus

A Novel Half-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter for High Power DC Power Supply


Title of PaperA Novel Half-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter for High Power DC Power Supply

Proceeding NameInternational Power and Energy Conference (IPEC)


Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel


Page Number1-6

Published YearOctober 2010

Indexed INScopus

Novel Control Methods Applied to a Series Loaded Resonant Converter


Title of PaperNovel Control Methods Applied to a Series Loaded Resonant Converter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering (CCPE),


Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel


Page Number1-4

Published YearOctober 2010

Indexed INScopus

A Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System


Title of PaperA Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Power System & Renewable Energy Systems

Publisher K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research

Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel

Organization K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research

Page Number1-4

Published YearMarch 2010

High Power Density LLC Resonant Converter for Front-End DC-DC Conversion


Title of PaperHigh Power Density LLC Resonant Converter for Front-End DC-DC Conversion

Proceeding NameNational Symposium on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering

Author NameAlpa Gopiyani, Vinod Patel

OrganizationG.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat

Page Number1-5

Published YearJanuary 2010

Lower Switching Losses With LLC Resonant Converter for a HVDC Power Supply


Title of PaperLower Switching Losses With LLC Resonant Converter for a HVDC Power Supply

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies (ICAECT)


Author NameAlpa Gopiyani , Vinod Patel


Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2010

Indexed INScopus

Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor Using DSPIC30f4011/6010


Title of PaperField Oriented Control of Induction Motor Using DSPIC30f4011/6010

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherT & S

Author NameNareshkumar Kumavat, Hitesh Mehta

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2009

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of a New Topology of Full Bridge DC-DC Converter


Title of PaperDesign and Development of a New Topology of Full Bridge DC-DC Converter

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherT & S

Author NameRohit B. Damor, P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2009

Indexed INScopus

Review and Comparison of Different Types of Resonant Converters for a Front-End DC-DC Conversion


Title of PaperReview and Comparison of Different Types of Resonant Converters for a Front-End DC-DC Conversion

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherT & S

Author NameAlpaGopiyani, Vinod Patel

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number1-6

Published YearNovember 2009

Simulation of a Three-Phase Diode Clamped Active Front-End Converter


Title of PaperSimulation of a Three-Phase Diode Clamped Active Front-End Converter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies (ICEESPEEE)


Author NameRamesh R., P.N.Kapil, G. N. Khanduja


Page Number1292 – 1297

Published YearApril 2009

Indexed INScopus

Simulation of a Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Active Front-End Converter (AFC)


Title of PaperSimulation of a Three-Phase Neutral Point Clamped Active Front-End Converter (AFC)

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherT & S

Author NameRamesh R., P. N. Kapil, G. N. Khanduja

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number240-243

Published YearNovember 2008

Performance investigations of adaptive ANN-SVPWM controlled shunt active power filter


Title of PaperPerformance investigations of adaptive ANN-SVPWM controlled shunt active power filter

Proceeding Name8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2018

Indexed INScopus

Analysis and implementation of three-level neutral point clamped inverter fed induction motor drive


Title of PaperAnalysis and implementation of three-level neutral point clamped inverter fed induction motor drive

Proceeding Name8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madras

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Generalized sector detection technique for current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to multi-level front-end converters


Title of PaperGeneralized sector detection technique for current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to multi-level front-end converters

Proceeding Name8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai, India

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madras

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Analysis, design and simulation of three-phase active power filter with series capacitor topology for current harmonic compensation


Journal NameInderscience International Journal of Power Electronics, Genève, Switzerland

Title of PaperAnalysis, design and simulation of three-phase active power filter with series capacitor topology for current harmonic compensation


Volume Number9

Page Number426-446

Published YearOctober 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1756-638X

Indexed INScopus

Simulation as-well-as Experimental Investigations on T-Type NPC Topology based Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter


Title of PaperSimulation as-well-as Experimental Investigations on T-Type NPC Topology based Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy (TAP Energy 2017)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Amritapuri, Kollam, India

Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Amritapuri, Kollam, India

Page Number161-166

Indexed INScopus

Analysis of carrier offset technique used in a five-level inverter scheme with emphasis on dc-link capacitor voltage balancing


Title of PaperAnalysis of carrier offset technique used in a five-level inverter scheme with emphasis on dc-link capacitor voltage balancing

Proceeding Name6th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2017)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Year , VenueNovember 2017 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-9

Indexed INScopus

Design and implementation of solar pumping system with induction motor and submersible pump


Title of PaperDesign and implementation of solar pumping system with induction motor and submersible pump

Proceeding Name6th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2017)

PublisherIEEE, USA

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Year , VenueNovember 2017 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Current controller for multi-level front-end converter and its digital implementation considerations on three-level flying capacitor topology


Journal NameJournal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication and Computer Engineering

Title of PaperCurrent controller for multi-level front-end converter and its digital implementation considerations on three-level flying capacitor topology

PublisherSpringer, USA

Volume Number98

Page Number449-459

Published YearOctober 2017

ISSN/ISBN No2250-2106

Novel approach employing buck-boost converter as dc-link modulator and inverter as ac-chopper for induction motor drive applications: an alternative to conventional ac-dc-ac scheme


Title of PaperNovel approach employing buck-boost converter as dc-link modulator and inverter as ac-chopper for induction motor drive applications: an alternative to conventional ac-dc-ac scheme

Proceeding Name26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2017)

PublisherIEEE, USA


Year , VenueJune 2017 , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Page Number793-800

Indexed INScopus

Power quality-improved front-end converter employing space phasor-based current control technique


Journal NameInderscience International Journal of Power Electronics, Genève, Switzerland

Title of PaperPower quality-improved front-end converter employing space phasor-based current control technique


Volume Number8

Page Number124-147

Published YearApril 2017

ISSN/ISBN No1756-638X

Indexed INScopus

Generalized current control scheme for unity power factor two-level and three-level bi-directional front-end power converters: an approach for multi-level front-end converters


Title of PaperGeneralized current control scheme for unity power factor two-level and three-level bi-directional front-end power converters: an approach for multi-level front-end converters

Proceeding NameThe 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD - 2016)

PublisherIET (Formerly IEE), UK

Author NameM. T. Shah, and P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationIET, UK

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of sector change detection schemes for current error space phasor hysteresis controller based shunt active power filters


Title of PaperImplementation of sector change detection schemes for current error space phasor hysteresis controller based shunt active power filters

Proceeding Name11th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS - 2015)

PublisherIEEE, USA

Author NameP. N. Tekwani, and Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan


Year , VenueJune 2015 , Sydney, Australia

Page Number1029-1034

Indexed INScopus

Current error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to bi-directional front-end boost-converter for unity power factor and low THD


Title of PaperCurrent error space phasor based hysteresis controller applied to bi-directional front-end boost-converter for unity power factor and low THD

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives & Energy Systems (PEDES 2014)

PublisherIEEE, USA

Author NameM. T. Shah, and P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai

Year , VenueDecember 2014 , Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai

Indexed INScopus

Digital implementation of PFC boost-converter and two-switch dc-dc forward-converter for railway signaling


Title of PaperDigital implementation of PFC boost-converter and two-switch dc-dc forward-converter for railway signaling

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives & Energy Systems (PEDES 2014)

PublisherIEEE, USA

Author NameJignesh Joshi, P. N. Tekwani, Mihir C. Shah, and Prashant Sonar

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai

Year , VenueDecember 2014 , Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Analysis, design and digital implementation of a shunt active power filter with different schemes of reference current generation


Journal NameIET Research Journal (Formerly IEE Proceedings) on – Power Electronics, UK

Title of PaperAnalysis, design and digital implementation of a shunt active power filter with different schemes of reference current generation

PublisherIET (Formerly IEE), UK

Volume Number7

Page Number627-639

Published YearMarch 2014

ISSN/ISBN No1755-4535

Indexed INScopus

Current error space phasor based hysteresis controller for two-level and three-level converters used in shunt active power filters


Title of PaperCurrent error space phasor based hysteresis controller for two-level and three-level converters used in shunt active power filters

Proceeding Name39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2013)

PublisherIEEE, USA

Author NameSiddharthsingh K. Chauhan, and P. N. Tekwani


Year , VenueNovember 2013 , Vienna, Austria

Page Number8522-8527

Indexed INScopus

Design, modelling and simulation of three-phase front-end converter for unity power factor and reduced harmonics in line current


Title of PaperDesign, modelling and simulation of three-phase front-end converter for unity power factor and reduced harmonics in line current

Proceeding Name3rd Nirma University International Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUiCONE 2012)

PublisherIEEE, USA

Author NameRenju Mathew, Neha Agarwal, Manisha Shah, and P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Year , VenueDecember 2012 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Pulse-based dead-time compensation method for self-balancing space vector pulse width-modulated scheme used in three-level inverter-fed induction motor drive


Journal NameIET Research Journal (Formerly IEE Proceedings) on – Power Electronics, UK

Title of PaperPulse-based dead-time compensation method for self-balancing space vector pulse width-modulated scheme used in three-level inverter-fed induction motor drive

PublisherIET (Formerly IEE), UK

Volume Number4

Page Number624-631

Published YearJuly 2011

ISSN/ISBN No1755-4535

Indexed INScopus

Steiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperSteiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Volume Number71

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9662

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In the smart grid, the monitoring and estimation of the power grid states are essential factors for real-time operation and control. In this regard, a wide area measurement system (WAMS) needs to be developed, wherein the phasor measurement units (PMUs) and communication infrastructure (CI) are the essential components. To achieve the economical design of WAMS, PMUs need to be placed optimally, so that with minimal cost, the complete system observability is ensured. In addition, the cost of CI, to connect all the PMUs, needs to be considered during the economical design of WAMS. Hence, in this work, the simultaneous optimization of PMUs and CI cost has been considered as the objective, whereas the complete system observability has been considered as the constraint. The consequence of zero injection buses (ZIBs) on the economic design of WAMS has also been considered. In addition, the effect of N−1 contingency, pre-installed fiber optic, and pre-installed PMUs have also been simulated. In this work, a new Steiner tree-based approach has been proposed for securing economical design of CI. The swarm intelligence-based binary dragonfly algorithm (BDA) has been adopted for optimization of considered problem. To showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approach, it has been simulated on the IEEE 14, 30, and 118 bus standard test systems. The comparative analysis has also been presented, and it clearly indicates the effectiveness of the proposed approach compared with other reported methods.

An approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperAn approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Volume Number31

Page Number1-19

Published YearJune 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2050-7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Wide area monitoring system has been implemented in power systems to improve control and protection aspects by carrying out the continuous synchronous measurement. It consists of phasor measurement units (PMUs) along with communication infrastructure (CI) to connect all PMUs to the phasor data concentrator (PDC). In this work, simultaneous optimization of PMU counts thereby its cost and CI cost has been taken as the objective while ensuring entire system observability. To incorporate the effect of zero injection bus, an improved model has been adopted. A modified objective function has been proposed which enhances maximum observability and further improves the reliability of system monitoring. Dijkstra's algorithm has been utilized for designing optimal CI as well as to identify the location of PDC. Practical operating scenarios such as N-1 contingency and the presence of pre-installed PMU or fiber optic have also been simulated. Binary dragonfly algorithm has been applied to solve the considered optimization problem. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method it has been implemented on different IEEE standard test cases. A comparison of obtained results has been presented which indicates the superiority of the proposed method over other methods reported in the literature.

Optimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperOptimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number247-252

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus


Load shedding as control action plays vital role in preventing the system from cascaded outages and then blackout. Thereby, this approach helps in maintaining secure and reliable functioning of power network. In case contingency arises or predicted loading in forthcoming interval threatens system security, then in such a situation load shedding scheme ought to be planned in anticipation. Load shedding is to be carried out at some suitable buses as it would not be appropriate to perform load shedding at all the buses because it causes inconvenience to the consumer. Therefore, this work presents a model for determining optimum shedding of load at preferred locations to mitigate line overloading. In order to select the buses where the load shed is to be performed, sensitivity analysis is carried out. Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) has been applied to determine the optimum load shed as this algorithm possesses the ability to reach the global minimum and requires tuning of only one algorithm-specific parameter. The scheme has been implemented over the IEEE-14 and IEEE-39 bus system. For demonstrating the efficacy, the comparison of results has been carried out. It has been presented that the proposed technique offers superior results pertaining to amount of load shed and successfully alleviates line overloading.



Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)


PublisherIAEME Publication

Volume Number11

Page Number34-43

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6499

Indexed INScopus


With the advent of PMUs, measuring technology has progressed extensively. Despite this advancement, electrical power network entities have not widely installed PMUs due to requirement of large investment. This motivates the researchers to determine the feasible location where installation of optimal count of PMU assure entire network observability. This proposed work also considers the same objective. In this regard, binary dragonfly algorithm (BDA) has been applied for deciding optimal PMU count and their likely locations such that entire power network is observable. Other considerations such as inclusion of zero injection buses (ZIBs) and network contingencies have been incorporated in the formulation as well. The considered optimization method (BDA) is applied to different (9, 14, 30, 39, 57) bus test systems. The results attained using proposed technique have been compared with the other published results in the literature to validate the usefulness of the proposed algorithm.

Contingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperContingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number231-236

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus


In recent electrical power systems, phasor measurement units (PMUs) are playing a crucial role with regard to power system monitoring, control and protection. This presented work mainly aims to attain entire network observability with the incorporation of lesser number of PMUs. In this regard, the binary sine cosine algorithm (BSCA) has been employed to decide on optimal PMU number and their feasible location such that the entire power network is observable. Impacts of consideration of network contingencies (single line/PMU outage) with and without zero injection buses (ZIBs) have also been considered while solving the considered optimization problem. The viability of the considered method has been investigated by implementing it onto the various standard (IEEE-14 and IEEE-30 bus) systems. In order to confirm the efficacy of the employed algorithm the obtained results have been compared with other approaches employed in the literature. Obtained results indicate that BSCA offers similar or improved results.

Optimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique


Journal Namee-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy

Title of PaperOptimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique

PublisherElsevier Publishers

Volume NumberVol 5, 100248

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2772-6711

Indexed INScopus

Understanding Frequency Response of Induction Motor Winding through Electromagnetic Wave Equations


Journal NameAdvances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Title of PaperUnderstanding Frequency Response of Induction Motor Winding through Electromagnetic Wave Equations

PublisherVSB-Technical University of Ostrava

Volume NumberVolume 21, Issue 3

Page Number216 – 225

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1336-1376

Indexed INScopus

Assessment and Optimization of Output Filter for Microsecond Transient in PSM-Based Megawatt HVPS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Title of PaperAssessment and Optimization of Output Filter for Microsecond Transient in PSM-Based Megawatt HVPS


Volume Number Vol. 51, no. 7

Page Number1988-1995

Published YearJuly 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0093-3813

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Influence of Rotor Position on Frequency Response of Induction Motor


Title of PaperInfluence of Rotor Position on Frequency Response of Induction Motor

Proceeding Name14th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2023, (

PublisherGrenze Scientific Society

Author NameShah, Sagar, Amrolia, Hormaz, Vora, Santosh C., Badgujar K.P., Kumar, Ajit

OrganizationJointly organized by the IDES and the Association of Computer Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineers (ACEECom)

Year , VenueJune 2023 , Hyderabad, India, June 15-16, 2023

Page Number65-70

Indexed INScopus

Design, analysis, fabrication and testing of 100 kV, 100 mA DC full-wave voltage multiplier (FWVM) modular unit for accelerator power supply


Journal NameFusion Engineering and Design

Title of PaperDesign, analysis, fabrication and testing of 100 kV, 100 mA DC full-wave voltage multiplier (FWVM) modular unit for accelerator power supply


Volume Number192

Page Number1 - 10

Published YearMarch 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0920-3796

Indexed INScopus

Analytical Performance Estimation of a Fall-Back Inner-Rotor Transverse-Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Magnetic Equivalent Reluctance Circuit


Journal NameElectric Power Components and Systems

Title of PaperAnalytical Performance Estimation of a Fall-Back Inner-Rotor Transverse-Flux Permanent Magnet Generator using Magnetic Equivalent Reluctance Circuit

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Page Number1-13

Published YearMarch 2023

ISSN/ISBN No1532-5008

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation


Title of PaperOptimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE2023)

Author NameShanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Santosh C. Vora, Chintan R. Mehta and Vipul N. Rajput

OrganizationSardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat- 395007, INDIA

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat- 395007, INDIA

Page Number1-5 (Paper ID: 64)

Indexed INScopus

Investigating the effect of aging on space charge dynamics in oil-impregnated paper insulation


Title of PaperInvestigating the effect of aging on space charge dynamics in oil-impregnated paper insulation

Proceeding Name9th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD 2022)

Author NameChinmay Y. Jani and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationKitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan (13th - 18th November 2022)

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Kitakyushu, Japan

Page Number1-4 (Session 4 )

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Space Charge Dynamics in Oil-Impregnated Kraft Paper and its Relation to the Aged States of Oil


Title of PaperSpace Charge Dynamics in Oil-Impregnated Kraft Paper and its Relation to the Aged States of Oil

Proceeding NameIEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP 2022)


Author NameChinmay Y. Jani, Santosh C. Vora


Year , VenueOctober 2022 , Denver, CO, USA (October 30 - November 02, 2022)

Page NumberPlenary Session B (Oral, ID B4)(Paper ID: 475)

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperAn approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Volume Number43

Page Number7899-7909

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0143-0750

Indexed INScopus

Estimation of stored energy for TWIN source HVDC transmission line


Journal NameFusion Engineering and Design

Title of PaperEstimation of stored energy for TWIN source HVDC transmission line

PublisherElsevier Science

Volume NumberVol. 176

Page NumberArticle no. 113039

Published YearMarch 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0920-3796

Indexed INScopus

LVRT Performance Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System with High Penetration of Wind Energy Sources Considering Fault Current Limiters


Title of PaperLVRT Performance Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System with High Penetration of Wind Energy Sources Considering Fault Current Limiters

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE) 2021

Author NameChintan R. Mehta and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationSardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat- 395007, INDIA

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat- 395007, INDIA

Page Number1-4 (Paper ID: 144)

Indexed INScopus

Revisiting the performance of evolutionary algorithms


Journal NameExpert Systems With Applications

Title of PaperRevisiting the performance of evolutionary algorithms

PublisherElsevier Science

Volume Number175

Page NumberArticle No. 114819

Published YearAugust 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0957-4174

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of Fault Current Limiters for Low Voltage Ride Through Improvement of DFIG based Wind Farms


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Fault Current Limiters for Low Voltage Ride Through Improvement of DFIG based Wind Farms

Proceeding Name21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2020)


Author NameChintan R. Mehta, Yash S. Shah and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Page NumberPaper ID: 174

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-8552-1 (Online), 978-1-7281-8555-2 (Print)

Indexed INWeb of Science

Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Hybrid Power System Employing Modified Series Resonance type Fault Current Limiter


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperTransient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Hybrid Power System Employing Modified Series Resonance type Fault Current Limiter

Volume NumberVol. 11, Issue 3

Page Number858-866

Published YearJune 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0975-8364 (Print), 2249-3255 (Online)

Indexed INScopus

Effects of Fault Current Limiter in Transient Stability Performance of Hybrid Wind Farm


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

Title of PaperEffects of Fault Current Limiter in Transient Stability Performance of Hybrid Wind Farm

Volume NumberVol. 9, Issue 2

Page Number2768 – 2775

Published YearDecember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2249-8958

Indexed INScopus

Pre-Magnetizing of Transformer Core for Inrush Current Restraint - New Proposals


Title of PaperPre-Magnetizing of Transformer Core for Inrush Current Restraint - New Proposals

Proceeding NameNational Conference on “Transformers and Allied Equipment"

Author NameKumar Virvani, Gaurang Chauhan, Ram Krishna Mishra and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationHigh Power Laboratory, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , Bengaluru, India

Page Number69 – 74

Effect of Synthetic Inertia Controller on Frequency Response in a Multi-machine Power System with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources


Title of PaperEffect of Synthetic Inertia Controller on Frequency Response in a Multi-machine Power System with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Proceeding NameNUiCONE 2019

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Author NameChintan R. Mehta, Prasad D. Deshpande, Bhavik D. Nathani, Santosh C. Vora,

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Indexed INScopus

A Review on Approaches Employed for Solving Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problems

Book Chapter

Book NameLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering - “Advances in Electric Power and Energy Infrastructure”


Author NameShanker D. Godwal, Vipul N. Rajput, Kartik S. Pandya and Santosh C. Vora

Page Number35 - 51

Chapter TitleA Review on Approaches Employed for Solving Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problems

Published YearJuly 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1876-1100

Indexed INScopus

Performance Evaluation of Wind Turbine Generators under System Fault Conditions in a Multi-Machine Power System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance Evaluation of Wind Turbine Generators under System Fault Conditions in a Multi-Machine Power System

Volume NumberVol. 8 Issue 6S

Page Number474 – 482

Published YearApril 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2278-3075

Indexed INScopus

Stability Predictions of Zinc Oxide Surge Arrester by Employing Finite Element Solutions


Title of PaperStability Predictions of Zinc Oxide Surge Arrester by Employing Finite Element Solutions

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Technology


Author NameMihir N. Velani and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationCentral Power Research Institute (CPRI)

Year , VenueFebruary 2019 , Hyderabad, India

Indexed INScopus

Small Signal Stability Analysis of DFIG Penetrated Multi-machine Power System with Synthetic Inertia Control


Title of PaperSmall Signal Stability Analysis of DFIG Penetrated Multi-machine Power System with Synthetic Inertia Control


OrganizationNIT Trichy

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , National Power System Conference (NPSC 2018), NIT, Trichy

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Analysis of a Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator with Fall-back Outer Rotor Design for Wind Power Generation


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperAnalysis of a Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator with Fall-back Outer Rotor Design for Wind Power Generation

Published YearAugust 2018

ISSN/ISBN No Print ISSN: 0143-0750, Online ISSN: 2162-8246

Indexed INScopus

Short Circuit Behavior of Various Types of Asynchronous and Synchronous Generators in Multi Machine System


Title of PaperShort Circuit Behavior of Various Types of Asynchronous and Synchronous Generators in Multi Machine System

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST – 2018)

OrganizationSwami Keshavanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur

Year , VenueMay 2018 , Swami Keshavanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan, Jaipur

Analysis of a Fall-Back Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Title of PaperAnalysis of a Fall-Back Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator


Volume NumberVol. 53, Issue 11

Page Number1 – 5

Published YearNovember 2017

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Application of EKF Based Dynamic State Estimation for DFIG Rotor Power Control under Faulty Current Sensor Measurement


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)-IAEME

Title of PaperApplication of EKF Based Dynamic State Estimation for DFIG Rotor Power Control under Faulty Current Sensor Measurement

Volume NumberVolume 8

Page Number95-110

Published YearAugust 2017

Indexed INUGC List

Performance Analysis of a Novel Fall-Back Transverse-Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator with Outer Rotor Design Suitable for Direct-Coupling Wind Turbine


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of a Novel Fall-Back Transverse-Flux Permanent-Magnet Generator with Outer Rotor Design Suitable for Direct-Coupling Wind Turbine

Proceeding NameIEEE International Magnetics Conference - INTERMAG 2018 (Digest)


Year , VenueApril 2017 , IEEE International Magnetics Conference - INTERMAG 2018, Signapore

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Analysis of a Fall-Back Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator


Title of PaperAnalysis of a Fall-Back Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generator

Proceeding NameINTERMAG 2017 (Digest)


Author NameMahesh A. Patel and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationIEEE Magnetics Society

Year , VenueApril 2017 , IEEE International Magnetics Conference - INTERMAG 2017, Dublin, Ireland

Indexed INScopus

Performance Assessment of EKF and UKF based Dynamic State Estimators for Intermittent Measurement Data in Power System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology (IJARET)

Title of PaperPerformance Assessment of EKF and UKF based Dynamic State Estimators for Intermittent Measurement Data in Power System

Volume NumberVolume 8

Page Number24-41

Published YearMarch 2017

Indexed INUGC List

Analysis of Extended Kalman Filter based Dynamic State Estimator’s performance under Anomalous Measurement Conditions for Power System


Title of PaperAnalysis of Extended Kalman Filter based Dynamic State Estimator’s performance under Anomalous Measurement Conditions for Power System

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES-2016)

OrganizationMaulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

Year , VenueDecember 2016 , Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

Elevated Frequency Testing of Ultra High Voltage Shunt Reactors with Advanced Test Setup


Title of PaperElevated Frequency Testing of Ultra High Voltage Shunt Reactors with Advanced Test Setup

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES-2016)

OrganizationMaulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

Year , VenueDecember 2016 , Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India

Analyzing Effect of Bad Measurement Data on Load Flow and State Estimation in Power System


Title of PaperAnalyzing Effect of Bad Measurement Data on Load Flow and State Estimation in Power System

Proceeding Name5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2015)

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueNovember 2016 , Nirma Uiversity, Ahmedabad

Page Number1 – 6

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Short Circuit Current Comparison of DFIG during Symmetrical Faults with Different Wind Speeds


Title of PaperShort Circuit Current Comparison of DFIG during Symmetrical Faults with Different Wind Speeds

Proceeding Name1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


OrganizationDelhi Technological University, Delhi

Year , VenueJuly 2016 , Delhi Technological University, Delhi

Page Number864 - 868

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

FE Based Eccentricity Analysis of Rogowski Coil


Title of PaperFE Based Eccentricity Analysis of Rogowski Coil

Proceeding Name1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


OrganizationDelhi Technological University, Delhi

Year , VenueJuly 2016 , Delhi Technological University, Delhi

Page Number3201-3206

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Modeling and Eigenvalue based Analysis of DFIG based Power System


Title of PaperModeling and Eigenvalue based Analysis of DFIG based Power System

Proceeding Name1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)


OrganizationDelhi Technological University, Delhi

Year , VenueJuly 2016 , Delhi Technological University, Delhi

Page Number753 - 756

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Design and Development of Power Converter for Wind Energy Conversion System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of Power Converter for Wind Energy Conversion System

Proceeding NameJournal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Krishi Sanskriti Conference 2016

Author NameNiyati Barot, P. N. Kapil and Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationJawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

Page Number564-568

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN 2350-0077

A Review of Dynamic State Estimation Techniques in Power System using Synchrophasors - as One Aspect of Smart Grid


Title of PaperA Review of Dynamic State Estimation Techniques in Power System using Synchrophasors - as One Aspect of Smart Grid

Proceeding NameProceedings of National Seminar and Tutorial on Power System Protection and Automation

OrganizationSociety of Power Engineers, Vadodara Chapter

Year , VenueJune 2013 , PDPU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Simulation, Design and Practical Realization of Single Phase PWM Boost Rectifier


Title of PaperSimulation, Design and Practical Realization of Single Phase PWM Boost Rectifier

Proceeding Name3rd Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2012)


OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueDecember 2012 , Nirma Uiversity, Ahmedabad

Page Number1 – 6

Indexed INWeb of Science

Optimal Placement of Power System Stabilizers: Simulation Studies on a Test System


Title of PaperOptimal Placement of Power System Stabilizers: Simulation Studies on a Test System

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference, Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE 2011


OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Nirma Uiversity, Ahmedabad

ADC Static Nonlinearity Estimation Using Linearity Property of Sinewave


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperADC Static Nonlinearity Estimation Using Linearity Property of Sinewave


Volume NumberVol. 60

Page Number1283 – 1290

Published YearApril 2011

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

ADC Static Characterization Using Non-Linear Ramp Signal


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperADC Static Characterization Using Non-Linear Ramp Signal

Volume NumberVolume 59

Page Number2215 – 2222

Published YearAugust 2010

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Amplitude Frequency Response Measurement - A Simple Technique


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Education

Title of PaperAmplitude Frequency Response Measurement - A Simple Technique

Volume NumberVol. 53

Page Number365-371

Published YearAugust 2010

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A Proposal for Concurrent Estimation of Static and Dynamic Non-linearity of ADC


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Title of PaperA Proposal for Concurrent Estimation of Static and Dynamic Non-linearity of ADC

Volume NumberVolume 24

Page Number524 – 530

Published YearApril 2009

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Computational and FEM Based Analytical Aspects of Medium Capacity - Turbo Alternator Design


Title of PaperComputational and FEM Based Analytical Aspects of Medium Capacity - Turbo Alternator Design

Proceeding NameProceedings of National Conference on Contemporary control and soft computing in Electrical Engineering (ConCon 2012)

Year , VenueMay 2008 , AU College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Novel Method to Estimate Static and Dynamic Non-linearity of ADC from a Single Test


Title of PaperNovel Method to Estimate Static and Dynamic Non-linearity of ADC from a Single Test

Proceeding NameCIGRE WG D1.33, TF 02 (KOREA 2007) IWD 26


Year , VenueOctober 2007 , KOREA

Page Number1-5

A Simple, Automatic and Time-Efficient Procedure for Measuring Amplitude Frequency Response of Transformers


Title of PaperA Simple, Automatic and Time-Efficient Procedure for Measuring Amplitude Frequency Response of Transformers

Proceeding NameCIGRE WG D1.33, TF 05 (KOREA 2007) IWD 25


Year , VenueOctober 2007 , KOREA

Page Number1-6

Design and Development Of Semiconductor Switches Based Repetitive Pulsed Power Generator


Title of PaperDesign and Development Of Semiconductor Switches Based Repetitive Pulsed Power Generator

Proceeding Name27th Power Modulator Symposium and 2006 High Voltage Workshop

Year , VenueMay 2006 , Washington, DC

Page Number1-5

A time efficient method for determination of static non-linearities of high-speed high-resolution ADCs


Journal NameMeasurement (Elsevier, Science Direct)

Title of PaperA time efficient method for determination of static non-linearities of high-speed high-resolution ADCs

Volume NumberVol. 38

Page Number77–88

Published YearSeptember 2005

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Testing ADCs used in High Speed High resolution Digital Waveform Recorders


Title of PaperTesting ADCs used in High Speed High resolution Digital Waveform Recorders

Proceeding NameNational Power Systems Conference (NPSC - 2004), Paper No. 296


Year , VenueDecember 2004 , IIT Madras (Chennai).

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Voltage stability index: a review based on analytical method, formulation and comparison in renewable dominated power system


Journal NameInternational Journal of Applied Power Engineering

Title of PaperVoltage stability index: a review based on analytical method, formulation and comparison in renewable dominated power system

Volume Number13

Page Number508-520

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No 2722-2624

Fault Detection at PCC using Wavelet theory in Grid Tied Solar PV- Battery Based AC Microgrid


Title of PaperFault Detection at PCC using Wavelet theory in Grid Tied Solar PV- Battery Based AC Microgrid

Proceeding NameLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering


Author NameSarika Kanojia, Aagam Shah

OrganizationChitkara University, Himachal Pradesh,

Year , VenueAugust 2023 , Himachal Pradesh

Page Number253 - 271

ISSN/ISBN No979-835033179-0

Indexed INScopus

Voltage Stability Analysis in Modern Power System Considering Wind Energy Conversion System


Title of PaperVoltage Stability Analysis in Modern Power System Considering Wind Energy Conversion System

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, GlobConET 2023, IEEE


Author NameSarika Kanojia, Bhavik N Suthar

OrganizationLoughborough University, London UK

Year , VenueMay 2023 , London UK

ISSN/ISBN No979-835033179-0

Indexed INScopus

Contingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security


Title of PaperContingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security

Proceeding NameLecture Notes in Network and Systems


Author NameSarika Kanojia, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal, Ravindu Patel

OrganizationSchool of Electrical Engineering Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Deemed to be University (KIIT-DU) Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751024, India

Published YearFebruary 2022

Indexed INScopus

Particle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System


Title of PaperParticle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System

Proceeding NameInnovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Proceedings of ICEEE 2022, Volume 1


Author NameSurendrasinh Solanki, Sarika Kanojia, Vinod Patel, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal,

OrganizationJointly Organized BySchool of Engineering, The University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AND Faculty of Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai, India

Year , VenueJanuary 2022 , online, Jointly Organized BySchool of Engineering, The University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia AND Faculty of Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai, India

Indexed INScopus

Analysis of Thermal Performance of an Air Circuit Breaker


Title of PaperAnalysis of Thermal Performance of an Air Circuit Breaker

Publisher IEEE

Author NamePranay Sen, S. S. Kanojia

OrganizationUniversity of Malaya, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia and Galgotia University, India.

Year , VenueSeptember 2021 , Online, University of Malaya, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia and Galgotia University, India.

Indexed INScopus

Optimum over Current Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Soft-Computing Techniques


Title of PaperOptimum over Current Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Soft-Computing Techniques


Author NameShanker Godwal, S. S. Kanojia

OrganizationBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra.

Year , VenueMarch 2021 , Online, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra.

Indexed INScopus

Reactive Power Compensation for LV Distribution Network


Journal NameInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Title of PaperReactive Power Compensation for LV Distribution Network

PublisherBlue Eye Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication

Volume NumberVolume-8 Issue-6

Page Number1734-1741

Published YearApril 2019

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN: 2278-3075

Indexed INScopus

Linear Programming Problem for Optimum Coordination of Overcurrent Relays


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Title of PaperLinear Programming Problem for Optimum Coordination of Overcurrent Relays

PublisherEngineering journal publication

Volume Numbervolume 09, issue 5

Page Number545-551

Published YearMay 2017

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN: 0975-5462

Indexed INIndian citation Index, UGC List

Performance Evaluation of 190 kWp Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Plant in CMPDI, Ranchi


Title of PaperPerformance Evaluation of 190 kWp Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Plant in CMPDI, Ranchi

Author NameRadhika J. Savalia, Shatrughan Yadav, Akash Davda, Sarika Kanojia

OrganizationShri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot

Year , VenueJanuary 2016 , Shri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot

Page Number1-8

Simulation Techniques for Thermal Effects on Medium Voltage Switchgear


Title of PaperSimulation Techniques for Thermal Effects on Medium Voltage Switchgear

Proceeding NameSWICON 2015

PublisherIndian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA), Mumbai

Author NameSarika Kanojia, Lovekumar Joshi, R S Selvam

OrganizationIndian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA), Mumbai

Year , VenueJanuary 2015 , Hotel Lalit, Mumbai

Solar Energy-Supported User-Friendly EV Charging Solution Based on IoT


Journal NameJournal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B

Title of PaperSolar Energy-Supported User-Friendly EV Charging Solution Based on IoT


Volume NumberMarch 2024

Page Number1-6

Published YearMarch 2014

ISSN/ISBN No22502106

Indexed INScopus

Voltage Stability Analysis of Interconnected Power System


Title of PaperVoltage Stability Analysis of Interconnected Power System

Author NameSarika Kanojia, Aagam Tushar Shah

OrganizationDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology and Management, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

Year , VenueJanuary 2012 , Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology and Management, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

Coordinated Tuning of POD and PSS Controllers with STATCOM in Increasing the Oscillation Stability of Single and Multimachine Power System


Title of PaperCoordinated Tuning of POD and PSS Controllers with STATCOM in Increasing the Oscillation Stability of Single and Multimachine Power System

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, NUiCONE-2011

Author NameSarika Kanojia

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

Nonlinear SMIB Model of (STATCOM) Static Synchronous Shunt Compensation for Damping of Power System Oscillations


Title of PaperNonlinear SMIB Model of (STATCOM) Static Synchronous Shunt Compensation for Damping of Power System Oscillations

Proceeding NameNUiCONE-2010

Author NameSarika Kanojia

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

Published YearDecember 2010

Damping of Power System Oscillations by Using Coordinated Tuning of POD and PSS with STATCOM


Title of PaperDamping of Power System Oscillations by Using Coordinated Tuning of POD and PSS with STATCOM

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Power System Engineering. (ICPSE)

Author NameSarika Kanojia, V K Chandrakar

OrganizationWorld Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, WCSET, Penang, Malaysia,

Year , VenueFebruary 2009 , World Congress on science, Engineering and Technology, WCSET, Penang, Malaysia,

Damping of Oscillation in Power System Using (STATCOM) Static Synchronous Shunt Compensator


Title of PaperDamping of Oscillation in Power System Using (STATCOM) Static Synchronous Shunt Compensator

Proceeding NameAll India Seminar, Generation Economics and Grid Security

PublisherInstitution of Engineers (IE), Nagpur Local Centre, Nagpur

Author NameSarika Kanojia, V K Chandrakar

OrganizationInstitution of Engineers (IE), Nagpur Local Centre, Nagpur

Year , VenueApril 2007 , Institution of Engineers (IE), Nagpur Local Centre, Nagpur

Issues and Solutions for Optimum Overcurrent Relays Co-Ordination in Medium Voltage Radial Distribution System


Title of PaperIssues and Solutions for Optimum Overcurrent Relays Co-Ordination in Medium Voltage Radial Distribution System

Proceeding NameSoft Computing Applications in Modern Power and Energy Systems


Author NameShanker D. Godwal

OrganizationNIT Jamshedpur

Year , VenueFebruary 2024 , NIT Jamshedpur

Page Number57-69

Indexed INScopus

Optimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique


Journal Namee-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy

Title of PaperOptimal overcurrent relay coordination for interconnected power systems: A proper approach and improved technique


Volume Number5

Page Number100248

Published YearJanuary 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2772-6711

Indexed INScopus

Optimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation


Title of PaperOptimum Overcurrent Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks using Improved Mathematical Formulation

Proceeding NameEmerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering for Reliable Green Intelligence - Proceedings of ICSTACE 2023


Author NameShanker D. Godwal

OrganizationSVNIT Surat

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , SVNIT surat

Page Number425-439

Indexed INScopus

Overcurrent Relay Coordination & Adaptive Relay Setting of Distributed Network using Multiple Standardized Tripping Relays and Improved Mathematical Formulation


Title of PaperOvercurrent Relay Coordination & Adaptive Relay Setting of Distributed Network using Multiple Standardized Tripping Relays and Improved Mathematical Formulation

Proceeding Name-


Author NameShanker D. Godwal

OrganizationSVNIT Surat

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , SVNIT surat

Page Number-

Indexed INScopus

An approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Ambient Energy

Title of PaperAn approach to improve mathematical formulation of directional overcurrent relays coordination for interconnected power systems

Publishertaylor & Francis

Volume Number43

Page Number1

Published YearJune 2022

Indexed INScopus

Contingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security


Title of PaperContingency Analysis: A Tool to Improve Power System Security

Proceeding NameFirst International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power and Green Energy (STPGE-22), Springer

Author NameRavindu Patel, Akhilesh Nimje, Shanker Godwal, Sarika Kanojia


Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , February 2022 , KIIT UNIVERSITY, BHUBANESWAR

Indexed INScopus

Particle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System


Title of PaperParticle Swarm Optimization Based Self-Tuned PID Controller for Digital Excitation Control System

Proceeding Name2022 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2022)


Published YearJanuary 2022

Indexed INScopus

Effect of Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient in Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve Economic Load Dispatch Problem


Title of PaperEffect of Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient in Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve Economic Load Dispatch Problem

Proceeding NameVirtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization Theory and Applications

Page NumberAditya Tiwari, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje

Published YearApril 2021

Indexed INOthers

Optimum overcurrent relays coordination for radial distribution networks using soft computing techniques


Title of PaperOptimum overcurrent relays coordination for radial distribution networks using soft computing techniques

Proceeding NameVirtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization Theory and Applications (SCOTA-2021))

Author NameShanker D. Godwal

OrganizationBITS Ranchi

Year , VenueMarch 2021 , Virtual Mode

Coordiantion of directional overcurrent relays with improved mathematical formulation and implementation of soft computing.


Title of PaperCoordiantion of directional overcurrent relays with improved mathematical formulation and implementation of soft computing.

Proceeding NameAnnual international conference on analytical & interdisciplinary research (ICAIR-2021)

Author NameVarshika Jain, Shanker Godwal, Akhilesh Nimje

OrganizationSangam University, Bhilwara

Year , VenueJanuary 2021 , Virtual Mode

Indexed INOthers

Solving of Economical Load Dispatch Using Efficient Group Leader Optimization Technique


Title of PaperSolving of Economical Load Dispatch Using Efficient Group Leader Optimization Technique

Proceeding Name7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering NUiCONE 2019 Conference

Publishertaylor & francis

Author NameShanker D. Godwal

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Nirma University

Page Number6

ISSN/ISBN No9780429321573

Indexed INScopus


Economical Load Dispatch (ELD) is an imperative aspect in power system operations, controls and scheduling. Convex and Non-Convex economical load dispatch can be resolved by using classified based techniques and various soft computing techniques. This paper presents the Group Leader Optimization technique algorithm to solve ELD for minimizing the fuel cost of power generation with valve point loading used as constraint. Group Leader Optimization Algorithm (GLOA) is recent and efficient technique in optimization domain. Mathematical formulation-based simulation proves the efficiency, quality of solution. The mathematical formulation can successfully optimize ELD problems. Finally, from the simulation results it has been concluded that the proposed technique has given improved results than existing optimization techniques. Numerical results are provided in the paper to verify implementation of GLOA on ELD.

A Review on Approaches Employed for Solving Directional Overcurrent Relays’ Coordination Problem


Title of PaperA Review on Approaches Employed for Solving Directional Overcurrent Relays’ Coordination Problem

Proceeding NameAdvances in Electric Power and Energy Infrastructure Proceedings of ICPCCI 2019


Author NameShanker D. Godwal, Kartik S. Pandya, Vipul N. Rajput, Santosh C. Vora

OrganizationDepartment of Electrical Engineering IITRAM Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Year , VenueJuly 2019 , IIT RAM Ahmedabad

Page Number35

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-15-0206-4

Indexed INScopus


The directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) coordination is considered as a highly constrained, nonlinear, and non-convex optimization problem. In order to find the optimum solution of these problems, many extensive efforts have been kept by the researchers. The optimum solution of directional overcurrent relay which coor- dination can be obtained by choosing proper time–current characteristic of DOCR, appropriate selection of objective function, and right selection of soft computing tech- nique. This paper gives the insight into various approaches employed for DOCRs’ coordination which are as optimization method-based approach, objective function- based approach, and standard and non-standard relay characteristic-based approaches presented in the past literature. Also, this paper discusses mathematical formulation for overcurrent relay coordination.

Analysis of electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system in MCCB


Title of PaperAnalysis of electromagnetic repulsion force for enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system in MCCB

Proceeding Name2015 5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)


Author NameHardik T Mehta , Shanker D. Godwal,

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2015 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University


Indexed INScopus


This paper presents investigation on electromagnetic repulsion force of contact system for enhancement in repulsion threshold current in MCCB. Current flows on moving contact and fixed contact are repulsive in nature due to structure of contact system. Due to current concentration between electrical contacts and between two conductors, magnetic flux density produces electromagnetic repulsion force. Electromagnetic repulsion force can improve current limiting ability through enhancement in repulsion threshold current of contact system is presented. For enhancing in repulsion threshold current of contact system, we calculate electromagnetic repulsion force and finite element analysis are adapted.

A Novel Multilevel Inverter with Symmetric and Asymmetric DC-Link Voltages for Solar Photovoltaic based Microgrid Applications


Title of PaperA Novel Multilevel Inverter with Symmetric and Asymmetric DC-Link Voltages for Solar Photovoltaic based Microgrid Applications

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2023)


Author Name Uday Patel, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan, and P. N. Tekwani


Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


The extension of distributed power generation using renewable energy sources (RES) has led to the development of new power electronic converters. These converters with distributed energy resources (DERs), such as solar photovolataic (PV), helps to create an efficient electric microgrid. Chopper (DC-DC) and inverter (DC-AC) circuits are needed to increase the voltage of DERs and incorporate them into the AC microgrid. A novel design of 17-level inverter is proposed to improve the overall efficiency of photovoltaic electricity generation for microgrid applications. The proposed Multilevel Multilevel Inverter (MLI) offers lower switching losses, simple switching methods, and modularity than its counterparts. Simulation results demonstrate the effective operation of the proposed inverter for different levels of operation (up to 17-level) under steady state and transient conditions.

A Novel Multilevel Inverter Topology Producing 9-Level to 17-Level Voltage with Reduced Switch Count


Title of PaperA Novel Multilevel Inverter Topology Producing 9-Level to 17-Level Voltage with Reduced Switch Count

Proceeding NameIEEE international conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG 2023)


Author NameUday Patel, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan, P. N. Tekwani


Year , VenueDecember 2023 , University of Wollongong, Australia

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a novel single-phase multilevel inverter with capability of developing 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17-levels in its output voltage. The proposed inverter is able to develop the multilevel output voltage with the help of symmetric as well as asymmetric dc-link voltage sources. The proposed multilevel inverter develops different voltage levels with reduced switch count compared to other presented topologies of multilevel inverters. Along with the reduced switch count the said multilevel inverter has the advantage of reduced blocking voltage requirement of switches and also less number of dc-link sources. Steady-state as well as a transient performance of the proposed multilevel inverter is analysed by simulation study using MATLAB. Satisfactory performance of the proposed multilevel inverter is demonstrated.

Charging Techniques of Electric Vehicle and It's Impact on Distribution Grid


Title of PaperCharging Techniques of Electric Vehicle and It's Impact on Distribution Grid

Proceeding Name11th IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2023


Author NameArpit Sheth, Shefali Talati, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan, Shivam Shrivastava, Zankhit Vora


Year , VenueOctober 2023 , Marwadi University

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


The current Electric Vehicles (EVs) market is ex periencing significant growth. However, the increasing demand for charging these EVs’ large batteries has the potential to negatively impact the stability of the distribution grid if their charging is not properly coordinated. The escalation in charg ing requirements could lead to various issues such as under voltages (lower than required voltage levels), heightened energy losses, imbalanced power distribution across different phases, higher peak loads during specific time periods, and the risk of overloading power lines and transformers. In this paper, we delve into a comprehensive study that focuses on the effects of two distinct charging approaches: Uncoordinated Charging and Coordinated Charging. To assess their impacts, we utilize the standard IEEE-13 Node Test Feeder, which is a benchmark power distribution system used for evaluating the performance of distribution grids.The analysis is rooted in the context of IEEE Standard 1159-2019, which defines criteria for power quality in electrical systems.In essence, the study underscores the significance of coordinating EV charging to maintain a robust and stable distribution grid. By adhering to coordinated charging methods, the potential disruptions and instabilities associated with uncontrolled charging loads can be substantially alleviated. Our findings offer valuable technical evidence to support the implementation of coordinated charging strategies as a means to ensure the sustainable integration of EVs into existing power distribution systems.

Static Voltage Stabilizer Using Modified SPWM Technique Controlled AC Chopper


Title of PaperStatic Voltage Stabilizer Using Modified SPWM Technique Controlled AC Chopper

Proceeding Name5th International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Commnication Technologies (ICECCT 2023)


Author NameSanjay Rochwani, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan and P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationIEEE and Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode

Year , VenueFebruary 2023 , Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


Voltage stabilizer for ac supply has become necessity for domestic as well as industrial applications. It retains devices / instruments from supply voltage impurities. Among all the available voltage stabilizer technologies, IGBT based static voltage stabilizer is the most advanced and fast responsive technique to get required voltage regulation. This paper presents design and operation of efficient and reliable method to use buck-boost transformer in series with ac chopper to achieve an effective voltage control using modified sinusoidal pulse width modulation. Simulation analysis of the presented stabilizer depicts satisfactory behavior.

Versatile current controller suitable for two-level as well as three-level converters of shunt active power filters: part 2


Journal NameInderscience International Journal of Power Electronics, Genève, Switzerland

Title of PaperVersatile current controller suitable for two-level as well as three-level converters of shunt active power filters: part 2


Volume Number16(4)

Page Number399-428

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1756-638X

Indexed INScopus


The current controller of this paper's part 1 has sector change detection limitation for multi-level power filters because of complex voltage space phasor structure. Presented self-adaptive current error space phasor (CESP) based hysteresis controller (HC) does not require point of common coupling voltage vector calculation for identifying sector changes. Here one more hysteresis band is placed a little outside main hysteresis band used for voltage vector selection. Sector changes are detected from CESP movement and outer band comparator state. This versatile sector detection technique is applicable for two-level and three-level filter. Presented controller retains adjacent voltage vector switching. Inherent capacitor voltage imbalance is eliminated by three-level flying capacitor filter's switching redundancy. Controller performance is verified for two-level and three-level filter through simulation studies. The controller is implemented using DSP TMS320LF2407A for two-level filter. Adequate compensation provided by controller in steady state, during transients and for variation in hysteresis band is evident through presented results.

Versatile current controller suitable for two-level as well as three-level converters of shunt active power filters: part 1


Journal NameInderscience International Journal of Power Electronics, Genève, Switzerland

Title of PaperVersatile current controller suitable for two-level as well as three-level converters of shunt active power filters: part 1


Volume Number16 (3)

Page Number354-370

Published YearAugust 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1756-638X

Indexed INScopus


Current control strategy dominates shunt active power filter (SAPF) performance. Versatile current error space phasor (CESP)-based hysteresis controller (HC) for SAPF is presented. Controller keeps CESP within hexagon shaped boundary by selecting appropriate SAPF voltage vector. Optimal voltage vector switching is ensured unlike non-optimum selection in conventional HC based SAPFs. Proposed SAPF generates compensating currents by coordinating sector changeovers and supply frequency. Two different sector change detection schemes are presented. The concept is simulated and implemented using digital signal processor (DSP) TMS320LF2407A. Experimental results depicting steady-state and transient performance are presented. Effect of hysteresis band variation on SAPF performance is also reported. Adequate compensation by SAPF is evident from presented results. However, complex voltage space phasor structure of multi-level converter (MLC) limits proposed controller's sector change detection ability. For application of proposed controller to MLC-based SAPF a versatile controller using outer hysteresis band is described in part-2 of this paper.

Performance Analysis of Multi-objective Controlled PV Based Distributed Generation with MPPT


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Multi-objective Controlled PV Based Distributed Generation with MPPT

Proceeding Name3rd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2022), NIT Jamshedpur

PublisherNIT Jamsedhpur

Author NameDipeshbhai Gangoda, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan and P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationNIT Jamsedhpur

Year , VenueMay 2022 , NIT Jamsedhpur

Page Number1-6


The integration of distributed generation (DG) into the traditional distribution system is continuously augmenting. The need of renewable energy based DG is to reduce environmental impacts and enhance supply security by reducing losses along transmission and distribution lines. In this paper, a photovoltaic (PV) array is employed as the DG source, implemented with the perturb and observe (P&O) technique to extract the maximum power. The role of proposed two-level inverter-based DG is to provide enough electricity to support the grid, which is controlled effectively using the Comprehensive Power Quality Evaluation (CPQE) technique. Simulation analysis of proposed PV-based DG assures satisfactory performance along with the desired active power exchange. The proposed DG maintains unity power factor and also provides voltage compensation at the point of common coupling (PCC) during the faults. Analysis of the system behavior for different types of faults is carried out and appropriate voltage compensation by proposed DG under these conditions of faults is depicted through simulation results.

Performance Analysis of Grid Integrated PV Based Distributed Generation with Maximum Power Point Tracking


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Grid Integrated PV Based Distributed Generation with Maximum Power Point Tracking

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN)


Author NameDipeshbhai Gangoda, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan


Year , VenueMarch 2022 , IFET College, Tamilnadu

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


Distributed generation (DG) has received more recognition due to the limitations of conventional power generation. The grid-connected inverter of DG is usually connected with renewable energy sources (RES)s. Here, a photovoltaic (PV) array is used as a DG source with maximum power point tracking implemented by the P&O algorithm. The role of DG is to supply adequate power to support the grid, which is effectively controlled using the Comprehensive Power Quality Evaluation (CPQE) technique. Here, MATLAB-based simulation of proposed PV-based DG with maximum power extraction algorithm is presented. Simulation analysis of proposed PV-based two-level inverter DG clearly depicts satisfactory behavior.

Improved quality of compensation in three-level shunt active power filter using fractal approach based current hysteresis controller


Title of PaperImproved quality of compensation in three-level shunt active power filter using fractal approach based current hysteresis controller

Proceeding Name47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) (IECON 2021)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K. Chauhan, M. T. Shah, and P. N. Tekwani


Year , VenueOctober 2021 , Toronto, Canada

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus


Current error space phase based hysteresis controlled shunt active power filter (SAPF) requires two (inner and outer) hysteresis bands for vector selection and for sector detection, respectively. Current error space phasor moves many times out of the inner hexagonal boundary (and touches the outer band) in one fundamental cycle to detect appropriate sector. This adversely affects the compensation provided by SAPF, resulting in less reduction of THD level in the source current. In this paper, fractal approach is proposed and analyzed to eliminate outer hysteresis band and look-up table for sector change detection. This technique is integrated with current error space phasor based hysteresis controller for a three-level SAPF. Performance of current error space phasor based hysteresis controller for three-level Flying Capacitor converters used in SAPF is presented for outer hysteresis band approach as well as fractal approach of sector detection. The proposed fractal approach for SAPF allows precise and comparatively improved compensation of harmonic currents produced by nonlinear loads.

Performance analysis of multi-functional grid tied inverter based distributed Generation


Title of PaperPerformance analysis of multi-functional grid tied inverter based distributed Generation

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Intelligent Infrastructure in Transportation & Management (i-TRAM)

PublisherInstitute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research And Management, Ahmedabad

Author NameVaidehi Sathwara, Siddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationInstitute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research And Management, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueJuly 2021 , Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research And Management, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-10


Renewable energy sources (RES) are becoming quite popular for usage as distributed generator. Distributed generation (DG) sources especially photo voltaic are connected with grid via power electronic converter known as grid tied inverter (GTI). GTI along with active power exchange with the grid can also be controlled to exchange reactive power, voltage compensation and harmonic mitigation. This multi-functional control of grid-connected inverter is analyzed in this paper. Here, Comprehensive Power Quality Evaluation (CPQE) index technique is used to achieve control of multi-functional grid-tied inverter (MFGTI). In this paper, effective active power exchange of the space vector modulation (SVM) based hysteresis controlled CPQE based MFGTI is presented through simulation studies. Also, performance of the proposed MFGTI for voltage compensation during fault condition is presented.

Analysis of Multi-Axis Current Controller for Power System Friendly Front-End Converter Employing Two-Level and Three-Level Topologies


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Title of PaperAnalysis of Multi-Axis Current Controller for Power System Friendly Front-End Converter Employing Two-Level and Three-Level Topologies


Volume Number68

Page Number586-597

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9948

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


It is highly essential to develop a control technique that can be applied to conventional two-level as well as high-power multilevel front-end converters (FECs). Multiaxis current controlled, unity power factor (PF), regenerative FEC is described in this article. Current error space phasor is controlled by multiaxis current monitoring and its movement is confined within the prescribed hexagonal boundary. It is shown that the needed information on sector change detection can be derived from instantaneous values of supply voltages for the two-level FECs. However, similar approach cannot be extended for three-level FECs. Hence, sector change detection technique employing additional outer hysteresis band is proposed. With the help of experimental results, for steady state and dynamic conditions of FEC, it is demonstrated that the proposed current-controlled technique is equally applicable to two-level and three-level FECs. A three-level flying capacitor topology is considered, where voltage balancing of flying capacitors is guaranteed by effective utilization of redundant switching states. Results clearly depict the power system friendly nature of the presented scheme, i.e., unity PF, low total-harmonic distortion in supply current, good load and line regulations, and capacitor voltage balancing with regenerative capability of the converter. All the schemes are implemented on OPAL-RT hardware-in-loop platform.

Artificial neural network based space vector PWM controller applied to three-level NPC shunt active power filter

Book Chapter

Book NameTechnologies for Sustainable Development

PublisherCRC press

Page Number1-5

Chapter TitleArtificial neural network based space vector PWM controller applied to three-level NPC shunt active power filter

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No9780429321573


Increased penetration of non-linear loads in the power system has led to power quality deterioration. Shunt active power filters help in mitigating harmonics and thereby improving the power quality. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based Three-level Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) for mitigating harmonics is presented in the paper. Neural Synchronous method based reference current generation technique is used for the control of SAPF. ANN based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation controller is developed for the effective control of SAPF. Simulation analysis of Diode clamped based three-level SAPF is presented. Both steady-state as well as transient analysis of the proposed ANN controlled three-level SAPF is presented. Experimental investigation of the proposed SAPF using dSPACE is also presented.

Hybrid technique for dc-link capacitor voltage balancing in entire operating range of five-level NPC inverter using redundancy of switching states and two-quadrant dc-dc converter

Book Chapter

Book NameTechnologies for Sustainable Development

PublisherCRC press

Author NameSiddharthsingh K. Chauhan, Selarka Viraj, Shah Prem, and P. N. Tekwani

Page Number1-5

Chapter TitleHybrid technique for dc-link capacitor voltage balancing in entire operating range of five-level NPC inverter using redundancy of switching states and two-quadrant dc-dc converter

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No9780429321573

Indexed INScopus


Neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter faces the problem of fluctuating neutral-point potential (NPP), which leads to severe problems like increase in total harmonics distortion (THD) of output voltage and increase in voltage stress of the power semiconductor switches. This paper is focused on hybrid techniques used for reducing fluctuations in NPP by means of balancing the voltage across dc-link capacitors. A technique of providing offset in carrier waves using phase disposition pulse width modulation (PDPWM) is proposed to ensure the voltage balancing. The drawback of this scheme is it does not work satisfactorily for four-level and five-level mode of operations of the inverter. It works as intended up to three-level operation. Other approach to achieve the task is based on carrier less PWM technique. In this technique, the redundancy of switching states in voltage state phasor diagram is used. The limitation of this technique is that it provides dc-link balancing up to modulation index 0.5 due to its inherent characteristics. To provide dc-link voltage balancing above 0.5 modulation index, external hardware is required. Using hybrid combination of bidirectional buck-boost chopper and SVPWM scheme, the dc-link voltage balancing for the entire range of operation of inverter is obtained. MATLAB simulation of this technique is carried out on three-phase, 50 Hz, 4 pole, 400 V squirrel cage induction motor. For experimental verification of the proposed technique, three-phase five-level NPC inverter is used with three-phase star connected 100 Ω resistors.

A random carrier frequency PWM technique with a narrowband for a grid-connected solar inverter


Journal NameElectrical Engineering

Title of PaperA random carrier frequency PWM technique with a narrowband for a grid-connected solar inverter


Volume Number102

Page Number1755-1767

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1432-0487

Indexed INScopus


The quality of power is always a concern for the high penetration of a grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system due to the variation in solar irradiation and the temperature change of solar output, which in turn varies the fundamental component of power delivered to the grid. A solar source requires an inverter interface to supply the AC load as well as for the grid interconnection. Any reduction in the fundamental component generated by solar PV at a lower irradiation level or at high- temperature results in increasing %THD at the output of inverter for a given fixed switching frequency since harmonics due to PWM technique is comparable with the fundamental component. The selection of high-fixed-switching-frequency PWM reduces harmonics but increases the stress on switches and switching losses. It also suffers from issues of harmonics at carrier frequency and its sideband at multiples of switching frequency that causes acoustic noise and EMI. The random frequency PWM (Random PWM) method overcomes these issues presented by the fixed-frequency PWM method. However, a wide band of Random PWM makes the inverter filter design difficult and causes resonance in the distribution system. In addition, asymmetry in the carrier wave introduces even-order harmonics in the line current. Hence, this paper proposes a narrowband random frequency PWM method to reduce sideband harmonics, lower-order harmonics, even-order harmonics and a total harmonic distortion (THD) for a solar-based grid-connected inverter. Simulation results present a satisfactory performance of the proposed control technique for a steady-state and transient results. Experimental validation of the same is carried out on the OPAL-RT OP4500-based laboratory prototype of a 2-kVA inverter which depicts reduction in harmonics and hence improvement in power quality.

Fractal Approach Based Simplified and Generalized Sector Detection in Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multi-Level Front-End Converters


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Title of PaperFractal Approach Based Simplified and Generalized Sector Detection in Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multi-Level Front-End Converters


Volume Number35

Page Number11082-11095

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1941-0107

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The current error space phasor (CESP) based hysteresis controller employed for front-end converter requires two (inner and outer) hysteresis bands for vector selection and sector detection, respectively. As a result of this, the CESP moves out of the fixed (hexagonal) inner boundary many times in one fundamental cycle (and touches outer hysteresis band) to detect appropriate sector. This distorts the supply current waveform and increases the implementation complexity. To provide effective solution to the said issue, in this article, a fractal approach with a triangularization technique is proposed and analyzed to eliminate the outer hysteresis band and lookup table for sector change detection. The novelty proposed in this article is the integration of the fractal approach to CESP-based hysteresis controller, which reduces the complexity of the implementation of CESP-based hysteresis controller for any general multilevel front-end converter. The detailed analysis of the proposed technique for sector detections is presented considering the voltage space phasor structure of three-level and five-level converters. A generalized flowchart for any multilevel converter employing CESP-based hysteresis controller with proposed sector detection technique is developed and presented. Laboratory prototype is developed for a three-level flying capacitor front-end converter with an effective capacitor voltage balancing scheme. The experimental results are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed current controller in terms of unity power factor and low harmonic distortion in the line current under various practical conditions.

Performance Analysis of Two-Level as-well-as Three-Level T-NPC Inverter based Distributed Generation with Voltage Compensation Capability


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Two-Level as-well-as Three-Level T-NPC Inverter based Distributed Generation with Voltage Compensation Capability

Proceeding NameProceedings of 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe)


Author NameSmit Solanki, Mihir Trivedi, Poornesh Rawal, Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan, P. N. Tekwani

OrganizationEPE Association

Year , VenueSeptember 2019 , Genova, Italy

Page Number1-12

Indexed INScopus


Due to increasing power demand in the recent scenario, intensely integrated penetration of distributed generation (DG) has become need of the day. Grid-tied inverter based DG is becoming popular due to its effective controllability. However, voltage unbalance is observed sometime at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) due to fluctuating demands of injection of active-reactive power by the DG into the Grid. This paper presents realization of two different topologies of grid tied inverter - conventional two-level three-phase four-wire, and three-level T-type Neutral Point Clamped (T-NPC) based DG, both controlled by three-phase damping control strategy. Simulation studies presented indicate effective operational control for DG based on both these topologies of inverter under various operating conditions. The primary function of DG, which is to inject power into the grid and decrease the burden on the conventional generation system is analyzed. Effective behavior of the proposed two-level as-well-as three-level DG without giving rise to voltage unbalance issue is presented in this paper. Detailed analysis of unbalance index and total harmonic distortion (THD) for PCC voltages and currents is presented. Also, performance of both the proposed DGs for fulfilling load requirement during operation in islanding mode are presented. Satisfactory voltage compensation capability of DGs is depicted from the presented results for single-phase asymmetric fault and three-phase symmetric faults. Low voltage ride through capability, reduction in unbalance index, and THD within the standard limits are the main features of the presented DG systems.

Performance Investigations of Adaptive ANN-SVPWM Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter


Title of PaperPerformance Investigations of Adaptive ANN-SVPWM Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationIIT Madras

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madras

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-9316-2

Indexed INScopus


Efficient and Adaptive Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) for mitigating harmonics is presented in the paper. ANN based reference current generation is implemented using Neural Synchronous method while Levenberg Marquardt method is used for training algorithm. ANN based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (ANN-SVPWM) controller is realized for the effective control of SAPF. Performance of the proposed ANN-SVPWM controller is compared with conventional Hysteresis Current Controller (HCC). Hence, both the reference compensating currents as well as controller of the proposed SAPF are realized using Artificial Neural Network. Effective compensation of the load harmonics and good dynamic response of the ANN based SAPF is proved by the presented simulation results using MATLAB. The proposed SAPF effectively compensates for the load harmonics in steady-state as well as during dynamic conditions.

Analysis and Implementation of Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive


Title of PaperAnalysis and Implementation of Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationIIT Madras

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madras

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-9316-2

Indexed INScopus


Multi-level inverters have found wider scope of applications in medium as well as high-power adjustable-speed drives (ASDs) due to their capability of handling high powers and power quality friendly approach. For efficient control of ASDs, indirect vector control is used which has advantages like; elimination of retrofitting of shaft encoder, faster dynamic response, and low torque pulsations. Carrier less modulation techniques (e.g., space vector pulse width modulation) provide more maximum peak fundamental output voltage in linear range of modulation for multi-level inverters. However, carrier based control schemes provide simpler control and more flexibility in operation of the control, especially for dc-link capacitor voltage balancing. This paper focuses on analyzing performance of indirect vector control of induction motor, for phase disposition type of multi-carrier technique. Steady-state as well as dynamic performance of the three-level inverter based drive is analyzed by simulation studies. For experimental validation, hardware set-up of three-level neutral point clamped inverter controlled induction motor drive is developed using Arm Cortex ST32F4 in open-loop configuration. Experimental results depicting satisfactory operation of the developed drive in steady state are presented in this paper.

Generalized Sector Detection Technique for Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multi-Level Front-End Converters


Title of PaperGeneralized Sector Detection Technique for Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Applied to Multi-Level Front-End Converters

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2018)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationIIT Madras

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madras

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-9316-2

Indexed INScopus


Current error space phase based hysteresis controller requires two (inner and outer) hysteresis bands for vector selection and for sector detection, respectively. Current error space phasor moves many times out of the fixed hexagonal boundary (and touches outer hysteresis band) in one fundamental cycle to detect appropriate sector. This distorts the supply current and increases the implementation complexity. In this paper, fractal approach and triangularization techniques are proposed and analyzed to eliminate outer hysteresis band and look-up table for sector change detection. This technique is integrated with current error space phasor based hysteresis controller to make it generalized for any multi-level front-end converter. Detailed analysis of the proposed technique for sector detections is presented considering voltage space phasor structure of three-level and five-level converters. Generalized flow chart is also developed and presented for any multi-level converter employing current error space phasor based hysteresis controller with proposed sector detection technique. Experimental results for various steady state and dynamic conditions are presented to validate the technique of sector detection, considering voltage space phasor structure of threelevel flying capacitor (FC) front-end converter.

Compensation of harmonics in neutral current using active power filter for three phase four wire system


Journal NameGazi University Journal of Science

Title of PaperCompensation of harmonics in neutral current using active power filter for three phase four wire system

PublisherGazi University

Volume Number31

Page Number846-861

Published YearSeptember 2018

ISSN/ISBN No2147-1762

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO, UGC List

Simulation as-well-as Experimental Investigations on T-Type NPC Topology based Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter


Title of PaperSimulation as-well-as Experimental Investigations on T-Type NPC Topology based Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy 2017)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationAmirta University

Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Amirta University

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-4021-0

Indexed INScopus


Conventional technique of eliminating current harmonics by use of passive filters suffers from drawback of series and parallel resonance within the network impedance, overcompensation of reactive power at fundamental frequency and poor flexibility. Shunt active power filters (SAPFs) are conventionally used to reduce current harmonics. The active harmonic filters introduce compensating currents into the source to mitigate the harmonics injected by the load current. The compensating currents will be derived by sensing three-phase voltages at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) and load currents. This paper analyzes fast Fourier transform algorithm, instantaneous reactive power technique, and synchronous reference frame technique, to derive the reference compensating currents. The generated reference compensating currents act as reference for actual compensating currents for the fixed switching frequency based current controller which generates switching signals for the SAPF employing three-level T-Type Neutral Point Clamped (TNPC) topology of converter. Simulation studies for the presented SAPF is carried out using PSIM software. Hardware set-up of the presented SAPF is implemented using DSP TMS320F28377D.

Analyzing usage of Environmental Noise for Electricity Generation by Piezoelectric systems


Journal NameInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

Title of PaperAnalyzing usage of Environmental Noise for Electricity Generation by Piezoelectric systems

PublisherBlue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Volume Number6

Page Number27-30

Published YearJuly 2017

ISSN/ISBN No2277-3878

Indexed INScopus


In recent years with increased industrialization as well as population growth, the demand of energy is increasing day by day and as a result of which, the conventional resources are declining. Hence, the need of replacing conventional sources by renewable energy has become an issue of great importance. Due to this, now the focus is to generate electrical energy from renewable sources and piezoelectricity is one of them. This paper projects a state of technology for generation of piezoelectricity from sound using piezoelectric materials.

Hardware Implementation of DSP – Based Sensorless Vector controlled Induction Motor Drive


Journal NameArtificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series)

Title of PaperHardware Implementation of DSP – Based Sensorless Vector controlled Induction Motor Drive


Page Number819-834

Published YearJuly 2017

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-10-3173-1

Indexed INScopus

Design and performance analysis of space vector pulse width modulation based unified power flow controller


Title of PaperDesign and performance analysis of space vector pulse width modulation based unified power flow controller

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC 2017)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationSSN College, Chennai

Year , VenueMarch 2017 , SSN College, Chennai

Page Number392 - 397

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5090-4679-9

Indexed INScopus


With the increasing energy power demand, optimum utilization of energy is the need of the day. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) because of its unique capability to control both real and reactive power has become popular device for maintaining and controlling the power system parameters. This is done by controlling voltage, line reactance and phase angle. It also facilitates loading transmission lines near their thermal limits. These abilities of UPFC make it a unique device for providing flexibility to power system operators. The application of proposed control scheme for investigating the role of UPFC in power transmission lines is studied by using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique. To explain the control and conditioning of power (both active and reactive), simulation of the system is carried out in MATLAB simulative environment. The system is studied under various steady and transient states, at various load demands. The dynamic controllability of the demand variation is also studied in the simulation environment.

Performance analysis of three level inverter fed induction motor drive


Title of PaperPerformance analysis of three level inverter fed induction motor drive

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Research and Innovations In Science, Engineering & Technology (ICRISET 2017)


Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationBVM Engineering College

Year , VenueFebruary 2017 , BVM Engineering College

Page Number1-5


Three-level inverters are very appropriate for high-power adjustable-speed drive applications. In conventional inverter quality of voltage and current is poor it is because of presence of harmonics so, because of harmonic there is significant level of energy losses. In three level inverter harmonic content is less compare to the conventional inverter and the %THD is also less. This paper represent simulation of indirect vector control of induction motor fed by the three level inverter. In industrial application indirect vector control is wildly use. With vector control the Dynamic response of the motor is very fast, and motor can give constant torque for variable speed and variable torque for constant speed. The problem associated with conventional scalar control drive like poor dynamic response, limited speed range can be solve by this scheme. In this paper for implementation for indirect vector control fuzzy logic control technique is use. Fuzzy logic technique is very use full for the high performance speed drive.

An Investigation on the Performance of Random PWM Controlled Converters


Journal NameEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research

Title of PaperAn Investigation on the Performance of Random PWM Controlled Converters

PublisherEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research

Volume Number5

Page Number876-884

Published YearDecember 2016

ISSN/ISBN No 1792-8036

Indexed INWeb of Science, EBSCO

Compensation of harmonics in neutral current using active power filter for three phase four wire system


Title of PaperCompensation of harmonics in neutral current using active power filter for three phase four wire system

Proceeding Name4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, Istanbul

PublisherGazi University

Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationGazi University

Year , VenueAugust 2016 , Yildiz Technical Univeristy Convention Center, ISTANBUL, TURKEY

Page Number177-182


Increased penetration of non-linear loads like power electronic converter based systems have aggravated issue of harmonic injection in the power system. Neutral current harmonics is an issue of concern for three phase four wire system. This paper is focused on the elimination of neutral current harmonics with the help of shunt active power filter. Proposed active power filter eliminates harmonics present in neutral current which in turn helps in mitigating third harmonics from the supply mains. DSP based laboratory prototype is developed for validation of active power filter. Simulation and Experimental results show effective compensation provided by active power filter.

Hardware implementation of power electronic converter based 1MHz radio frequency source


Title of PaperHardware implementation of power electronic converter based 1MHz radio frequency source

Proceeding Name4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, Istanbul

PublisherGazi University

Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationGazi University

Year , VenueAugust 2016 , Yildiz Technical Univeristy Convention Center, ISTANBUL, TURKEY

Page Number139-144


Radio frequency generators of high-frequency, as well as high power, are popularly used in the areas of plasma, medical, communication and defense. In such applications, Radio Frequency is generated conventionally by Klystron amplifiers. These amplifiers have drawbacks of high power dissipation and high cost. This paper is focused on the development, testing and verification of low-cost power electronic device based radio frequency signal generator with reduced power consumption compared to a conventional amplifier. Detailed analysis of 1 MHz radio frequency signals generation with Class E and Class D amplifiers are discussed. Experimental results representing the performance for different configurations of Class E amplifiers based 1 MHz radio frequency signal generator are presented in the paper.

A novel random carrier frequency pwm technique for grid connected solar inverter


Title of PaperA novel random carrier frequency pwm technique for grid connected solar inverter

Proceeding Name4th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems

PublisherGazi University

Author NameSiddharthsingh K Chauhan

OrganizationGazi University

Year , VenueAugust 2016 , Yildiz Technical Univeristy Convention Center, ISTANBUL, TURKEY

Page Number112-118


Renewable energy sources are becoming an integral part of existing and future grid due to their clean and sustainable nature. A gridtied renewable energy system is preferred over stand alone as it provides better utilization of generating power as they do not require an energy storage system, renewable energy sources such as Solar Cell, Fuel Cell, and Battery energy storage system need a power inverter for grid interconnection. Different pulse width modulation methods control these inverters. Sinusoidal PWM technique is commonly used where Total Harmonic Distortion is to be reduced. But, the presence of side band harmonics due to Sin-Pulse Width Modulation appearing at multiple of carrier frequency creates the problem of acoustic noise, Electromagnetic interference, and torque ripple in the associated system. An effort has been made in the present work to reduce the sideband harmonic effect by random Pulse Width Modulation techniques. The conventional random PWM method is investigated with simulation. A novel application of random carrier frequency PWM method based on the interpolated triangle wave proposed in the present work. The result shows that the proposed method gives a better harmonic spectrum and reduces Total Harmonic Distortion.

STATCOM – A Preface to Power Quality in Power Systems Performance


Journal NameEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research

Title of PaperSTATCOM – A Preface to Power Quality in Power Systems Performance

PublisherEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research

Volume Number6

Page Number895-905

Published YearJanuary 2016

ISSN/ISBN No2241-4487

Indexed INWeb of Science

Analysis, design and digital implementation of a shunt active power filter with different schemes of reference current generation


Journal NameIET Research Journal (Formerly IEE Proceedings) on – Power Electronics

Title of PaperAnalysis, design and digital implementation of a shunt active power filter with different schemes of reference current generation


Volume Number7

Page Number627-639

Published YearMarch 2014

ISSN/ISBN No1755-4535

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based Power Quality Compensator


Journal NameInternational Journal of Power Electronics

Title of PaperArtificial Neural Network (ANN) based Power Quality Compensator

PublisherInderscience Publishers

Volume Numberin press

Page Numberin press

Published YearJanuary forthcoming article

ISSN/ISBN No1756-6398

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

Solar Energy-Supported User-Friendly EV Charging Solution Based on IoT


Journal Name Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B

Title of PaperSolar Energy-Supported User-Friendly EV Charging Solution Based on IoT


Volume NumberMarch

Page Number1-6

Published YearMarch 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2250-2114

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO, Others


In order to encourage the broad use of electric vehicles, lower carbon emissions, and support sustainable transportation infrastructure, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are necessary. In this paper, a two-wheeler EV charger model is proposed based on solar PV array. Simulation of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT)-based PV array is performed in the MATLAB/Simulink platform. The charger model can facilitate the local AC loads during the EV not-charging period. For charging of the EV battery, a transformer and an uncontrolled rectifier are connected with inverter output. The inclusion of IoT for continuous monitoring of the overall system not only helps the charging station owner for better management from remote location but also helps EV user to find out vacant charging port. To send all the measurements data on ThingSpeak web page, Arduino Uno and ESP8266 are used. ThingSpeak shows the data in form of charts and widgets for better visibility of the overall system. Finally, a prototype model with IoT support has been developed to demonstrate the general applicability of the suggested approach.

Application of Blockchain Technology in Power System: A Review


Title of PaperApplication of Blockchain Technology in Power System: A Review

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Smart Technologies in Electrical Engineering


Author NameDeepanshee Heda, Chandrabhan Singh, Soumesh Chatterjee

OrganizationNIT Durgapur

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , NIT Durgapur

Page Number1-10

Indexed INScopus


In the last decade, blockchain technology has garnered significant attention for its potential to transform a variety of industries and also power systems. This review aims to provide a detailed view on blockchain technology, features that make it significant, limitations, applications in the power system sector, and further challenges that this technology faces for diving into the energy market. It highlights some features of blockchain technology such as transparency, decentralization, security, and immutability. However, the blockchain technology possesses some inherent limitations that makes their integration into the power system challenging. This paper aims to critically examine these limitations and their consequences for application in the power system, all the while offering some potential solutions to tackle these challenges. While in recent years blockchain technology has seen its application and usage in various domains, experiencing its highs and lows, the power system is the domain that remains largely unexplored. As more and more distributed and renewable energy systems are coming into picture, this article highlights features such as transparency and traceability of blockchain technology. However, a balanced approach needs to be considered and implementation of blockchain should align with real world requirements in the energy market.

Detection of symmetrical/asymmetrical faults with DULR and XGBoost


Title of PaperDetection of symmetrical/asymmetrical faults with DULR and XGBoost

Proceeding NameIEEE 6th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee

OrganizationNIT Durgapur

Year , VenueDecember 2022 , Durgapur, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus


Accurate detection of faults assures higher reliability and improved operation of the power system. Timely detection of faults prevents blackout/brownout of the system. Detection of symmetrical and asymmetrical faults is regarded as a critical task. Incorporation of synchrophasor data in the relays can ease the fault detection/ classification problems for the power system networks. Dual use line relays (DULR) can be used to monitor the network as well as to detect any fault and initialize the circuit breaker. In this work, a combination of synchrophasor data and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) has been explored in the Python platform to detect short-circuit faults in a power system network. The variations in fault location, fault type, fault impedance, and sudden load addition/rejection have been considered for the verification of the proposed method. It has been noticed that the proposed approach promises 100% detection accuracy. A comparative assessment of the proposed approach shows its acceptability on a larger scale.

A High Speed Method for Loss of Excitation Detection


Title of PaperA High Speed Method for Loss of Excitation Detection

Proceeding NameIEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Dhrubajyoti Das, Kuntal Bhattacharjee

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , New Delhi, India

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-9365-9

Indexed INScopus


In case of generator protection, accurate detection of loss of excitation (LOE) of generator is a major concern for power system operation. The conventional approach based on impedance trajectory is prone to maloperate during stable power swing (SPS) and any large disturbance near the generator bus. Any mal-operation of generator relays threatens both the generator and power system stability. This paper presents a new approach only by investigating the armature current and active power at the generator terminal. This method doesn’t consider any intentional time delay. Robustness of method is assured considering different types of loadings. In this work, both the total loss of excitation (TLOE) and partial loss of excitation (PLOE) have been considered. The proposed method is independent of the generator size. The verification of the proposed method and all the required simulations have been done in PSCAD platform.

Diagnosis of PV Array Faults Using RUSBoost


Journal NameJournal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems

Title of PaperDiagnosis of PV Array Faults Using RUSBoost


Volume Number34

Page Number157-165

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2195-3899

Indexed INScopus, Indian citation Index, Others


Solar photovoltaic (SPV) has become an inalienable part of the power system due to its numerous advantages over conventional energy sources. However, SPVs can be subjected to various kinds of faults which can degrade the overall performance of the system. Machine learning (ML) techniques may be useful to identify faults occurring in photovoltaic (PV) systems. In this paper, an ML technique called random under-sampling boosting (RUSBoost) has been applied to detect the different types of faults occurring on the DC side of the PV system. A test system of 4.8 kWp has been designed in MATLAB/Simulink environment for data acquisition of different operating conditions. Commonly used performance parameters have been used as features for the ML model. Thereafter, RUSBoost has been trained using features acquired from the test system. The work also investigates the optimum number of features required for fast and accurate detection of PV array faults. It has been found that, training the model with the current ratio, voltage ratio, power ratio, and array efficiency gives the best result with 99.6% training accuracy and 2.78 s of training time. The performance of RUSBoost is further compared to popular AdaBoost and bagged tree ensemble classifier algorithm to establish the efficacy of the applied ML technique.

Stacking ensemble based fault diagnosis approach for improved operation of photovoltaic arrays


Journal NameEnergy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects

Title of PaperStacking ensemble based fault diagnosis approach for improved operation of photovoltaic arrays

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number44

Page Number5421-5439

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1556-7230

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, like any other system, in fault free environment ensures maximum performance. Hence, accurate and timely fault identification of PV system demands greater importance. Present investigation proposes a stacking ensemble-based PV array fault diagnosis method, which is integrated with automatic feature engineering and selection technique, handling of imbalanced dataset for unbiased classification. The proposed ensemble utilizes decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), extra trees (EXT), extreme gradient boosting machine (XGBoost) as base learners, and light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) as both base and meta-learner. To validate the proposed technique, a test system of 4.8kWp capacity has been built using the MATLAB/Simulink environment incorporating one-year real-time irradiance and module temperature data. Irradiance, module temperature, voltage, current, and power are collected as primary raw data which are then concocted using the autofeat python library for automatic feature engineering and selection. Subsequently, the proposed fault diagnosis strategy is built in python 3.8.5 using the engineered and class label balanced dataset, prepared using the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE). Results demonstrate promising performance of the proposed ensemble technique with 97.04% accuracy in classifying the different faults in the PV array, which accounts for approximately 1–3% improvement over other individual machine learning (ML) models.

Rapid fault identification in standalone DC Microgrids


Journal NameSimulation Modelling Practice and Theory

Title of PaperRapid fault identification in standalone DC Microgrids


Volume Number116

Page Number102489

Published YearJanuary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1569-190X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Fast and reliable protection schemes, with accurate fault detection methodology, turn out to be one of the key endeavours in microgrids for improved operation and control strategies. Identification of fault at a very initial stage might result in rapid isolation, fault interruption, and reclosure of the faulty section. Reconfiguration of the network sections depends on the performance of the transient detection technique. In this paper, a protection application case-study for rapid fault identification, exploiting the natural frequency oscillation of a network, has been proposed for a standalone low-voltage DC-microgrid system (LV DCmG) network. The proposed method makes the use of distortion in the fault current spectrum for fault detection empirically. The rapid fault detection using suitable sampling frequency depicts the robustness of proposed approach. The proposed fault detection scheme has been corroborated for a standalone LV DCmG consisting of solar photovoltaics and energy storage devices. Wide range of test cases for fault and no-fault scenarios have been analysed and verified by shuffling different fault events (pole-ground, pole-pole), fault locations, and fault resistances. The proposed method utilizes local measurements solely which increases the admissibility of the fault detection scheme proposed in this paper. A test model has been constructed in MATLAB/ Simulink platform, and further verified on a real-time environment with OPAL-RT OP4510.

Performance assessment of selective machine learning techniques for improved PV array fault diagnosis


Journal NameSustainable Energy, Grids and Networks

Title of PaperPerformance assessment of selective machine learning techniques for improved PV array fault diagnosis


Volume Number29

Page Number100582

Published YearDecember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2352-4677

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Solar photovoltaics (SPV) are susceptible to various kinds of faults which can diminish overall performance of the system. Proper fault diagnosis strategy needs to be developed to accurately identify the faults for smooth operation of the photovoltaic (PV) systems. Machine learning (ML) can be used to diagnose the faults in PV arrays. In this paper, three powerful machine learning algorithms i.e., categorical boosting (CatBoost), light gradient boosting method (LGBM), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) have been selected for investigating their efficacy to diagnose different PV array faults. A PV system has been designed in MATLAB/Simulink environment using real time irradiance and temperature data acquired from grid connected PV System of National Institute of Technology Agartala. The constructed dataset is used to extract features including one new index to train these algorithms in Python 3.7. Promising results have been achieved using these algorithms as average detection and classification accuracy of 99.996% and 99.745% has been noted by implementing LGBM, followed by CatBoost, and XGBoost respectively. Moreover, these algorithms reduce the computational time significantly with LGBM leading the chart with training time of 0.053 and 0.375 s for fault detection and classification. These algorithms have been compared with random forest (RF) technique to exhibit their proficiency in fault diagnosis of PV arrays.

Bilayered fault detection and classification scheme for low-voltage DC microgrid with weighted KNN and decision tree


Journal NameInternational Journal of Green Energy

Title of PaperBilayered fault detection and classification scheme for low-voltage DC microgrid with weighted KNN and decision tree

PublisherTaylor & Francis

Volume Number19

Page Number1149-1159

Published YearSeptember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1543-5083

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


DC microgrids (DCMGs) are gaining popularity mainly in shipboards and isolated power systems for their modest control and higher efficiency. However, the newer conception and less literature are forcing the operators to take up tough challenges for smoother operation of the overall system. Protection areas of DCMGs are still immature because of the inexperience of handling DC faults and less availability of DC circuit breakers (DCCBs) in outsized range. In this work, the fault detection and classification issue in low-voltage-DC-microgrid (LVDCMG) has been solved with a bilayered machine learning scheme based on weighted K-nearest neighbor (WKNN) and decision tree (DT). WKNN accurately detects the fault in the line, and DT classifies the fault as PG or PP for further corrective measures. The developed technique has been implemented in an LVDCMG with PV and battery energy sources. Voltage and current measurements from the network have been used as training samples to the classifier models. It has been noticed that the proposed bilayered protection scheme is giving 100% detection accuracy. The outcome of the proposed structure seems to be promising and has been compared with some of the existing machine learning (ML)-based fault detection techniques for microgrids (MGs).

Cost assessment of different SMP strategies considering network contingencies with MBSOS


Journal NameSoft Computing

Title of PaperCost assessment of different SMP strategies considering network contingencies with MBSOS


Volume Number25

Page Number4899-4905

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1433-7479

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, EBSCO


Appropriate placement of synchrophasor meters will save huge capital investment and give improved wide area monitoring, control, and protection. Being costly and having flexible channel capacity, the synchrophasor meters should be placed judiciously in the network to avoid unnecessary expenses. In this paper, the practical cost assessment of phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement has been done for different placement strategies considering different network contingencies for the first time. Cost study has further been investigated for the placement strategies in the presence/absence of dual-use line relays (DULRs). Different combinations of synchrophasor measurement meters (PMU and DULR) along with channel limitation property of the meters have been utilized to minimize the cost of observability. Modified Binary Symbiotic Organisms Search (MBSOS) has been used for the first time to solve the optimal PMU placement (OPP) problem. The simulated results show that the proposed method can give techno-economical solutions for various synchrophasor meter placement (SMP) strategies.

Optimal Design of Microgrid with Demand Side Management in Presence of Electric Vehicle


Title of PaperOptimal Design of Microgrid with Demand Side Management in Presence of Electric Vehicle

Proceeding Name2020 IEEE First International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC)


Author NameArnab Pal, Soumesh Chatterjee, Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Ajoy Kumar Chakraborty

OrganizationVisvesvaraya National Institute Of Technology, Maharashtra, India

Year , VenueSeptember 2020 , VNIT Nagpur

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-8873-7

Indexed INEBSCO, Others


Microgrid is widely known for its reliability, robustness, and assimilation of renewable energy resources. A standalone microgrid is a good solution for the electrification of remote places. In this paper, a smart standalone microgrid system has been designed optimally. Demand side management (DSM) has been performed to manage the elastic loads considering the contributions of inelastic loads associated with this microgrid for economic operation. The optimal sizes of solar PV, wind turbine, diesel generator, battery energy storage (BES), and converter of this microgrid system have been decided using HOMER software. In the past few years, the transportation sector is shifting towards electric vehicle (EV) to reduce pollution. Therefore, the penetration of EV in microgrid has been considered for this work too. Two different DSM schemes have been proposed and compared in terms of microgrid's planning. Evolutionary based optimization techniques have been employed to solve the DSM problem.

Graph-theory based optimal PMU allocation considering ZIB effects


Journal NameInstrumentation Mesure Métrologie

Title of PaperGraph-theory based optimal PMU allocation considering ZIB effects

PublisherInternational Information and Engineering Technology Association (IIETA)

Volume Number19

Page Number297-300

Published YearSeptember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2269-8485

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


Continuous monitoring is the prerequisite for secure operation and efficient control of power system. This paper presents a new and straightforward approach to monitor the system efficiently. Optimal PMU placement (OPP) deals with the complete system observability with a minimum number of PMU. The Modified Graph theoretic configuration has been presented here to select some strategic locations for PMU installation. Initially, a new technique has been used here to form spanning tree from its system graph. Some standard bus systems i.e. IEEE 7-bus, IEEE 14-bus, and 30-bus have been used to test the effectiveness of the applied approach. The proposed approach has been carried out for normal operating conditions (NOC) as well as considering Zero Injection Bus (ZIB) effects. The simulation result of this efficient and state forward approach has been compared with some other established approaches.

Power Management Scheme For Standalone DC Microgrid with Fuzzy Logic


Title of PaperPower Management Scheme For Standalone DC Microgrid with Fuzzy Logic

Proceeding Name2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC)


Author NameSourav Das, Soumesh Chatterjee, Prasenjit Debnath

OrganizationJCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Year , VenueAugust 2020 , Coimbatore, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-2813-9

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


In this paper, an efficient and robust fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been advocated for improved power management in islanded DC microgrids (μGs). The proposed scheme has been verified in a standalone DC μG with a renewable energy source (RES), a battery-based energy storage system (BESS), loads, and a bi-directional converter. The main object of this work is to sketch a commendatory FLC for controlling the power continuously and efficiently under changing solar irradiances. On the basis of the rules of the FLC, the switching signals will be produced to control the bidirectional converter. IF-THEN rules based inferencing have been formed to cover almost all the possible operating scenarios for the DC microgrid. The proposed model has been built in MATLAB/Simulink environment and it has been observed that the uniform power control is achieved with the proposed FLC than without FLC cases.

A Solution to Demand Response with Soft-Computing Techniques


Title of PaperA Solution to Demand Response with Soft-Computing Techniques

Proceeding Name2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Suparna Dey, Monalisa Dasgupta

OrganizationJCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Year , VenueAugust 2020 , Coimbatore, India

Page Number122 - 126

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-2813-9

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


The demand response (DR) is one of the best possible solutions to reduce peak demand and energy consumption in the modern power system. The DR is also beneficial for energy management systems to balance, shift, and monitor the imperative equipment which depends on electricity price exposed by the utility company. This paper proposes a method to minimize the peak load through price weight given by the utility company. Three types of consumers have been considered for the study as residential, industrial, and commercial for the optimization model. The `per day electricity use' for these consumers can be reduced by scheduling the elastic loads. Two soft-computing techniques, Symbiotic Organism Search (SOS) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), have been designed to solve the scheduling problem. The outcome of SOS and PSO has been compared with the existing popular meta-heuristic technique, Genetic Algorithm (GA). The simulation results show that the recommended algorithm reduces cost while balancing the peak demand.

Speedy Detection of Symmetrical Faults During Power Swing


Journal NameNational Academy Science Letters

Title of PaperSpeedy Detection of Symmetrical Faults During Power Swing


Volume Number44

Page Number321-324

Published YearJuly 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2250-1754

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, EBSCO


Small and large disturbances in power system may sometimes lead to sustained oscillation in three-phase power, often termed as ‘power swing’ in the literature. Power swing is a balanced phenomenon and may be indistinguishable from a three-phase fault. Transmission lines being protected by distance relays may be incorrectly de-energized because of a power swing. So, three-phase faults should be discriminated from power swing with high reliability and dependability. In this study, a novel symmetrical fault detection technique has been proposed with dual use line relays for the first time. The proposed algorithm has been verified for a large number of fault scenarios including series compensated lines with single machine infinite bus and western system coordinating council-9 bus system. It has been seen that the proposed algorithm is giving fast detection of three-phase faults during power swing with high accuracy.

Bagged Tree Based Anti-Islanding Scheme For MultiDG Microgrids


Journal NameJournal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Title of PaperBagged Tree Based Anti-Islanding Scheme For MultiDG Microgrids


Volume Number12

Page Number2273-2284

Published YearJuly 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1868-5145

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, EBSCO


Microgrids are becoming a prevalent part of the grid due to its’ numerous advantages on energy management system. Microgrids are perceived as the gate way for systematic inclusion of multiple renewable based distributed generations. One of the key concerns for these types of microgrids is detection of absence of the grid. This paper demonstrates a dual use line relay (DULR) based passive detection technique which uses an intelligent electronic device (IED) platform to confirm the islanding condition. Bagged tree ensemble classifier based on synchrophasor measurements has been used in IED as a decision making algorithm. Assorted range of non-islanding and islanding state of affairs have been considered to train the classifier. The measurements obtained from DULR can be used for further analysis at any level of the smart-grid communication hierarchy. The proposed scheme has been seen as fast, effective, economic, and having zero non-detection zone, compared to some of the existing techniques.

Fault detection and location estimation for LVDC microgrid using self-parametric measurements


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperFault detection and location estimation for LVDC microgrid using self-parametric measurements

PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume Number30

Page Numbere12499

Published YearJune 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2050-7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Faster fault detection and location has become one of the prime assignments in microgrids for better control strategies. Quick identification of fault may result in location estimation tougher due to insufficient measurement data. In this article, a better scheme for fault detection and a novel method for the location of fault with good accuracy are portrayed. The speed and cost-effectiveness of the proposed scheme has been assured due to less sampling frequency. The proposed method is developed for a standalone low voltage DC (LVDC) system with photovoltaics and battery energy storage system. A large number of fault scenarios have been simulated and analyzed by varying faults (pole-pole, pole-ground), fault resistance, and locations. The proposed scheme deals with local measurements that heartens the easy implementation of the proposed method. The case studies have been simulated in MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment. The efficacy of the proposed protection scheme is further validated in a real-time environment.

Dual Use Line Relays to Improve Power Swing Deblocking Function


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

Title of PaperDual Use Line Relays to Improve Power Swing Deblocking Function


Volume Number121

Page Number106156

Published YearMay 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0142-0615

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO


Shrill power swing due to various electrical disturbances may lead to malfunctioning in distance relay and intimidating stress on the power system equipment. If fault occurs during power swing that is more dangerous and should be detected as early as possible for secure and stable operation of the power system. The power swing blocking (PSB) and de-blocking (PSD) functions are essentially kept in the distance relays to address this issue. In this paper, a novel approach has been proposed with dual use line relay (DULR) to discriminate faults from power swing and thus improving PSD function. The proposed method is investigated for fast and slow power swing, various faults with a wide range of fault resistances (), power angle variations, various levels of compensation, large load rejections, asymmetrical swings, and close in-far end faults. The robustness of the proposed algorithm has been confirmed by performing a large number of simulations on single machine infinite bus (SMIB) and WSCC 9-bus systems. It has been perceived that the proposed method is giving better results with improved PSD functions than the existing methods for fault detection during power swing.

Identification of Faults During Power Swing: A PMU Based Scheme


Title of PaperIdentification of Faults During Power Swing: A PMU Based Scheme

Proceeding Name2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee

OrganizationMalaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (MNIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , Jaipur, Rajasthan

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-4103-9



Complex control strategies, fickle loads, and penetration of renewables in modern power system are introducing new challenges for power system protection schemes. However, the progression of the Intelligent Devices (IDs) fast, accurate, and reliable relaying schemes can be developed which can successfully solve the critical relaying problems. Here, a fast relaying scheme has been developed with the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) which can detect symmetrical/asymmetrical faults under various fault environments. The proposed index deals with exponential change in the rate of change of positive sequence voltage magnitude. The proposed technique has been tested with the SMIB system for an outsized number of fault scenarios which includes variations in power angle, fault resistance, and fault distance from the relay location. The proposed algorithm has also been tested for series compensated lines and noisy signals. The proposed protection scheme has been modelled and simulated in EMTDC/PSCAD software. The outcome of the simulated case studies confirms satisfactory rendition of the proposed method.

Fast Identification of Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Faults During Power Swings with Dual Use Line Relays


Journal NameCSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems

Title of PaperFast Identification of Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Faults During Power Swings with Dual Use Line Relays


Volume Number6

Page Number184-192

Published YearDecember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2096-0042

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


ncreasing power demand, penetration of renewables, and limitations of necessary grid expansion are proffering new challenges to existing power system protection and control strategies. However, with the advancement in intelligent electronic devices and relaying technology, fast, accurate and reliable protection schemes can be developed for smart power systems. In this paper, a new protection scheme based on admittance and power change has been proposed with dual-use line relays to detect symmetrical/asymmetrical faults in power systems. A large number of fault environments have been simulated by varying fault distances from relay location, fault resistance, and power angle in single machine infinite bus and WSCC 9-bus systems. Some crucial decisive fault scenarios e.g. close in/far end faults, faults in series compensated line, faults during asymmetrical swings, switching ON/OFF large loads, single and multi-modal swings have also been verified for the proposed index. In this paper, for the first time, detection of faults during power swings have been examined and verified in the presence of wind farms. The simulation results show the proficiency of the proposed algorithm for detecting faults in the presence or absence of power swings.

PMU-Based Power System Component Monitoring Scheme Satisfying Complete Observability with Multicriteria Decision Support


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperPMU-Based Power System Component Monitoring Scheme Satisfying Complete Observability with Multicriteria Decision Support

PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume Number30

Page Numbere12223

Published YearOctober 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2050-7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Modern power system operates in stressed conditions due to fickle loads, high penetration of renewables, and complex control strategies. The failure of any power system asset may lead to protract power interruption or even catastrophic failures. Synchrophasor-based extensive research advancements in wide area measurement, protection, and control (WAMPAC) systems are solving critical operation and control problems of the power system. This paper proposes a new combinatorial methodology for monitoring the prime power system components in preference to complete observability of the system. A multicriteria decision support (MCDS) approach, analytical hierarchy process (AHP), has been used to prepare a ranking according to component bus priority for synchrophasor measurement unit installation. The priority list is further processed with intelligent search technique (IST) to compute the optimal solution for synchrophasor meter placement, ensuring complete observability, maximum measurement redundancy, and coverage of prime system components with direct monitoring. Some practical contingencies related to synchrophasor meters placement problem like single meter loss or line outage have also been considered for the case studies. The efficiency of the proposed method has been verified with IEEE 14-bus, 24-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus, and 118-bus and New England 39-bus test systems. To prove the superiority of the method, in essence of synchrophasor meter placement problems, the outcome has been compared with some of the existing methods from the literature.

Prediction of Line Contingency Catastrophic Failures Using Synchrophasor Measurements


Journal NameJournal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems

Title of PaperPrediction of Line Contingency Catastrophic Failures Using Synchrophasor Measurements


Volume Number30

Page Number1107–1115

Published YearJuly 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2195-3899

Indexed INScopus, Indian citation Index, EBSCO


Serious impact of catastrophic failure on the power system is demanding one-step-ahead predictive measures in order to save the system. In this paper, a new index-based algorithm is proposed for prediction of the catastrophic failures due to line contingencies at a very premature stage. Offline case studies show that proposed catastrophic failure index (CFI) is proficient in forecasting the possibility of occurrence of the catastrophic failure with a minimum number of contingencies. Proposed CFI can be calculated online from the data available from phasor measurement units. The proposed index is also capable of identifying the most serious contingencies and can be a good indicator for impending blackout caused by multiple faults/contingencies. The proposed methodology has been tested with IEEE 30-bus system to validate the performance.

A Novel Approach to Detect Balanced Faults During Power Swing


Title of PaperA Novel Approach to Detect Balanced Faults During Power Swing

Proceeding NameInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence & IoT


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kumar Saha Roy, Dhrubajyoti Das

OrganizationNational Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala, Tripura, India

Year , VenueMarch 2019 , Agartala, Tripura, India

Page Number408-412

ISSN/ISBN No1556-5068

Indexed INOthers


Variations in impedance at the relaying point due to deviations in three phase power may lead to malfunctioning in distance relays. The relay can’t discriminate faults from swing due to symmetry in waveforms of a balanced fault and power swing. Inappropriate Power swing blocking (PSB) and de-blocking (PSD) functioning in distance relay may worsen the situation by tripping a healthy line which further causes brownout or complete blackout in the system. In this research paper, a unique technique has been proposed with rate of percentage change of positive sequence current which turns out to be very expedient in detecting symmetrical faults in presence of power swing. To verify the scheme, it has been applied to single machine infinite bus (SMIB) and western system coordinating council (WSCC) 9-bus system. A large number of fault environments have been created by varying the fault resistance, location of the fault, power angle, and swing type. The case studies have further been extended for close in/far end faults, series compensated lines, and large load rejections. The outcomes of the simulated studies provide satisfactory performance in detecting balanced faults during power swing.

Optimal PMU Placement Using Binary SOS Considering Measurement Redundancy and Channel Limitations


Title of PaperOptimal PMU Placement Using Binary SOS Considering Measurement Redundancy and Channel Limitations

Proceeding Name2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kumar Saha Roy

OrganizationNational Institute of Technology (NIT) Tiruchirappalli

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-6159-8

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


Reliable and precise monitoring of large power network can be assured with Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). Optimal placement of PMU entrusts judicial investment in costly infrastructural support of synchrophasor measurement. This paper proposes a new method for solving optimal PMU placement (OPP) problem with maximum measurement redundancy and channel limitation constraint. The proposed method uses Binary Symbiotic Organism Search (BSOS) which has not been cited in literature before. The work is further extended to capital cost investigation for maximum measurement redundancy and channel limitation cases. Four standard IEEE test systems have been considered to underpin the proposed scheme. For worthy validation of the proposed OPP scheme, a comparative assessment has been drawn with some of the other existing methods from the literature. The proposed methodology can give efficient cost concerned OPP solution for the small as well as large-scale power system network with and without considering channel limitation.

Speedy Detection of Very High Resistance Faults During Power Swing


Title of PaperSpeedy Detection of Very High Resistance Faults During Power Swing

Proceeding Name2018 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kumar Saha Roy, Kalpana Chauhan

OrganizationGalgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-6947-1

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


The dynamic changes in the power system may lead to severe power swing resulting in sustained oscillation in impedance seen by the distance relay. Malfunctioning of the relays in response to these events may trigger catastrophic failure which is utmost detrimental for power system stakeholders. Fast and accurate isolation of faulty circuit is one of the prime necessities to save the system from blackouts and maintain the system stability. In this paper, a novel exponential change of admittance based fault discrimination index (FDI) is proposed to detect all types of faults (symmetrical/ asymmetrical) during power swing. The proposed algorithm can be included in dual-use line relay (DULR) to have fast and accurate detection of the fault in presence of power swing. The proposed index has been tested with single machine infinite bus (SMIB) and WSCC 9-bus system for a large range of fault environment including variations in fault resistance (R f ), the distance of fault from relay location, power angle, and swing type (fast/slow). To prove the robustness of the index the response of the FDI in case of large load rejections and faults in series compensated lines has also been investigated. The simulated results confirm the proficiency of the proposed algorithm in detecting faults during power swing.

Power Tracing in Distribution Network in Deregulated Power Environment


Title of PaperPower Tracing in Distribution Network in Deregulated Power Environment

Proceeding Name2018 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication (ICCPEIC)


Author NameAnkit Singh, Saptadip Saha, Priyanath Das, Soumesh Chatterjee, Purvi Chandrakar, Saial Debbarrna

OrganizationAdhiparasakthi Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India

Year , VenueMarch 2018 , Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu, India

Page Number442-448

ISSN/ISBN No2576-9065

Indexed INEBSCO, Others


This has become essential to analyse the impact of a particular generator on the power system in deregulated power environment. The use of power tracing methods can solve this issue and able to detect the exact contribution of a generator to loads or line losses. In this paper, the active power tracing has been done in the distribution system for the first time. The power tracing has been done using the upstream looking algorithm. The algorithm is based on the famous `proportional sharing principle' (PSP). The proposed approach has been verified with IEEE 33-bus and 85-bus distribution test systems. The case studies have been extended to assess the flow of active power without and with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in power system. All the simulations have been done in MATLAB environment. The proposed approach gives promising results which will be helpful for better analysis of existing tariffs for transmission loss and services.

A hybrid approach to solve OPP problem using graph theory and AHP


Title of PaperA hybrid approach to solve OPP problem using graph theory and AHP

Proceeding Name2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)


Author NamePronob K. Ghosh, Soumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kumar Saha Roy

OrganizationCollege of Engineering Pune (CoEP), Shivajinagar, India

Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Shivajinagar, Pune, India

Page Number478-484

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-1789-2

Indexed INEBSCO, Others


This paper proposes a hybrid method for optimal PMU placement (OPP) using the graph theoretic approach and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Three effective criteria have been chosen from the network graph model to form a decision matrix for AHP. Then AHP does vertex ranking and edge ranking. The spanning tree has been formed from the parent graph according to the edge ranking. Some strategic locations have been identified from the spanning tree for PMU placement. The proposed method has been tested for IEEE 14-bus, 24-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus, 118-bus and New England 39-bus test systems. The proposed method successfully provide optimal PMU placement for complete observability of the systems studied. PMU placement obtained by the proposed method has been compared with the solution of the some other existing methods for the solution of OPP. The proposed method is found suitable and easy to implement.

Optimal Placement of PMU Considering Practical Costs in Wide Area Network


Title of PaperOptimal Placement of PMU Considering Practical Costs in Wide Area Network

Proceeding Name 2017 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kr. Saha Roy, Pronob K Ghosh

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2325-9418

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO, Others


The Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) being a prime component of wide-area monitoring system (WAMS) helps in numerous ways for proper supervision and control of power system. The infrastructure of synchrophasor measurement is costly and needs suitable planning before deployment. This paper investigates for a cost effective solution for synchrophasor infrastructure with PMUs and dual use line relays (DULR). To solve the optimal PMU placement (OPP) problem a new approach Binary Symbiotic Organism Search (BSOS) has been proposed that assures the maximum measurement redundancy too. The proposed BSOS has been also extended to find OPP solution considering measurement channel limitation of PMUs. The proposed binary structure has not been implemented before to solve OPP problems. The realistic cost studies with PMU and DULR for different combinations have been evaluated with IEEE 14-bus, 30-bus, and 118-bus test systems. This paper proposes a techno-economical solution for real-world OPP problems.

Distribution system monitoring by using micro-PMU in graph-theoretic way


Title of PaperDistribution system monitoring by using micro-PMU in graph-theoretic way

Proceeding Name2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE)


Author NameAnik Tahabilder, Pronob K. Ghosh, Soumesh Chatterjee, Noorjahan Rahman

OrganizationIndependent University, Bangladesh

Year , VenueSeptember 2017 , Dhaka, Bangladesh

Page Number159-163

ISSN/ISBN No2378-2692

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO, Others


Phasor Measurement Devices (PMU) continuously provides the time-synchronized measurements of a power system by using signals from Global Positioning System (GPS). These accurate measurements help in the field of security, protection and control study of a power system. This paper presents a novel technique to monitor the distribution system by using micro-PMU. Optimal PMU placement problem has been solved by using graph-theoretic approaches. Initially, a given test system is converted to a graph model. Typically, spanning tree contains two types of vertex-pendant vertex and cut vertex. Primarily, some strategic locations have been indicated for PMU placements according to the positions of pendant vertices and cut vertices. Finally, a specific technique has been followed to make the system completely observable. IEEE 13-node, 34-node, and 37-node test feeders have been used to check the efficacy of the proposed technique. The outcome of the proposed technique is compared with some other methods.

Optimal PMU Placement Solution: Graph Theory and MCDM-Based Approach


Journal NameIET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Title of PaperOptimal PMU Placement Solution: Graph Theory and MCDM-Based Approach

PublisherThe Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Volume Number11

Page Number3371-3380

Published YearSeptember 2017

ISSN/ISBN No1751-8695

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In this study, a new method using graph theory and analytical hierarchy process (AHP)-based multi-criteria decision making approach has been proposed to solve optimal phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement (OPP) problem for complete network observability. The proposed approach assures maximum measurement redundancy too. A decision matrix is formed with some unique criteria from the concept of network graph theory and this helps to formulate priority vertex ranking using AHP. Candidate vertex search technique is used to enumerate the candidate PMU placement vertices from priority vertex ranking. The contribution of zero injection buses (ZIBs) in PMU placement problem has been considered. The proposed technique is further analysed for complete observability under single PMU loss or line outage cases. The proposed approach is tested on IEEE 14-bus, 24-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus, 118-bus, and New England 39-bus systems. To verify the computational efficiency and higher redundancy of solutions of the proposed method, the results are compared with some well-established methods reported in the literature. The proposed method is further applied to IEEE 300-bus, Polish 2383-bus and 3120-bus system to show the efficacy of the proposed approach in solving OPP in large scale power systems.

Superconducting fault current limiter for smart grid application


Title of PaperSuperconducting fault current limiter for smart grid application

Proceeding Name2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT)


Author NameJulakanti Satheesh Reddy, Soumesh Chatterjee

OrganizationSVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu, India

Year , VenueFebruary 2017 , Coimbatore, India

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5090-3239-6



The conventional power system is adopting the concept of the smart grid by integrating intelligent control system, advanced communication network and green energy resources. Penetration of renewables is increasing the fault current level of the system. Conventional protection elements are unable to suppress the fault current rapidly. The superconducting fault current limiters (SFCL) are perceived to be very useful in this regard. SFCL is having a very fast response and its high nonlinear characteristics help to limit high fault current. In this work, some unique case studies have been carried out with resistive-SFCL. The proposed model of resistive-SFCL can be easily employed to limit high fault currents in multifarious smart grid systems. The power system model considered here is a practical Indian grid system with generation, transmission, and distribution facility. To reflect the performance of resistive-SFCL in micro-grid environment one wind farm of 12 MVA capacities is considered as a distributed generation resource. To analyze the performance in detail of resistive-SFCL, different faults have been considered at different locations in presence of wind farm. Strategic locations of resistive-SFCL have been considered according to network protection priority. The simulation results obtained from different case studies are reliable and satisfactory.

Transient stability and other important aspects of power system in Multi-DG environment


Title of PaperTransient stability and other important aspects of power system in Multi-DG environment

Proceeding Name2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kr. Saha Roy

OrganizationGovt. Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

Year , VenueNovember 2016 , Lallgarh Palace, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India

Page Number1-4

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4673-8962-4

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


Modern world smart grid is a combination of a reliable communication network, robust central generation and strategic commanded Distributed Generations (DG). Ungoverned penetration of DG to balance inflationist load will encourage grid instability. This paper proposes a modest methodology to analyse the transient stability of the electrical network with distributed generation and its effect on other important aspects like voltage stability, overall loss minimization, economic benefits, short circuit capacity, power quality and reliability of power system. The possible events have been simulated with 33 bus radial distributed system. The case studies have been extended to single and multi DG environment. ETAP 7.5 and MATLAB v10 have been used for simulation of case studies. Simulation results validate the promising outcome of this work.

An analytic method for allocation of Distributed Generation in radial distribution system


Title of PaperAn analytic method for allocation of Distributed Generation in radial distribution system

Proceeding Name 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON)


Author NameSoumesh Chatterjee, Biman Kr. Saha Roy

OrganizationJamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India

Year , VenueDecember 2015 , New Delhi, India

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No2325-9418

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO, Others


These days Distributed Generation (DG) is going to be a credible alternative generation paradigm by overcoming significant economic, regulatory, technical and environmental hindrance. The sizing and allocation of DG in power system is also a prime factor for achieving minimum power loss and satisfactory voltage profile improvement. This paper presents an analytical method for calculating the optimum DG size and location in a radial distribution system. The proposed methodology is applied and validated in 33 bus and 85 bus radial distribution systems. The influence of DG on system with sizing and location issues is presented in detail.

A novel UEBASC-qZSI-based BLDC motor drive with modified DTC for EV application


Journal NameInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

Title of PaperA novel UEBASC-qZSI-based BLDC motor drive with modified DTC for EV application


Published YearMarch 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0098-9886

Indexed INScopus

Reduced Capacitor Voltage Based High Boost Active Switch Controlled Z-source Inverter


Title of PaperReduced Capacitor Voltage Based High Boost Active Switch Controlled Z-source Inverter

Proceeding NameIEEE INDICON


Author NameS. S. Das, A. Panda & A. Dutta

OrganizationNIT Sikkim

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Kochi, India

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2325-9418

Indexed INScopus

Design and Analysis of Enhanced Boost Active Switch Controlled Based ZSI for Photovoltaic DG System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Renewable Energy and Research

Title of PaperDesign and Analysis of Enhanced Boost Active Switch Controlled Based ZSI for Photovoltaic DG System


Volume Number12

Page Number1651-1661

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1309-0127

Indexed INScopus

Extended boost active switch controlled switch inductor based Z-source inverter


Journal NameInternational journal of circuit theory and application

Title of PaperExtended boost active switch controlled switch inductor based Z-source inverter


Volume Number50

Page Number683-705

Published YearFebruary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1097-007X

Indexed INScopus

LCL filter based solar photovoltaic distributed generation system


Title of PaperLCL filter based solar photovoltaic distributed generation system

Proceeding NameIEEE PEDES Conference


Author NameS. S. Das & A. Panda

OrganizationNIT Sikkim

Year , VenueDecember 2018 , IIT Madra

Page Number1-8

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Harmonic reduction methods for wind energy conversion systems: A review


Title of PaperHarmonic reduction methods for wind energy conversion systems: A review

Proceeding NameIEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS)


Author NameS. S. Das, S. C. Gupta & S. K. Bhargava

OrganizationMANIT Bhopal

Year , VenueMarch 2014 , MANIT Bhopal

Page Number1-8

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-2526-1

Indexed INScopus

Dynamic Behavior Analysis of PM Assisted SynRM for Electric Vehicular Application


Title of PaperDynamic Behavior Analysis of PM Assisted SynRM for Electric Vehicular Application

Proceeding Name2024 International Conference on Vehicular Technology and Transportation Systems (ICVTTS)


Author NameJitendra Jamnani, Swapnil Jani

OrganizationIEEE Bangalore Section

Year , VenueSeptember 2024 , Banglore, India

Page Number1-7

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-5551-2

Indexed INScopus


Electric vehicles (EVs) require high-performance motors that offer a balance between efficiency, torque, and cost. PM-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors are one of the highly opted options in this area due to their potential for achieving this balance. This study investigates the dynamic behavior of PMA-SynRMs for EV applications. The analysis mainly focuses on understanding the motor's performance under various dynamic operating conditions, such as varying speeds and loads (current). In this paper, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is considered to achieve accurate results, by developing dynamic model of the PM-assisted SynRM, thereby, incorporating the interaction between PM, rotor structure with flux barriers and electrical windings. The investigated dynamic performance parameters include torque-speed characteristics, torque ripple, air gap flux density, back emf, power factor, cogging torque, efficiency etc. Overall, this investigation contributes to the development of high-performance electric motors for electric vehicles, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient transportation future.

Thermal-Electric Analysis of Various Types of Bimetals


Title of PaperThermal-Electric Analysis of Various Types of Bimetals

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)


Author NameBhargav Darji, Swapnil Jani


Year , VenueOctober 2023 , Rajkot, India

Page Number1-7

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor for different PM materials for Electric Vehicular Application


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor for different PM materials for Electric Vehicular Application

Proceeding Name49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

PublisherIEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES)

Author NameJitendra G Jamnani, Swapnil N Jani

OrganizationIndustrial Electronics Society Chapter of IEEE Singapore Section and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University.

Year , VenueOctober 2023 , Singapore

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Performance Validation of PM Assisted SynRM and PMSM with Optimized Design for EV Application


Journal NameTransactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Application

Title of PaperPerformance Validation of PM Assisted SynRM and PMSM with Optimized Design for EV Application

PublisherUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Columbia

Volume Number4

Page Number1-14

Published YearAugust 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2745–0120

Indexed INScopus

Selection of Optimal Rotor Geometry for PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor used in EV Applications


Title of PaperSelection of Optimal Rotor Geometry for PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor used in EV Applications

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transporta

Author NameSwapnil N. Jani, Dr. Jitendra G. Jamnani

OrganizationDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technical Education & Research, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar

Year , VenueAugust 2023 , Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Page Number1-7

Indexed INScopus

Improvement in the Thermal performance of a MCCB


Title of PaperImprovement in the Thermal performance of a MCCB

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies

PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc

Author NameBhargav Darji, Swapnil Jani


Year , VenueJuly 2023 , IIT, Delhi

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

A comparative study of electric motor for low-power density electric vehicles


Journal NameEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research

Title of PaperA comparative study of electric motor for low-power density electric vehicles


Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0944-1344

Indexed INWeb of Science

Performance Analysis of PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor with Optimized Novel Design for Electric Vehicular Application


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of PM Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor with Optimized Novel Design for Electric Vehicular Application

Proceeding Name2022 Second International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART)


Author NameJitendra G Jamnani, Swapnil N Jani

OrganizationAlumni Association of University of Cassino Southern Lazio (ALACLAM – Italy)

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Campus Folcara of UNICAS, Cassino (FR), Italy

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-166547146-6

Indexed INScopus

Steiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperSteiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS

PublisherInstitute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers (IEEE)

Volume Number71

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9662

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In the smart grid, the monitoring and estimation of the power grid states are essential factors for real-time operation and control. In this regard, wide area measurement system(WAMS) needs to be developed wherein the phasor measurement units (PMUs) and communication infrastructure (CI) are the essential components. To achieve the economical design of WAMS, PMUs need to be placed optimally so that with minimal cost, the complete system observability is ensured. Additionally, the cost of CI, to connect all the PMUs, needs to be considered during the economical design of WAMS. Hence in this work, the simultaneous optimization of PMUs and CI cost has been considered as the objective whereas the complete system observability has been considered as the constraint. The consequence of zero injection buses (ZIBs) on the economic design of WAMS has also been considered. Additionally, the effect of N-1 contingency, pre-installed fiber optic and pre-installed PMUs have also been simulated. In this work, a new Steiner tree-based approach has been proposed for securing economical design of CI. The swarm intelligence based binary dragonfly algorithm (BDA) has been adopted for optimization of considered problem. To showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approach, it has been simulated on IEEE 14, 30 and 118 bus standard test systems. The comparative analysis has also been presented and it clearly indicates the effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to other reported methods.

Performance analysis and comparison of PM-Assisted synchronous reluctance motor with ferrites and Rare-earth magnet materials


Journal NameMaterials Today: Proceedings

Title of PaperPerformance analysis and comparison of PM-Assisted synchronous reluctance motor with ferrites and Rare-earth magnet materials

PublisherElsevier Ltd

Volume Number62

Page Number7162 - 7167

Published YearJanuary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2214-7853

Indexed INScopus


The paper aims to provide appropriate design methodology for chosen suitable permanent magnet material to be applied in manufacturing the Permanent Magnet (PM) assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMASyRM). Another purpose is to reduce the use of rare earth magnets in motor design and increase the use of ferrite magnets to achieve the best performance of the motor. The performance analysis of the motor is discussed with different PM materials volume or quantity. The tradeoff design is presented to achieve the best performance parameter i.e. high torque, efficiency, and low torque ripple. The effect of a combination of different PM materials on the performance parameters of the motor is analyzed

Electric motors for electric vehicles - Comprehensive review based on various performance parameters


Title of PaperElectric motors for electric vehicles - Comprehensive review based on various performance parameters

Proceeding Name12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2021

PublisherGrenze Scientific Society

Author NameSwapnil N Jani, Jitendra G Jamnani

Year , VenueAugust 2021 , Virtual mode

Page Number448 - 454

ISSN/ISBN No978-000000000-2

Indexed INScopus

Comparison between Surface-Mounted and Interior PM Motor for EV Application


Title of PaperComparison between Surface-Mounted and Interior PM Motor for EV Application

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2021


Author NameArpita Naina, Sagar Paryani, Swapnil N Jani

Year , VenueJune 2021 , Hubli, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-172818583-5

Indexed INScopus

Simulation and Hardware implementation of protection system for high power inverters using FPGA controller in International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology


Title of PaperSimulation and Hardware implementation of protection system for high power inverters using FPGA controller in International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology

PublisherSEEK Digital Library

Page Number683 – 687

Published YearMay 2014

Indexed INOthers


These topic illuminates to develop the protection system for high power inverters using FPGA(field programmable gate array) software. The current system consist of thyristor for the high power inverters and according to the simulation results hardware implementation is done with FPGA controller board. For the reference values for FPGA code generation, one power circuit can be developed with ZCD ci

A Study on ABT Scheduling and Accounting Treatment of TPL-SUGEN


Title of PaperA Study on ABT Scheduling and Accounting Treatment of TPL-SUGEN

Proceeding NameIEEE


Published YearDecember 2009

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4244-4331-4/09


This paper discusses about present status of TPLSugen in respect of generating units, associated evacuation network and existing commercial arrangement and further planning to go ahead keeping in consideration ABT implications, as when first unit of TPL-Sugen will be commercialized, its scheduling and accounting will become even more complex because firm and infirm power will simultaneously exist.

Design and Simulation of Controller for Medium Voltage Thyristorised Induction Motor Soft Starter


Title of PaperDesign and Simulation of Controller for Medium Voltage Thyristorised Induction Motor Soft Starter


Year , VenueJanuary 2009 , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4244-5224-8

Indexed INOthers


Soft starters are used with induction motors in blowers, fans, pumps and the crane hoist drives. AC voltage controllers are used as soft starters in induction motors for starting and to adjust its speed. This paper presents a novel topology for AC voltage controller to generate the firing pulses for appropriate thyristors for any given operating torque, speed of the motor and the load. Simulation

Comparative Analysis of Fault Current Limiters With and Without Shunt Path for LVRT Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Turbine Generator


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Fault Current Limiters With and Without Shunt Path for LVRT Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Turbine Generator

Proceeding NameIEEE Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility Conference (RESEM) 2023


Author NameHiren P. Darji, Chintan R. Mehta, Tarun Kumar Tailor

OrganizationMANIT Bhopal

Year , VenueMay 2023 , Bhopal, India

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-1132-7

Indexed INScopus

A Combined S-transform and Ensemble of DT based Protection scheme for six-phase transmission line


Title of PaperA Combined S-transform and Ensemble of DT based Protection scheme for six-phase transmission line

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE) 2023


Author NameSunil Kumar Shukla, Murli Manohar, Chintan Patel, Tarun Tailor, Arun Rathore

OrganizationKIIT School of Electrical Engineering in association with IEEE Bhubaneswar subsection

Year , VenueJanuary 2023 , Bhubaneswar, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-7058-2

Indexed INScopus

Steiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperSteiner Tree-Based Design of Communication Infrastructure With Co-Optimizing the PMU Placement for Economical Design of WAMS


Volume Number71

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9662

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Multi-agent based sine–cosine algorithm for optimal integration of DERs with consideration of existing OLTC in distribution networks


Journal NameApplied Soft Computing

Title of PaperMulti-agent based sine–cosine algorithm for optimal integration of DERs with consideration of existing OLTC in distribution networks


Volume Number117

Published YearMarch 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1568-4946

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

An approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Journal NameInternational Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems

Title of PaperAn approach for economic design of wide area monitoring system by co-optimizing phasor measurement unit placement and associated communication infrastructure


Volume Number31

Page Number1-19

Published YearJune 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2050-7038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A multilevel inverter structure with open circuit fault‑tolerant capability


Journal NameElectrical Engineering

Title of PaperA multilevel inverter structure with open circuit fault‑tolerant capability


Volume Number103

Page Number1613 - 1628

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0948-7921

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science



Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)


PublisherIAEME Publication

Volume Number11

Page Number34-43

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6499

Indexed INScopus

Optimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperOptimal Load Shedding Model based on Sensitivity Analysis for Line Overload Mitigation using Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number2249-3255

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus

Contingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm


Journal NameInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies

Title of PaperContingency Constrained Optimal PMU Placement in Power System using Binary Sine Cosine Algorithm

PublisherResearch Trend

Volume Number11

Page Number231-236

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2249-3255

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of cogging torque in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor using optimum magnet v-angle


Journal NameElectrical Engineering & Electromechanics

Title of PaperOptimization of cogging torque in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor using optimum magnet v-angle

PublisherNational Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volume Number6

Page Number16-20

Published YearNovember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2074-272X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Reduction of cogging torque of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor by magnet shifting technique


Journal NameElectrical Engineering & Electromechanics

Title of PaperReduction of cogging torque of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor by magnet shifting technique

PublisherNational Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Volume Number3

Page Number15-20

Published YearMay 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2074-272X

Indexed INScopus


In spite of many advantages of radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motors it suffers from the distinct disadvantage of high cogging torque. The designer must emphasize to reduce the cogging torque during the design stage. This paper introduces magnet shifting technique to mitigate cogging torque of surface mounted radial flux brushless DC motor. Methodology. Initially 200 W, 1000 rpm surface mounted radial flux permanent magnet brushless DC motor is designed with symmetrical placement of permanent magnets with respect to each other on rotor core. Cogging torque profile of this initial motor is obtained by performing finite element modelling and analysis. Originality. This design has been improved by shifting the position of permanent magnets with respect to adjacent permanent magnets. The effect of magnet shifting on cogging torque has been analyzed by performing finite element analysis. Results. It has been examined that the peak to peak cogging torque is decreased from 1.1 N.m. to 0.6 N.m. with shifting of permanent magnets respectively.

Efficiency Improvement of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Using Hiperco Magnetic Material


Journal NameInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology

Title of PaperEfficiency Improvement of Radial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Using Hiperco Magnetic Material

PublisherSeventh Sense Research Group

Volume Number69

Page Number57-61

Published YearMay 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2231 – 5381

Indexed INScopus


Performance enhancement of permanent magnet brushless dc motor during design is highly desirable. With the application of superior magnetic material Hiperco in place of traditional magnetic material M19 silicon steel, the performance of the permanent magnet brushless dc motor (PMBLDC) can be greatly improved. Compared to standard silicon steel material the Hiperco magnetic material has high allowable flux density, high permeability and low specific iron loss. This paper presents the use of Hiperco magnetic material for the stator core of PMBLDC motor. The 200 W, 24 V radial flux PMBLDC motor is designed analytically and modelled in finite element analysis (FEA) software. The initial design incorporates use of M19 – 29 Ga Cold Rolled Non Oriented (CRNO) silicon steel material for the stator core. The initial design is validated using finite element analysis. In improved design, the conventional stator core material is replaced by Hiperco magnetic material and effect of Hiperco on the efficiency of the PMBLDC motor is analyzed. The improved model with the application of Hiperco is analyzed with FEA technique. It is analyzed that efficiency of PMBLDC motor is considerably improved with application of Hiperco.

Design and FE Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) Brushless DC Motor


Journal NameInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Title of PaperDesign and FE Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) Brushless DC Motor

Volume Number118

Page Number915-924

Published YearDecember 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1314-3395

Indexed INScopus

An Active Interphase Transformer for 12-pulse Rectifier System to Get the Performance Like 24-Pulse Rectifier System


Title of PaperAn Active Interphase Transformer for 12-pulse Rectifier System to Get the Performance Like 24-Pulse Rectifier System

Proceeding NameIEEE Conference Publications


OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2014

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-5141-3

Indexed INScopus

Simulation and Analysis of Parameter Identification Techniques for Induction Motor Drive


Title of PaperSimulation and Analysis of Parameter Identification Techniques for Induction Motor Drive

Proceeding NameInternational Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

OrganizationJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Page Number1027-1035

Published YearNovember 2014

Self Commissioning: A unique feature of Inverter-fed IM drives


Title of PaperSelf Commissioning: A unique feature of Inverter-fed IM drives

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE 2011

OrganizationNirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

Published YearDecember 2011

Comparative Analysis of Conduction Modes for Three Phase Six Switches Voltage Source Inverter


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Conduction Modes for Three Phase Six Switches Voltage Source Inverter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE 2010

OrganizationNirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-4

Published YearDecember 2010